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Feb 2012 · 782
Unknown Truth (11/01/10)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Im held to the ground by my imperfections. Dodging bullets thrown by those in need of correction. Understanding that life is filled with much uncertainty, acting only on the knowledge that I am most certainly free. Held to my actions and words by the thought of perfection, being only that which determins selections. Into a realm by which the humble are seeking, gained only by those whose words are worth speaking. Determined by a world whose ear seem cut off and closed, and unwilling to listen to that which they are opposed. But truth can be heard by the hearts of the few, whose minds are filled with possibilities anew. Whos lives are practice in the faith of whats real, but whos minds are not blinded to what true beauty can reveal. Because truth doesnt come through trial and error, truth comes from understanding that we are all rare. Held together by a contract of emotions and deeds, that defines us as a society with real human needs. To be loved and accepted, held and adored. To act on these wishes and hope to find reward. Because when the reaper comes to collect on our debt, we are all going to wish to wake in a cold sweat. To find more presious time, in our running hour glass. To hold on to each grain and not let it pass. Without cherishing the moment and giving it our heart. Without telling those we love, they are a work of art. Painted by the Picaso of the ground that we walk. Whos motives no one will ever unlock. But disagree on forever, untill the end of time we will. And break our human contract with the blood that we spill. Of our bothers and sisters who feel just the same, as the men and women who share our last name. So read me your books and give me your shame. For logic is my shepard for this world i look to tame. For i hold in my heart a truth unknown. One not found in a book or scripture alone. Or known by those who try to speak fear, through a book whose hypocricy is well too clear. One only found when you see a mans true soul, and realize 'that is all i need to know.' To stare at the only perfection this world will ever know, and hold him in the same regards as winters first snow. Or summers true spirit, or falls pure brilliance. Or when the sea meets a rocks true resiliance. Imperfection may hold me firm to the ground, but my spirits true beauty holds no bounds. And when the world can see one another through each others eyes, then humanities posibilities will break all its ties. Will be stripped of its shackles and free of its chains. Will be free of its stife and know no pain. And we as a beautify creation of perfection itself, will finally find peace in oneself.
Feb 2012 · 843
Last Thought (02/14/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
I’m drawing a blank with what I should write, the bulb in my brain can’t seem to find light. My fingers are struggling to find the right key, and connect the right words that sound good to me. My sentences are short and my thoughts incomplete, blinded by the emotions that always seem to repeat. Hidden behind walls that always stay locked, missing a key that was never in stock. Putting on that mask for everyone to see, not realizing my mask is slowly becoming me. Playing my alter-ego in the game show of life, not realizing the chaos becoming so rife. As I continue this game everyone knows of as real, destruction consumes the truth with no chance to heal. My ability to separate the truth from the lies disappears every time I put on this disguise. One stitched with my insecurities and sown with my scars, of past aspirations that have fallen from the stars. Whose thread is derived from the lives of those around, intertwined in my disguise as my lies compound. Zipped up by my fear of complete isolation, without a second thought or a moment of hesitation. Because not getting hurt is worth more then love to me, regardless of how depressing this statement may be. Looking into loves eyes and watching it unfold, as the person before you breaks it without your control. Or watching those feelings in another person’s eye, as you break their heart and watch them cry. The pain is a gamble that all of us take, but I’ve run out of money to play with such high stakes. So I put on my disguise and do a little song and dance. Hoping the Elvis impersonation makes people stop for a glance. I make friends on the way and move on as time expires, hoping those whom I have met are ones I’ve inspired. And they see past the act and circus performer, praying their time with me isn’t like the Hangover. But no one can be sure of the foot print they leave, only hope that your time and effort were well received. And you put one foot in front of the other when its time to move on. And hope that your fingerprint won’t be faded or gone. From those lives you have touched and people that you meet, those souls you have brought together and made feel complete. So leave the light off and take off the disguise; let sleep open your door and give you rise. To an endless bliss as you close your eyes, and enter a world of an endless high.
