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2.7k · Mar 2010
Rainfall Letdown
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
The tapping
and rapping
of which you believe to be rain
striking your glass
belongs not to nature
but of the rocks which
my hands hurl

Drowning in rain
and thoughts of you
driving me
placing me
a few feet below you
as you dream

the shouting of mine
is lost in the whirling,
whipping rain and thunder

pronouncing and proclaiming
true feelings
i somehow seem weightless
under the window
which i hope to glimpse your face

but... asleep you stay
comfortable under sheets and covers
with eyelids tightly sealed
dreaming away
white noise the only thing
your ears pick up

After hours of waiting
throwing and screaming
i quit
not wishing to awake the unwanted
i leave a simple note
tied round your mailbox
and let the rain
push my head farther into sorrow

walking away
not even comprehending
the fact
that the same rain that
drenches me and,
falls on your window
is blurring the ink
of which i confessed

truly and completely
i love you
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
2.7k · Jun 2010
Text Me
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
my warm skin
a set of vibrations
forced into the muscles
by a device
through which we communicate

the patience and longing
which fill the silences in between
drains me
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
not seeing straight
curving my eyes inside
enjoying the
color of disorganized neutrons
connecting themselves
overworking their structure
shooting feelings out
to be seen
as i glance again
straight at you
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
1.7k · Jun 2010
Bedroom Traffic
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Once before
Twice ago
Come, Stay
Hit the floor
Ignore the lights
Between white lines
They only change
Back and forth
Stare up
Enjoy the view
of high speed chases
and concrete faces
Once cold
Twice as blind
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
1.5k · Sep 2010
Detective of Sorts
Dan Pramann Sep 2010
I can suppose
assume, or guess
but all are claims
and have no valid reason
to touch the air outside my mind
I can spend hours
figuring, and thinking
but reality is a *****
and has no linear solution
for it likes to tease, and hide
what's on her mind
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
1.3k · Mar 2010
Surgery Between Texts
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
creating invisible lines
across my scalp
grinding dead fingernails
down to the living skin
slowing peeling the cells
trying to reach my brain
performing surgery
my bed the operating table
pulling and yanking
blindly putting nerves
back in their places
feeling with sore fingers
to find the bad spot
the chunk of my mind
containing you
aiming and seeking
to yank from my thoughts
the fragment
that makes my blood boil
forces me to text you
when my ten scalpels tire
and i finally fatigue
no molecule, particle, or
can i find
you have infected my brain
down to the core
and every atom in between
but still
the capacity of my conscious surgery
can find no defect
sensing sanity return
i put back every nerve and neutron
and use my ten tired needles
to stitch back my scalp
hiding my work
beneath many blood hairs
deeming myself rational
sound and levelheaded
i use electricity to connect
my disorganize mind to yours
ten tired tools helping me along
and when I'm done
when the message has left
...i question my health
and the process begins again
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
1.3k · Jun 2010
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
passing by
needles jammed into and through
hoping they hit pavement, and
create a thud
that resounds sickly in tissue
and never leaves
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
1.1k · Apr 2010
Sleep With Me
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
there is a heavy weight
pulling down on her eyelids
and at the moment, I know her fate
to sleep, fidgeting and gently
holding the butterfly's in my stomachache
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
1.0k · Jul 2011
Night On The Lawn
Dan Pramann Jul 2011
Lying among thousand
miniature leaves
supporting my weight
as pupils search high
with my head resting comfortable
on earth itself

Hands matting my hair down
and making my arms more like wings
which keep me a float
while i twist my eyes around
stars and constellations
the lights on dark skies

The massive yard light, Luna
puts down a soft glow
which sets my mind adrift
steering me past lit dots
on a dark map
just inside my closed eyes
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
small insignificant needles
unnoticed and unseen
by the numerous people
gathered in these square feet
happening again and again
these needles compile
stacking themselves
neatly in my pocket
plucking them from air
only comprehended
by me and your silent rejections

when the time has come
and enough needles
have been gathered
i aimlessly read the clock
and make my way
out of the place
parting myself from
the unknowing numerous people

driving home
struck between the wheel
and the sad words
created by the speakers
i begin the painful process
of letting the needles
jab my heart
each one confusing me more

