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Dancing Shadows Sep 2014
I wait for you sister dear,
For my end is almost here.
I wait for you to stand beside me
For you warm presence to guide me.
I wait for you to sit at my side,
To hold through the pain of night.
The night offers no rest, my sister
Only the pain of memories,
Memories where I see you...
Where I see you, with a ribbon upon your throat
And a rose upon your breast.
Memories that cry crimson and white...
but not tonight
This shall be my last night.
Wait for me sister dear,
For my end is here.
They shall find me on the morn,
With a ribbon on my throat,
And a *rose, blooming upon my breast.
This popped in my head when I was thinking about how it my be for people to lose a sibling. One that they were so close to...
Dancing Shadows Sep 2014
If I could go back a single day,
what day would I choose?
If I could go back a single day,
what day would it be?

Would it be,
the day my brothers never came home?
The day I was left alone?
The day my uncle came to school,
and said that I has to go?

If I could go back a single day,
to change the events past,
I could be happy,
I could be joyous,
But I wouldn't be myself, wouldn't I?

So then,
if you could go back a single day,
to change the day's events,
how you wanted it to play out instead...
What day would you choose?
Shout out to Endless Horizen for being awesome and helping me edit this.
Dancing Shadows Sep 2014
How much time do we have in the world?
How many days do we ponder our worth?
Is the universe giant?
Or are we just atoms?
Or not even that.
Who tells time?
Who decides when this is that and that is this?
I know not, but do you?
This came just as a random thought earlier. I have another version that I'll most likely upload later.
Dancing Shadows Sep 2014
That is what surrounds me.
Not darkness or shadow,
not even light or anything bright.
It is not the same as quiet.
Silence is not solitude.
is all i have known.
this is the first poem i am posting so please be kind.

— The End —