Feb 2012 · 1.1k
Press Play (02/25/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Play me an emotion from your playlist of songs. Pull out your head phones like nothing could be wrong. Tune out the world, and listen up close. Put on your blinders so that no body knows. The pain that you feel as the base blares and rhythm goes, the melody kicks in and you try not to show. The emotion brought on by this song deep inside, being brought to life by this musical rollercoaster ride. The words hit your soul and emotions play along, with every note hit by this instrumental song. And the tempo picks up and you start breathing fast, not noticing the stares of people as they passed. As the song begins to ****** and your heart starts to race, you feel as if the song is playing on your face. Running through your veins from your hands to your feet, without your head phones your soul would feel incomplete. Then the music begins to die and you come down from your high. You pull out the needle filled with your music’s emotional supply. Press pause on your life and return to reality; loose yourself as you pull away from your sanity. Truth found in the music that plays on your pod, songs that could challenge the existence of god. Emotions brought forth by lyrical poetry and song, feelings of pain that are forever prolonged. By the world around you not playing to your beat. Drumming a song that keeps your feet out of sync. So you harmonize your life with the song of those around, staying in tune as the choir sings a round. Of the struggles of life, of the pains and its sorrows. More focused on the negatives then the prospect of tomorrow. But you return to your music as the day goes on, a little more comfortable and less withdrawn. You put on your headphones and dive back in. Filling up your syringe with your musical heroine. As you turn up the volume you feel every line. Your blood pumps harder with every rhyme. You intensify your high as your emotions run wild. Everything else seems nothing more then mild. More focused on the music as the world spins madly round, caught up in your reality of musical sound. And the lights shine brighter and everyone has a smile. As the feel of your music has changed with its style. And suddenly your soul has found rhythm once again. Life’s beautiful melody sounding better then it’s ever been. So you harmonize your feet with the beat of your heart; fueled by the song as it plays from the start. Finding yourself in a musical state of bliss, forgetful that your soul was in a painful abyss. But that doesn’t matter; you’ve replaced the bad with the good. With the touch of a button, everything is how it should. So you keep your emotions locked away from reality. The world couldn’t handle them in all actuality. In a little black box that has no key, but with the press of a button can set your emotions free. Can set your soul free and set it to flight, and make the wrongs in your world surprisingly right.
Feb 2012 · 747
Fall (03/26/10)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
As my life moves on im becoming colder,
Feelings escape me as i get older,
Logic prevails no matter the case,
Emotion finding itself out of place,
Love meaningless,
Sadness meaningless,
Colors meaningless,
happiness meaningless,
Im feeling less,
Less human,
Less connected,
More robotic,
More calculated,
Turned away by those around,
Emotions keeping them off the ground,
Bound by thier irrational sense of worth,
Forgetting of their own timeless birth,
Forgetful of the blood that courses through their veins,
Human being is all of our name,
Pulled to the clouds by a need undefined,
So called hole in our hearts no one can find,
But i am a spectator walking through the zoo,
Watching the monkeys as they throw their poo,
Not aware of how silly they all continue to look,
Knowledge, logic, and thinking not defined in their book,
But ill read your chapters,
And skim your book,
I get the idea,
I understand the hook,
But thats all it will be,
Forever and evermore,
Becasue sooner or later,
Your words will become folklore.
Feb 2012 · 760
Moment Snapshot (03/27/10)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Great Music Dave,
Sunday Afternoon,
Work needs to get done,
Simplicity of life overwhelming,
At peace for a moment,
Texting and talking,
Thinking of all the possibilities,
Looking at family photos,
Missing you,
Missing her,
Missing them,
Guitar kicks in,
Songs emotions take over,
God i love these moments,
You there?
Maybe later then,
Back to my life,
****** of song,
Heart races with song,
I feel so alive,
I can conquer the world,
I can do anything,
But everything has been done,
What is left to do?
Give me time and ill show you world,
For now keep that guitar rolling Dave,
Stumbling through memories,
Couldnt have said it better,
Should i get to work now?
The prospect of life more inviting then the deadlines needed to be met,
Kinda deep,
Did i just think of that?
Amazing the thoughts that come out of a one track mind,
there i go again,
God life is wonderful,
Cant think of how to end this high,
I guess ill just end it with the last strum of this song,
And with one more line,
It feels good to feel again!
