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Nov 2014 · 362
Too Late
Daniel Peters Nov 2014
Fear had me tied down.
Things I should have said to you,
Now it is too late.
Oct 2014 · 377
Daniel Peters Oct 2014
A cruel mistress is she.
Leaving men to die,
waiting for no mortal.
She will never slow down.
She can never be stopped.
We're able to track her,
but that's just it...
Must be lonely.
May 2014 · 426
Neverending Pain
Daniel Peters May 2014
Do you know how much it kills?
How much it kills inside?
It burns daily like a branding iron that won't let up.
Wanting to say how I really feel about you,
But can't.
May 2014 · 388
Daniel Peters May 2014
The voices.
The people.
Screaming, shouting, howling I'm not.
And there I sit.
Taking the hits.
Trying to figure my wrongs.
I like awake at night,
figuring out how to be.....
Their words dig like needles.
Please just leave me alone, I'm trying here.
I'm trying.
I'm surrounded.
I'm on my knees, begging for them to stop.
Begging them to stop the torment.
Begging them to let me be.
My mind races.
Memories of my past begin to fade.
They fade into the unknown until,
I see her face.
And as we locked eyes, she told me.
She told me I was.....
She saw what no one else saw.
I take a big deep breath, plant my feet, and shout...
My flaws are what makes me me.
I'm not perfect.
Perfection is an impossibility.
Yes, I'm not perfect, far from.
But to me....
To me I'm just fine.
Apr 2014 · 464
Daniel Peters Apr 2014
I am lost.
My mind is now lost.
Help is always there,
but I'm scared for it.
I'm scared of what they'll say,
what they'll think.
I've truly lost myself.
"Always love yourself then others will love you too."
I HATE myself right now.
That voice telling me to quit knows he won.
I keep ******* up.
The more I **** up,
the deeper my grave is.
The deeper my grave is,
the more lost I get.
Please, wherever you are.
I need a light.
I need to know things will be fine.
I'm scared.
Please answer me.
I need....

Feb 2014 · 498
Kiss of Life
Daniel Peters Feb 2014
"In the deed, the glory!" he cried out.
Knowing full well those would be his last words.
His Alma Mater of Nebraska will here his cry,
and in one voice we stand and shout, "In the deed the glory!"
He ran and charged the line for his brother,
telling him "You're not dying here!"
Bombs going off and thus, they were surrounded by flames,
with no one around them, not even their planes.
They fought for what seemed like days until,
"Bam!" Explosions. "Voom!" Hell fire came crashing down.
Both weak from fighting that they accepted their fates,
that they were going to die on the battlefield, with each other, side by side.
They both gave out one last "Oorah!" and were engulfed in flames.
The two met up in Hell with three others.
It's true what they say, "Marines don't die, they just go to Hell to regroup."
They didn't stay long, for a bright light shone from above.
An angel appeared before them and grabbed their arms and flew them away.
The angel said, "You've already spent time in Hell, time to come to Heaven."
"We respectfully decline." The marine said, "We still have work to do."
The angel understood and gave each of them a kiss.
All five marines woke up in in hospital beds in pain, but they looked at
one another and started to laugh.
"We're going home!"
In the deed, the glory.
"In the deed, the glory" is a saying that is on one of the sides of Nebraska's Memorial Stadium.
Nov 2013 · 444
An Epiphany
Daniel Peters Nov 2013
We spend almost our whole life
trying to figure everything out instead
of enjoying what we have. It's not until
you're on your deathbed that you finally
realize what your life was all about. But by
then it's too late. We don't realize how precious
life is anymore. We try to find a further meaning.
We seem to forget that your life is exactly that.
No one else. What you do with your life is all up
to you. You can be guided. You can receive help.
But it all comes down to it being your choice.
You don't even have to read all this.
But if you do, I can only give you advice.
And my biggest advice that I've come to listen
to with my life is simple, especially when
things are getting out of hand and stress overwhelms me;
Stop whatever you're doing.
Take a step backwards,
take 5 deep breaths,
then look up at the sky
and close your eyes.
Think about where your life is at.
Think of friends
and everyone who has been with you in your journey so far.
You're never alone.
So I say again:
We spend almost our entire life
trying to figure out our lives when in reality,
you need to enjoy it.
Start enjoying your life.
You deserve it.
Nov 2013 · 711
My Story
Daniel Peters Nov 2013
I wish I could stop their pain.
What do they truly gain,
When they're being put in all this pain?
You don't think I know what it's like?
I used to go through it everyday.
There wasn't much I could say,
but hey, you know what?
I grew up,
I stood up,
I made them shut up.
I became the alpha-male,
I was the hammer to the nail.
I made them wail.
The cries still haunt me though.
I became a monster, a foe.
I looked into the mirror and yelled "No!"
Who was I?
A monster who wanted to die,
Or just a guy?
A guy who wants a new start.
A guy with a passionate heart.
A guy who will be a dart.
I chose to defend, not destroy.
No longer would I be a boy.
I turned into a man who bring joy.
A light in dark times,
My flame constantly shinesMy love an compassion is my true weapon.