arriving home
switching myself
from sitting to standing
i feel the needles sting
a pain
I'll feel till tomorrow
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
993 · Oct 2010
Hopeful Slave
Dan Pramann Oct 2010
unseen to the naked eye
the imperfections
contained within
the structural damage
just beneath the skin
a lost boy
hidden by a toothy grin
confused, a slave to his dreams
his very own firing pin
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
979 · Mar 2010
Stubborn Sheets
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Half pass twelve
Having yet to stir
Light is my enemy
Kept at bay by the blinds
Week old sheets
Stuck to my body
Because your perfume
Hasn't left them
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
951 · Mar 2010
Time Spent Wisely
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Told myself not to
to dream about you
but i do anyways
it just shortens the time between
the time i spend waiting
for your response
the time i spend hoping
that I'll become your everything
the time i spend wondering
if when you close your eyes
you picture for a moment
me and you
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
949 · Mar 2010
Her Thoughts are Cryptic
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
I can suppose
assume, or guess
but all are claims
and have no valid reason
to touch air outside my mind
I can spend hours
figuring, and thinking
but reality is a *****
and has no linear solution
for it likes to tease, and hide
what's on her mind
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
947 · Jun 2010
Doctor's Office
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
As I wait
fighting time
I grasp my mind around
those swinging hands
that travel 360
while peering through glass
their window to the world
I try to understand
rather comprehend
why red laps black
many times over,
in a never ending race
that ends in time itself
and how or if
I can somehow rewind
that needle of red
This train of my thoughts
now traveling faster then
what I ponder
is broken, stopped
with a syllable
that which I identify myself as
and as I heave
forcing weight upwards
I gather eyes and stares
plastered to my back
my shoes catch and keep
my attention
as I move towards
the only other fighting gravity
my gaze now no where near that red needle
simple greetings are exchanged
hellos and how are yous
then I again push my feet
one by one
following one clad in scrubs
now I find myself in a
space far too small
and answering questions,
of which my mind
needs not to focus on
rather it returns itself
onward and onto
the timepiece
I pronounce clock
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
942 · Sep 2010
To lie.. Or Not
Dan Pramann Sep 2010
For every lie, there is one truth
But for every honest man
There is four liars
To count yourself among the truthful
You must always be
Because nothing is worse
Than an honest man who lies
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
891 · Jun 2010
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Is there such a pain, to explain
What I feel and when I say
The sunrise is beautiful but
It hasn't blinded me like
How you looked that night
You forbiddingly kissed me
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
874 · Jun 2010
The Best Drink
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Orange and red
Combine in a blender
Filled sky high
With clouds and soon to be stars
Even one pinch
Of that ever growing pollution
Just for a kick
That bites and burns
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
870 · Apr 2010
The Understanding Doctor
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
boil your ego in a mason jar
swallow that lump
and pray for some CPR
seal down the cap
act like your not racing a burning cigar
aim for the darkest behind
and help heal her visible scar
play the surgeon behind the glass
so you can be that guy you know you are
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
866 · Mar 2010
Sleep Sweet
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Go to sleep
Dream a dream
A sweet soft dream
That touches reality
And leaves a huge impression
Dream a dream
Any kind of dream
One that makes you wake
Smiling like I know you can
Dream a dream
Or if you must, steal one of mine
For I have many
And they're all beautiful
Because you are my dream
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
786 · Apr 2010
Wide Eyed & Awake
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
Darkness is brilliant
it steals your uniqueness
for hours, without asking
leaving you there asleep
eyes closed like everyone else
dulling the senses enough
so the dreams climb in
and corrupt the peaceful minds
or settle the overworked ones
Darkness may be brilliant
but I'm still wide awake
laying there, endless hours
drawing close that thread
of sleep I need
thinking, and thinking
wishing I could cut ties
with all my senses
so Darkness could outsmart me
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
782 · Apr 2010
Dream like Art
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
I don't know the end or the start
see time isn't something I can outsmart
but if I may, I'd like to steal your heart
and never let this dream depart
what we have, is unexplainable like beautiful art
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
761 · Jun 2010
Aided Forgetfulness
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
whipping to whirling
circles upon counters
tipped over and emptied
drooped over to search
for glass, and rotted grain
not yet spoiled by tiles

spinning to crashing
joining bodies from earlier
air to stained carpet
a pile to small to be chunks