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
Walk with Me (03/31/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Walk beside me and lets take a stroll. Lets talk about you, me, and life as a whole. Lets talk about logic, emotions, and fears. Lets talk about movies, food, and those things that bring you to tears. Lets walk for hours, so the sun can take a rest; circling this world from east to west. And lets only rest when our legs grow old and week, and when lifes path has no more steps for us to seek. Lets skip for a while and act like kids again, remembering those carefree times way back when. A time of peace, with not a care in the world. A time when lifes path seemed to come unfurled. Right before our eyes, with no struggle at all. No where to trip, stumble, or even take a bad fall. No ledges to climb and no rivers to swim, no valleys or mountains that look too grim. So lets walk through those flowery fields of sunshine. Laughing and singing with our hands intertwine. But our lovable time is met with ice breath, as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. The strains of life to real for us to miss, forgetting the time of our childish bliss. Stuggling with life and even one another, wondering if this road will continue for much farther. Holding each other with full apprehension, afraid this embrace will end from the sheer tension. Brought on to challenge everything held so true, found in moments of passion had between me and you. Holding on for dear life, with everything at stake. Holding you so tight as to feel your soul shake. And as we weather the storm and walk through the haze. We praising ourselves for getting through that pahse. In this journey of two paths that have seemed to collide; destiny putting two souls in perfect stride. Walking with hands and souls intertwined, agian like before life became unkind. This new path stretching with so much potential, a new piece in my life that has become so essential. To my very survival and way of life; without it my life defined by pure strife. And we walk on our beaten path with no moon in sight, the sun still at rest from its never ending flight. From east to west and west to east; time and direction not important in the least. For as long as im with you my love will be timeless, even when our lives our put in distress. I promise you this untill the day i die. When i must leave this world to meet my maker in the sky. And when ours souls are together and reunited once again, i will remind you of our path where love had once began.
Feb 2012 · 1.4k
Need Sleep (04/04/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Cant seem to close my eyes with the world on the other side. Banging on my eyelids like when hammer and nail collide. Keeping reality ever present in my marathon of a mind. Even when im dreaming i cant seem to press unwind. So i press another button, as my life continues to play. Wishing that the days i wasted could simply be replayed. Running while my life is in a state of full unrest, body condeming me to sleep under house arrest. Sleep finding adversity in the priorities i have set. Making deals with the sandman to pay off my sleeping debt. But every debt made with him is one i cant seem to pay. So ill break even with the reaper on my dying day. And ill push away the sleep, and ill push away the night. Tricking myself with coffee and work; my sleeping schedule ill rewrite. Ill catch those Z's again, by the comming of first light. When priority  meets procrastination, and sleeping becomes a right. So necessary to life as to every breath we take, keeping the sandman at bay for momentary sake. But sleep becomes anxiety as hour by hour they pass. Woken up abruptly by the sound of the next class. So you shuffle along your path, with one goal in sight. Keeping up your strength so you can stay in the fight. One where the rounds dont expire, and the bell never sounds. Only thing keeping you up, is that which knocks you to the ground. So you admit defeat for now and you suffer all the blows. Patching up all your wounds and reaping what you sew. Hoping that tomorrow you can finally take a rest. And find some sleep and peace of mind in your life of pure unrest. So finish up your work and try to close your eyes. Because in those few moments of silence, you can kiss your worries goobye.
Feb 2012 · 764
Treadmill (04/28/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Give me a mirror, and ill show you a shell of a man. One who is running in place, but knows not from where he ran. Whos wheels keep spinning, racing and rolling. Obsessed with the race and what place he is holding. Whos world is filled with simple minded drones. Whos minds are simply filled with sticks and stones. Throwing them with the hopes of breaking your logic. Unaware that what they say is blatenly idiotic. Reciting you storied of salvation and magic. Followed up by purification and an ending so tragic. But you are not swayed by their tricks of the trade. You stick to your principles and the conclusions you've made. Living the life on a path you see as right. One that will lead you into the proverbial light. But the light at the end is no tunnel you see. Its a forest of darkness filled with so many trees. No path lined up or lines in the road. No number houses with an area code. Simply given a task that involves you to search. And many peoples feet lead them right into church. But for the man whos feet keep spinning everyday, this simple minded answer is not the right way. For the shell he cares can only be filled, with that which is found in the world that he builds. Understanding the gamble he plays in life, is not about who is wrong and who is right. Truth is the focus of the task he's been given, fueled by a soul that is unmistakable driven. To search and search until his answers are found, and whos mission in life is to find common ground. Ground where we can stand and see eye to eye, and agree upon principles set down by you and I. So when you see this man who cares a shell, do not preach to him about heaven and hell. Preach to him about life and what it has shown you. Help him to see what you have gone through. For its not the life we strive for that defines our soul, but rather the part we play that defines our role.