Take my words into consideration.
I am just a man.
A man who sees the world differently.
If you know me today,
you know I don't plan things.
I do them on a whim.
I'm a jokester, a funny man, a goofball,
but most importantly,
I'm just a happy guy.
I don't have a reason to be sad.
Sure people attack that happiness,
But I just smile back.
My greatest gift IS my greatest weapon.
Thus, that's how I get my name.
Dan "The Man" Peters.
It's not a name I chose.
It's a name I earned
There was a time I had to revoke it from myself,
But after finding myself,
I was reborn.
But it's just a title.
I don't let it be my definition.
What I do defines me!
I'm not perfect.
Don't freak out when I mess up.

Like before I'm just a man.
A man who barely has a plan.
There is more to me than meets the eye.
So I must say with a sigh,
Peace. Love. Equality.
Only with those, can we achieve unity.
The world might be dark.
There might be dangerous sharks,
but you know what?
I'll be there to kick ****.
Until I can't breath, I won't give up.
I will not shut up.
I will fight.
I will stand.
I will remain a light.
With my right hand,
I vow to protect.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Daniel Peters Oct 2013
I can't get this together.
Everything is falling apart.
Life is losing its meaning and I can't fix it.
Time is truly against me and I can't change it.
I'm losing it. I'm losing it.
........ I can't get it.
I lost. I'm utterly defeated.
I'm done. I'm through. This world is just going to spit me up.
I already know it.
I'm alone on this.
I might as well leave everyone.

Whoa there sparky.
Time to calm yourself.
Firstly, breathe.
You can do this.
You have everything and I mean EVERYTHING you need.
All the resources and equipment are sitting in front of you.
Your life, is just at a fork in the road.
Like Robert Frost, "Take the road less traveled by. It'll make all the difference."
Secondly, grab a Coke from the fridge, eat an apple, watch a movie.
You've been through worse remember?
The world is trying to break you.
It's done it before, but never again.
You made a promise to yourself remember?
You were going to seize all opportunities and stop half-assing everything.
Do not back down! Not on this.
Grab the world by its ear and yank until it submits.
You! Got! This!
Thirdly and most importantly,
Be patient.
All of these things that you do have a way of working out.
You've noticed it. I know you have.
Be patient with yourself.
You are your own worst enemy.
And you know who's stronger.
It's time to do this.
Get up, breathe, get creative.
Time is nothing now.
It will come to your side when you're winning.
Hey bro........ it's time.
Sep 2013 · 332
The Nightmare
Daniel Peters Sep 2013
Hell.... Hello?
Is anyone there?
Is anyone here?
This.... can't be good.
What was that?
Is somebody there?
Show yourself.
I'm all alone.
God are you there?
Answer me.
This can't be real.
This has to be a dream.
Please wake up.
Wake up.
Wake Up!
Sep 2013 · 759
My Mission
Daniel Peters Sep 2013
Show women respect.
Everyday I see women broken down.
Broken down by the man they're with.
That's not a man.
A man is caring and considerate.
A man comforts.
I am there to show that there are men who fight.
Who fight for women.
Who show respect to women.
I am a man who shows respect.
We are everywhere.
We are a big lot.
So ladies,
Whenever you are feeling down,
One of us will be there to lift you up.
You will not know who,
But one of us will be there.
Coming from a gentle giant,
You can trust us.
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Gentle Giant
Daniel Peters Sep 2013
I will not strike.
I will not fight.
I will love.
I will show compassion.
Just because I'm big automatically makes me bad?
Are you kidding me?

