You bought me some good presents.
Some lasting presents.
A lasting presence,
Now that you are gone.
You always remarked on the light
And now when I see sunlight,
I think of you.
You took me to the beach,
Now when I see the beach,
I think of you.
You bought me a coffee machine
And every morning as I get my hit
I think of you.
Winter scarves and hats
Are wooly thoughts of you.
Smoking out the window -
Naughty thoughts of you.
Trying not to smoke -
A thought for you.
Marmite on toast -
I think of you.
A pretty girl -
Some other you.
A naked girl -
I try not to, but...
I think of you
So much more
Now you are gone
And I'm not sure
If I will ever
Not think of you
There's only one thing
That could stop these thoughts -
To be with... you again.
Just you.