Feb 2012 · 2.0k
958 Atkin (05/10/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
And though our lives move on and our days continue to be filled with the life we had all once left behind, we still remember. And though we wake up each morning with a new crowed of people to share our breakfast with, we still remember. Etched into our minds like those three numbers we held so dear as a symbol of our freedom and identity. Those three numbers that separated you enough to show ones independence, but connected you with a community of people who forever would fill every waking (and sometimes sleeping) moments of your life. These three numbers, coupled with a key, representing a time of transition from parental curfews, sober nights, and childish antics to a life of frivolous and naked moments. Passing into a time where the only sober though one had was that approaching deadline and getting everyone home safe. A time where basketball games, endless games of cards, crazy dance parties, shower time, movie nights, redbird pizza runs, *** talks, burning frat houses, fights with floor 8, board games, and multiple YOUTUBE sensations took precedence over whatever was due the next day. And though our nights sometime met the light of day; we continued in our ways knowing each morning when we awoke the day was ours and would be filled with people who would make every moment spectacular. So with our new found life consuming us we ignored the grains as they fell towards a time when the life we had come to know and love would be thrown into a whirlwind of tears, hugs and goodbyes. But that day has come and gone; and though promises were made and dates set, we still can’t help to remember those three numbers and those people who made them more then just a room number. And though those days are gone and we consider our selves grown, we can’t help but cling to childish moments where friendships were forged and long lasting bonds made by a simple acceptance button found on our social portals. A bond that we now hold to for dear life as a means to keep one another connected. Connected to those people who became our life line in times of good and bad; those same people who we shared the good and bad moments with and knew we could turn to no matter what. Those same people whose lives we would put in front of ours and bend over backwards for no matter the cost or how empty our wallets may seem. And even when we found our selves counting quarters and estimating how many loads we could run, we always knew we could count on the person across the hall or right next door to fill that half hour until our whites were done. We laughed, and we cried, we made nick names for each other and threw up in each others arms. We watch each other run around naked, made never ending “that’s what she said jokes,” and maybe kissed a few people we never thought we could. And though nights got out of hand and feels hurt here or there, regret is something none of us feel. For regret is an emotion that holds no place between people whose moments with one another were made priceless because of how embarrassing or stupid we acted. Stupid, embarrassing moments that we have come to cherish and hold close to our hearts in the hopes to keep those people we refer to as our kin with us when distance challenges our very bonds. Moments that cannot be duplicated, remade, imitated, or passed off as a normal Saturday afternoon; but rather remembered and someday share with our kids and grandkids as they move in for their first year of college. And when our kids and grandkids are overcome with emotion and come to us for advice about conquering the college scene, we can say from the depths of our hearts that the people they meet in college will forever change their life and make them a better person. Those same people whom I could never replace, and can’t wait to embrace as brother and sister when the next semester of ISU rolls around. :)
Feb 2012 · 1.0k
For the Horn Dog (06/15/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
May the road rise to meet you, wherever you may go. As a new life begins to unfold, down a path you may not know. Carry with you your loving memories, of childhood ambitions. And never forget those joys you felt as you begin a new transition. Into a world of uncertain freedoms; filled with laughter, anger and tears. The same world of unbridled laughter, that may bring out your darkest fears. But worry not of the bad things, for the good will overcome. In this new life you’ll make for yourself, one very far from hum-drum. A life filled with new people, filled with new memories and new friends. Those you will love forever, and hold onto till bitter end. But forget not those whom you left behind, in the dust of new beginnings. For a life of higher education, and some more competitive swimming. For these people you leave momentarily, are more then just your kin. They are your backbone when times are hard, and your cheering squad for when you win. They are your break from all the studying when finals have you down. They are your source of inspiration, when life’s bright colors have turned to brown. You will have your good days, and you will have your bad. You will be happy one minute, and the next you’re sad. You will have your days alone, and your days you wish you were. You’ll have your sober nights, and those of too much liquor. And the next day, when your head’s about to explode. You will have learned a valuable lesson, and continue down life’s winding road. A road with mountainous hills and twisting turns. You may fall down a bit, but that’s no call for concern. Because you’re the type of person who will never say ‘when’. You’ll get up time after time, again and again. With your determination setting you apart, only to bring others together with your companionate heart. The world is your ouster, as cliché as it sounds. You could even leap tall buildings in a single bound. With the talents you have, and your loving heart. The possibilities are endless, I wouldn’t know where to start. So I wish you good luck, in all your endeavors. And hope you find love, whenever and wherever. But remember just this as you walk through the halls, of Illinois State University this coming fall. Life is a challenge, but can be fun too. Remember your friends and family; and there’s nothing you can’t do.