No I won't eat you.
No I won't sit on him.
Leave me alone!
I will not strike.
I am a pacifist,
but don't push my buttons.

I prefer relaxing than partying.
I prefer hanging out with trusted friends.
I prefer music and theatre over playing sports.
I prefer the hard way.

Just because I'm big, doesn't mean I'm bad.
I have a heart.
I have a soul.
I have a conscience.
Don't be so quick to judge.
You don't know my story.

Sit down and let me tell you.
Hi, my name's Dan.
I am a gentle giant.
Sep 2013 · 487
Haiku's For Heros
Daniel Peters Sep 2013
There they go again.
Fighting to save our beliefs.
God, please stay with them.

Fighting for their lives.
Outnumbered by the evil.
Still they push forward.

They are a true light,
In the darkness that eats them.
They maintain the light.

The men and women.
Those who engage the front line.
My prayers are with you.

Sparks can start fires.
The smallest form of helping,
Makes the world better.

Don't sell yourself short.
You can make a difference kid.
Never give up hope.
Jul 2013 · 292
A Home
Daniel Peters Jul 2013
This is where I come when I
can't talk about what I feel.
There's a sense of comfort when
I write here.
People reading what I write,
connecting it to themselves.
Then I see,
I'm not alone.
People hurt too.
People cry too.
This place is a home for people
who need to get away from the world.
Next time you feel sad, remember,
You're never alone.
Jul 2013 · 567
Daniel Peters Jul 2013
We laughed together.
We sang together.
We embraced one another
when we were scared or
when we were saying goodbye.
We talked all day.
We talked all night.
We talked when we were scared.
Do you remember when we met?
I do. And you're still as beautiful
now as when me met. If not, more.
My love for you grew minute after minute.
My love for you is still strong after all this time.
But what happened?
Now we barely speak.
I'd be lucky enough to get a hello.
Clearly you moved on while I still wait.
Waiting to make peace.
Waiting until we see one another.
Waiting until we talk again.
I am now alone.
Alone in the dark.
Without you, I am nothing.
We were never together I know,
but the relationship we had,
what we had was special and rare.
Now it's just a figment of my mind,
a memory.
I hope someday that my dream will
become a reality and that we can make peace.
But until then, I will still wait.
But until then, I will shine the light.
The light that will guide you to me.
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
Sounds of Rest
Daniel Peters Jul 2013
The sound of a thunderstorm,
with the rolling thunder and cracking lightning,
the rain drops hitting the windows, dancing like no tomorrow.
I start to imagine what's going on in the sky.
Is God having a party?
Are angels bowling?
Whichever it is, it helps put me to sleep.

The sound of a ukulele being strummed,
the the stings perfectly in tune,
then, in an instant,
I strum.
The sound is more than words.
My body slows down at the sound,
my breathing slows,
my stress is no more,
I am calm,
like the breeze on a beautiful spring afternoon.
Jul 2013 · 523
My War
Daniel Peters Jul 2013
The day is drawing near.
My heart is full of fear.
The line is drawn.
It is time to dry my tear.

The night is nearing dawn.
Everything is just, wrong.
Day and night I lie awake,
Knowing that I am just a pawn.

I am about to break.
I let him get into my head, that snake.
I must meet my fate.
God I made a big mistake.

It is time to push accelerate.
Time to destroy what I create.
My time to fight is here.
I will be the bate.