Feb 2012 · 547
Angle in White (05/10/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
And until the day I find true love, I'll keep searching in the sky above. Longing for a shooting star, in hopes it's luck not be too far. For a simple wish is all I seek, on ****** knee so humble and meek. With hands clasped and heart open wide, the truth I hold released from inside. That love is what I yearn for each day, when night comes and sleep takes me away. For your gentle touch I dream of each night, and tender lips of angles flight. So soft and sweet none can compare, even your smile considered so rare. Oh how I wish love would make a passing glance, to send my heart pounding in dance. To the beat of wings as the angles take flight, your image a goddess dresses in gold and white. And as I watch you fly away, courage brings fourth few words to say. I love you with all of my heart, as your image from my mind it darts. Like a fleeing flock of angry birds, with the sweet taste still lingering of those soulful words. And as I wake with you in mind, dreams repaying as I press rewind. In the hopes to see you for one second more, my heart in pieces feeling so sore. For the few moments of bliss that we shared, was ripped from me without a second spared. Alone I feel once again, my only memories found with paper and pen. Words thrown into rhyme to make you see, how precious love really is to me. And as I fall asleep tonight, I hope she reads this with all my might. So when morning light is finally here, I pull her loving body forever near.
Feb 2012 · 600
Melody (08/22/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
I have this melody in mind that has played since my youngest days. Filling my heart and soul continuously, getting louder as it plays. Taking over my every dream and rocking me to sleep, unable to scream out in the night or even begin to weep. Waking to a new day with the same hope in mind, that my lifes strung out melody will somehow come unwind. And untill that sobering day comes ill playfully sing a different tune. Playing my melody with the worlds expectations untill they both become attune. Never humming my lifes true melody so as not to attract my muffled past. And hoping to god that this lifestye is one i will outlast. Or outlive, or out-will, or possible out-muster. For my struggling sanities sake, and before life loses all its luster. Becasue as my melody continues to play, everything becomes drowned out. Leaving behind a deaf man whos life was filled with hopeless regret and unwiltering doubt. But carry on i must do, for life demands nothing less. Regardless if your staggering smile continues to digress. Back to your haunting melody, and leaving you at second best. To the person you strived to be, who has now become an absolute mess. Holding back their emotion, from the world and those he loves. Seaching for the answers in the stars and endless skys above. Becasue the answers he seeks cant be found while walking on this earth. Buth rather in that unattainable heaven that has given his life worth. So play on my meldoy and sing me to sleep. I look forward to the silence as darkness plummets me ever so deep.
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Remember, remember the 11th of September
Terrorism, mayhem and plot.
I see no reason why terror like this
Should ever be forgot.

Bin Laeden, Bin Laeden, 'twas his intent
To ******* America with an explosive event
Four fueled airplanes, oh how they soar
Poor old America dragged into war
By Marines providence justice was found
With women in hand dutifully bound
Silence my brothers, silence my sisters
God save them all!
In their memory we pray!
In rememebrance on this sad day!

A penny for your thoughts ol' America
on a day that chokes us all
nothing to rinse away the pain
on a day that scorched us all
forever burning is this day
Burning in our hearts always
Burning for those who have bled
and burning for those who are dead.
Silence on this tragic day!
Silence in their names we pray!
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Old memories preserved in black and white.
Reminisce of a time less contrite.
Seen through the lens of those without strife.
Young and free with a passion for life.
Replaced by wisdom, fear and guilt.
For the life one has methodically built.
With walls and doors, and windows to see.
As the world passes by this absentee.
Surrounded by frames of the finest wood.
Of snapshots of the potential that someday could.
Climb the mountains unreached by the hands of our time.
Instead stuck walking for fear of the climb.
For fear of the fall and all it might bring.
Fear of the inability to rebuild his wings.
Compliant with gravity, compliant with normality.
Unfamiliar with the rebellion that once filled his soul.
Defining his life where their now is a hole.
Replaced by a scar and filled with his tears.
As the joys of his childhood continue to disappear.
Chased away by the light of reality.
Youthful dreams replaced in actuality.
Ambitions refocused towards sensuality.
Mind made up of generalities.
Soul defined in spirituality.
As his life moves slowly into irrationality.
And though the colors here are always bright.
They are most vulnerable in the absent of light.
Replaced by the darkness and a mind numbing truth.
One we all have forgotten from our youth.
That the potential of life knows no bounds.
And that which we can create will always astound.
Those who come after us and those who continue to follow.
Will continue to fill our world as if it was hollow.
In need of filling with that which they create.
Building from our ashes on a brand new slate.
Their artistry challenged only by those.
Who have left footprints in the sand with their bare toes.
So which life do you wish to live.
One of solitude or one where you continue to give.
Give your time, give your energy, give your heart and your soul.
To the child in you whom you continue to out grow.
Continue to neglect who’s dreams have yet to be filled.
By the world you once dreamed of with those Legos you use to build.
Dreams filled with sky scrapers all in black and white.
Only to be interrupted by mornings first light.
Life’s colors seeping in as they begin to fill your days.
Your youthful ambitions still here in many ways.
Still clinging to you through those memories of yesteryear.
Captured in your childish smile radiating so clear.
Feb 2012 · 964
I Want to Scream (10/17/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Do not stifle my passion,
Found through the creation of my own destiny,
Branded with my emotions,
And forever fueling my intensity,
Flowing through me,
Pulsating in me,
Screaming from me,
Emitting words forever loaded,
With the intent to inspire,
Tattooed on my soul,
Eternally sewed internally,
Separated by those blinded by light,
Forgetting the dark,
Not for lack of fear,
But lack of recognition of its opposite force,
Forget not the passion,
Found in every stitch of life,
Continually becoming unraveled by simplicity,
By those who separate life,
Rather than recognize its union,
Siblings through geographical blood,
Not that of neighbors,
But by that of earth itself,
And you will see my greatness,
I will forever show my love not through others,
But through my own actions for you,
Keep me in mind when you forget your strength,
And I will remind you of love,
I will be you shadow of compassion,
With the intent to create happiness,
Striving for perfection,
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Can you keep my tempo? Can you follow my soul as it flows? Pulsating from my musical veins and originating in my lyrical brain. Fueled by the passion between my ear drums, continuously playing as I subconsciously hum. The melody of my life looking for its hormonal mate. Playing together as lyrical soul mates at an eternal rate. Two souls intertwined by one congruent play-list, a medley of dissonance harmonizing as they coexist. Creating our homophony destiny as our progression emits, always following our conductor’s rhythm in a way that we see fit. You are my perfect pitch, the one I choose to follow. Your dynamic hymn bewitching my heart, and fills what was once hollow. This sounds that seems to resonate from my fingers to my soul. Taking over my drone senses, as I seem to loose control. Over come with the emotion in knowing I’ve finally found the one. Watching as my concerto begins to unravel and come undone. So don’t ask me what I see when I look inside my heart. Take my hand and listen close as my composition starts. To know me is to know my music from its beginning till its end. And understanding I search for a song for which my heartstrings blend.