To my beautiful dear,
Wipe away that tear.
I will find you again.
Meet me at the pier.

I can feel the sweet cold rain.
I have fought through the pain.
I already know the game.
They will forever feel my bane.

I am the one to blame.
But my heart has the burning flame.
I cannot, will not die.
Time to take aim.

My time has come for me to be that guy.
Of course I will cry.
The day it ends everyday draws near.
Until I see you, goodbye!

The day is here.
My soul knows no fear.
I have passed that line.
Forever and always, my dear.
Jun 2013 · 513
Never Giving Up
Daniel Peters Jun 2013
I am far from the finish line.
I am hurting and sore.
My body wants to quit.
It keeps yelling at me to stop.
It keeps screaming for me to stop,
but I do not listen.
My heart will always tell me to push.
That is what I do, push to my limit.
When my limit is reached, I go further.
I just want to quit, even when it is tempting me.
Quit's temptation is starting to overpower me,
just like all of the other times.
The times I failed myself.
The times I stopped when I was so close.
The times when I was scared.
Will this be just another time?

This time I will fight.
This time I will succeed.
This time I will not hold back,
for I am strong.
Friends are rooting for me.
My heart is telling me this is the time.
The time I make my choice.
Turn away, or walk through Hell?
Hell has nothing on me.
I will finish this and find glory.
I cannot and will not be stopped.
Nothing can bring me down for I am a beast.
Success is on my mind.

"Pain is temporary, glory lasts forever"
Jun 2013 · 737
Who I Am
Daniel Peters Jun 2013
I am no one special.
I am just a guy.
A guy who is a
little out there.
Ok ALOT out there.
I am not normal.
But....... I am just human.
I make mistakes,
but I learn from them.
I have been called "The Man"
and even "The Legend" at rare times.
But those titles mean nothing.
My life is not about being accepted.
My life is about being there for others,
making other people laugh.
My biggest joy is seeing people smile.
God has given me this gift, this gift
that people wish they could possess.
I am one who sees positives from negatives.
I see hope in the world,
even when it's full of evil.
I am a light in the darkness.
I will help those in need.  
The VeggieTales told me,
"I can be your friend!"
I will never EVER leave you
in the dark.
I am one who does not fight.
I have always been a peaceful giant.
Who am I?
Just a kid.
A kid yearning for adventure.
My imagination over powers me.
I am in a constant dream in my mind.
I am one who gets off track.
Who am I?
No one special really.
I'm just a guy.
A guy with an imagination.
Never judge a book by it's cover,
you don't know what story it holds.
Jun 2013 · 549
Eternal Happiness
Daniel Peters Jun 2013
Here I am, in this bed again.
I don't think I am leaving
this time.
Do I regret anything?
No chance. Every single
choice I made, every single
consequence I endured made
me who I am today.
I can leave this world with a

My family is by my side. Not
only my wife, but my children
and my guardian angel. He is
In the corner, it is watching.
The thing a normal man
would fear.
But not me. I stare that
demon in the eyes and
laugh. It is scared
because it failed its master.

I am slowly letting
My adventure is over.
I did what I was supposed to
do, and now, I can now rest my
eyes, forever.
Goodbye beautiful world,
you have done me well. More angles
are showing up. My time is up.
I start to reminisce about my life.
Yup. No regrets.

Tears of joy start rushing
down my face. My
smile becomes infectious
for everyone in the room,
even the angels, start smiling.
Well, it's time to let go.
I love you all very much.
With the angels calling my name,
my eyes slowly close.

I see a light.
That light, that familiar light.
No that can't be.
Mom? Dad?
Welcome home son.
May 2013 · 505
A Dream
Daniel Peters May 2013
Her hair, her eyes.
Her smile, her laugh.
When I see her, I feel weak.
When she speaks to me, my heart warms me.
Her hair, more beautiful than a summer sunrise.
Her eyes, more beautiful than a moonlit clear night.
Her smile, so infectious that I can't help but smile back.
Her laugh, the most beautiful sound in the world.