Feb 2012 · 807
Morning Joe (10/31/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Do not settle for mediocrity, but rather reinvent extraordinaire through words and actions, meaningful experiences, and with those whom choose to understand. Not simply the world found in hand, but instead the world not seen through the eyes of ignorance. Choose not to stifle your knowledge and seek out the catalysis of change. Find that which fuels your passion and grab it with every fiber of your being. Conquer the world under your feet and reach for perfection. Question authority and always ask why not for personal gain but to gain personality and perspective. Celebrate the lows and the highs, and take the time to enjoy the morning’s warmth on your face. Love everyone no matter their differences and love yourself because you are unlike anyone else. Know humility and you will find peace. And when you cant hear yourself think, just scream until the world listens. Fear nothing not to be fearless but to be able to stand when everyone else cowers. Inspire through example rather then with the intention for action. Smile because people smile back. And when all else fails, always remember the revolution starts in the mind, and ends in the hand. xp
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
I will not settle, not for you and not for her. For my conscious remains forever unsure. Of the path my once beating heart wished to take. For eternal hope and true loves sake. I hope not that this world would someday end, before past burns and scars are able to mend. Oh cruel fate why has thou cursed me so. Forsaken me to wander aimlessly without my soul. For the fruits of this world that lay at my feet, not tempted by their beauty or their taste so sweet. Oh blind heart you turn so quickly in fear, not for love lost but for love now disappeared. Forsaken in the past by those whom you morn, far from your grasp their memory now scorned. In the fires of contempt for the paths that they walk, unable to follow with your feet firmly locked. To the path that thou has deemed so fit, for the pursuit of happiness and logical wit. And yet you continue to scream out in pain, as your soul beats forever alone and you eyes now vain. For a soul as beautiful as the skin that its in, turned away by any illogical sin. Perfection unattainable and yet you still reach, unable to let go like a blood ******* leach. And cling to these visions of perfection in white, shown through the perspective of those who control light. Bouncing fables of the world across motionless screens, made into life by an artistic dream. My reality is lost in the fables felt so real, unable to separate reality and the emotions I feel. And so I keep searching, for the one to bring me peace. The one to be my everything and allow my searching to cease. And until that day I will morn the time lost, I spent searching for love regardless of cost.
Feb 2012 · 626
The Lost Boy (11/16/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
With my whiskey in hand and my heart on my sleeve, I struggle for consciousness in this life I continue to weave. Walking in circles as my will drags behind, putting words to paper as my sanity slowly grinds. Into the significance my life forever will feel, as I struggle for purpose and to define what is real. The smoke never clears and the storm rages on, between the demons of past and those far beyond. Who await my arrival with arms spread out wide; their grasp is inevitable as our destinies collide.  Who am I to this world but a man with a curse, forever without control as I drive my own hearse. Down a road lined with faces turned away in shame, as they celebrate the death of a man with no name. A person whose life was filled with regret, for the potential lost in an unwilling bet. Over the soul of a boy between the devil and god, destine to fail despite all the odds. Fait played out as the boys forced to watch, turned away by maturity and a well-aged scotch. Not blinded to the truth as the world spins madly on, screaming for control with all his brains and his brawn. He is forever alone in his knowledge of the truth, as he pursues an identity that will overshadow his youth. Crying out in pain as he falls to the floor, isolated enlightenment waging a ****** war. Free me of this prison that keeps me confided, to a life of insecurity heightened by lyrics rhymed. Measured by a beat harmonizing with mine, the only window to my soul that can be humanly defined. Am I inhumane if no one can see, past the immovable guise that has come to define me? Or am I merely the boy who has yet to find, someone to take off my mask and give me peace of mind?
Feb 2012 · 866
The Lost Boy (11/16/11)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
With my whiskey in hand and my heart on my sleeve, I struggle for consciousness in this life I continue to weave. Walking in circles as my will drags behind, putting words to paper as my sanity slowly grinds. Into the significance my life forever will feel, as I struggle for purpose and to define what is real. The smoke never clears and the storm rages on, between the demons of past and those far beyond. Who await my arrival with arms spread out wide; their grasp is inevitable as our destinies collide.  Who am I to this world but a man with a curse, forever without control as I drive my own hearse. Down a road lined with faces turned away in shame, as they celebrate the death of a man with no name. A person whose life was filled with regret, for the potential lost in an unwilling bet. Over the soul of a boy between the devil and god, destine to fail despite all the odds. Fait played out as the boys forced to watch, turned away by maturity and a well-aged scotch. Not blinded to the truth as the world spins madly on, screaming for control with all his brains and his brawn. He is forever alone in his knowledge of the truth, as he pursues an identity that will overshadow his youth. Crying out in pain as he falls to the floor, isolated enlightenment waging a ****** war. Free me of this prison that keeps me confided, to a life of insecurity heightened by lyrics rhymed. Measured by a beat harmonizing with mine, the only window to my soul that can be humanly defined. Am I inhumane if no one can see, past the immovable guise that has come to define me? Or am I merely the boy who has yet to find, someone to take off my mask and give me peace of mind?
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
And as friends they stay and as friends they go. One step at a time as they mature and grow. Before your very eyes and behind closed doors, through the good and the bad no matter the score. You hold them when they cannot stand and you do the best you can, to comfort them in times of need and when life doesn’t go according to plan. Selflessness knows no bound and humility follows in suit, as you expect nothing in return no matter how terrible a dispute. You control what you can and leave the rest to fate, and hope faith is enough to keep a friendship before its too late. Before time takes its toll and brings to an end, a bond of understanding between an individual and a friend. To put the good of another before their very own, and wave goodbye to the wonderful friendship time has magically sewn. For this agreement they made in silent understanding, takes presidency over the different road each one will be traveling. And as their footprints begin to vanish in different cardinal directions, a simple reminder remains of that special connection. A joke or a poem, a memory or a song, one that remains in secrecy forever lifelong.  And as the end creeps near and regret sinks in, there is one person in life they could count on through thick and thin. And with a loving smile and one final breath, you remember their loving face in that instant before death. Peace settles in and a tear falls from your eye, death is not what you fear and not why you cry. You cry for life’s greatest pain of compassion and love, which will never be felt as you enter the world above. You cry because you are human and this is all that you know, to feel and give back that which you are afraid to show. And as your spirit ascends to a loving god above, you think of the person you were once made of. By those who walked into your life, and made you through companionship so rife. Only to walk out with their heads held confidently high, for the person you were helped them to fly.
Feb 2012 · 521
For a Friend (01/16/12)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
And as the days go on we hold up our heads, for the person we loved and the life that they led. For the memories that were forged in the good times and the bad, for those moments of pure joy and for the few that were sad. And though we may weep for the life that once was, we celebrate their life with our tears and a pause. As we look to a person who brightened our gloomy days, and hope that their character is one we can portray. Not only in practice but in mind body and soul, as we put back the pieces that once made us whole. And though our lives goes on we will never forget, this incredible person whom we are forever in their debt. For showing us the world in a whole new light, for giving us the courage to do what is right. For inspiring us with passion to live out our dreams, and showing us reality isn’t always what it seams. They gave us so much and all we have to give, is their memory to honor in the lives that we live. By loving without fear and giving without end, by offering a hand even if not a friend. So with saddened hearts and tear filled eyes, we say in our prayers a lasting goodbye. And look to the sky and laugh at our fate, which will one day land us at the pearly white gate. To greet and embrace with those who are gone, with the ones we love that are never foregone.
Feb 2012 · 778
Zoned (02/03/12)
Daniel Regan Feb 2012
Stupid little games, that’s all we ever play. With no remorse for others as we code the things we say. Day by day as hours go by, we tiptoe around the truth with piercing little lies. Lies that twist and wind and find their way, to an innocent stranger who has now become the prey. Straight through the hearts of those not enough, shoots the misguided youth that handles life rather rough. With complete neglect for the pain that they cause, immaturity blinding them from a nice guy without pause. But we smile and nod when the truth comes out, regardless of the pain that makes us want to shout. And we shake our head in mind numbing fear, as the person with potential simply disappears. And we hold no grudges and simply move on, as our strength reminds our courage that it’s never really gone. So we put ourselves on the cutting block for everyone to see, as we search and search for love and blissful harmony. For obvious perfection that only our blind eyes can see, as we mistake perfections flaws for insecurities. And hold them clutched to our forgiving hearts and say, theirs no price so great that I wouldn't pay. To keep you safe and to give you a life, away from all the worlds struggles and all the worlds strife. And although life goes on we are forever in pain, from the silly little games others played on our brain. We then toss and turn at night and yearn for an embrace, which shakes us from a nightmare of a never-ending chase. Full of unseen lies and enticingly corridors, while being littered with empty promises on the tattered, old floor. Stepping carefully as we cut ourselves on embraces so meaningless, yet yearning for another pointless and emotionless kisses. Only to find the door that turns us right around, to repeat the same grueling process that brings us to the ground. And then we find the will and lift our heads and say, love is possible for this soul…maybe, someday.

— The End —