When I'm with her, nothing matters.
The universe remains silent, just for us.
At first I thought we'd be like "Boy Meets World."

When we talk, the world disappears.
It's like we're the only two people on Earth.
It's quite soothing to talk to her because we connect.
Connect like Cory and Topanga.

After a long time, I ask, "Would you like to go out with me?"
Confidently I smile as I look at her bright eyes.
Then those fateful words are uttered,
"I like you as a friend."

In defeat, I slowly get out of the red-zone.
A cloud opens up on me and starts pouring.
Eventually I start to drown, until......
THEY pull me out. Those crazy guys I can call brothers.
The save me from drowning,
Save me from becoming who I'm not.
Then I learn,
I learn to let her go.
I don't fight because I have proven myself enough to her.

But don't get me wrong.
Being her man would be a dream come true.
But that's just it,
A dream.
May 2013 · 974
Daniel Peters May 2013
There will be days where
you can't move,
can't get out of bed.
Where you have no desire
for activities. But then,
there's that flicker of hope, that
"You can do it!" voice that
keeps shooting in your mind.
Then, you get up and have the
strength to do anything.

Where does strength come from?
What does it mean? How strong
you are? Courage? If we have
strength, we must have weakness
right? Our weakness show we are
only human. We aren't perfect. Hell
no we're not perfect, an I'm fine with
that. Life isn't about figuring out
our flaws, it's to celebrate we have life.

My strength comes from being myself.
There are days where gravity works
overtime and where lifting your fork
seems impossible, but I'll still smile.
Rain or shine, I smile. Everyday is
a new day, a new chance to be
Believe in you.
Be strong.
May 2013 · 588
Daniel Peters May 2013
If the pen is mightier than the sword,
then how do actions speak louder than words?

Life is not like what's portrayed on the screen.
Life can be cruel.
Life can bring Hell upon you.
Life is a *****!!!!!!!!

Life can be cooperative.
Life can be rewarding.
Grab the bull by the horns.
Make the first move, no matter
what the situation is.

If you find an opportunity,
take it.
I guess it's time I start.
I cannot back down any longer.
Here goes nothing.
May 2013 · 2.4k
Raised as a Gentleman
Daniel Peters May 2013
I was raised by a
loving, graceful,
god loving, homeade
cooking wonderful
"I'll always be there for you"
type of family.

Some gorilla strength,
motivating, always looking
after me and the
"Don't question me"
types of brothers.

Some church going
motivational speaking
smart and artistic
"Ask me anything"
type of pastors.

Some Jazz and Rock music
to calm me down and freestyle
dancing, the funny dude
doesn't give a crap
about what people think"
type of guy.

Some energetic
bouncing off of walls
and athletic
not caring that I'm big
saying nice things
being called a charmer
The "I can't hate. But
I can love"
type of friend

In a discriminating
racial saying world
who won't listen to you
or see what's underneath,
I stand and shout
"I'm better than you"

I was raised like a gentleman
May 2013 · 2.1k
Daniel Peters May 2013
I’m scared.
Cold, alone......... scared.
My body aches from fighting.
I won, but at what cost?
Revenge shouldn’t be the answer.
They took her life, my true love.
I’m crying, crying like I’ve never cried before.
A life for a life, but at what cost?
I became the person, I set out to destroy.
I’m a monster, a creation the devil himself devised.
I’m scared.
I’m alone, cold, and nothing to cling on to.
I have nothing........ nothing.
There’s only one thing for me to do.
I’m picking up my choice of death.
Goodbye monster.
You’ve done the most evil thing imaginable.
It’s time for you to go.
I’m taking you with me, back to where you came from.
Forgive me Father, for what I’m about to do.
I’ll see you in a few seconds.
Five....... My heart is beating fast.
Four........ Sweat is covering my face.
Three........ My heart is beating faster.
Two........ Hello love, good to see you again.

One........ Goodbye.

I wrote this poem for class awhile ago. Sure I had to go to a dark place to write this, but I don't feel depressed or anything.

— The End —