waking to wondering
hours before are scratched
never to be replayed
unknown is vast and choices
were questionable
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
748 · Mar 2010
Hydroplaning without wings
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
watching the raindrops
splatter on my windshield
much like bugs do
when the weather outside
does not match my eyes

watching the windshield wipers
float the rain
off the glass, and on to the road
wishing i had my own
so my rain wouldn't fall
into my lap

watching the tears
and minutes old raindrops
soak into my jeans
and chill my skin to ice
so it matches your heart

watching knuckles turn white
as i grip the steering wheel
fighting the spot in my mind
that nudge
telling me to leave the tarmac
and seek my guardian angel

maybe just like the bright sun
stopped the rain
my angel will stop my tears
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
744 · Jun 2010
Regretful Thinking
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
meet me on dim lit street curbs
picking up the grief my stomach gave up
filling an empty bottle with tears
haven't felt the same, I haven't
I fill the void and pick up the pieces
plenty of time to think, jail's quiet enough
detox knows the way, so tonight
I'll pound another bottle, till life isn't lonely
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
letting the pen right
letting the ink hit the paper
and smear what you think is wrong

letting the hand learn
letting the mind unfold
and move that smear into words

letting the words combined
letting the feelings come forth
leaving today in writing

letting the vocal cords oversee
letting the unspoken, forget
and push me further into the page
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
729 · Mar 2010
Stale air surrounds coffins
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
settling down and out
an uncomfortable atmosphere
draining from above
dripping onto oddly shaped benches
and the people among them

amongst quiet faces
i slowly feel this somber rain
drench all souls
and glaze over our eyes

black and red
dominating the colors
accenting the wet wood
and matching this silence

voices, words, memories
fight the grieving pupils
forcing them to join the air overhead
leaking a most potent substance

aching from the hard lumber
pushing toward my spine
joining the window planes and
man sleeping peacefully
i coat my eyes clear
and connect the tears
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
696 · Apr 2010
Unpredictable Winds
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
a predictable surprise
on a day
spent in pews
laid on the bed
and let the weight
shrink the springs beneath
a pressure has hit my chest
thrown from my phone
i agreed
because the winds had changed
and no longer kept our sails
full and blowing
slowly our ship sunk
and now rests, silently
on my chest
a surprise none the less
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
690 · Jun 2010
Unknowly Posing
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
you can invoke any idea
but how much of it
did you make appear
humans by nature
can't help but not be sincere
we take from memory
and call it our own without fear
all of us pose in someway
pretending when the public is near
people change sometimes
everyone wants a slate that's clear
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
672 · Mar 2010
Only A Man
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
A man of clear thought
And clean mind
Among a million stars
Adrift along beautiful landscapes
With a star in tow
And a backpack filled with dreams
Searching high and low
For the perfect picture
One where he can place his star
And rest his dreams
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
661 · Jun 2010
Opposite Directions
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
driving the town crazy
behind me
painting it red
along the way
feeling my hair
blow and grow
free of you
above my smiling face
knowing my eyes
see clear now
on simple highways
90 miles an hour
away from your house
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
660 · Jun 2010
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Waiting for my locks
to break and spill
opening doors paper thin
and shining light
on hidden talents

Waiting for hand-built walls
to crumble and crash
letting free a fear of mine
one so tall
no ladder of support will help

Waiting for people
to compile and understand
the hints I spoke
so the answer will never
have to be pronounced by me
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
650 · Jun 2010
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
losing my mind
breaking pieces of my own
to fix yours
hoping you'll notice me
when your all healed up

allowing the promises
to fill in my missing pieces
when i know you can't
keep them materialized
I meet your needs already

grouped and categorized
in sections i go
******* them up
while you mend the
confused so called mature mind
you call your own

crushing my intellect
to return your health to normal
along the way
crushing my heart too
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
650 · Aug 2011
Writers Block
Dan Pramann Aug 2011
If there ever was a word
to explain, I would not know
I would sit silent
mentally browsing the alphabet
trying to construct this word
this word I do not know.
There are sentences that describe
paragraphs that show
but no word to explain
what I feel, but fail to know
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
635 · Apr 2010
Her Fingers
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
a gut empty
flipped and twirling
round and round
a deep pain
a ripping hollow feeling
spinning intestines
tight through your fingers
soft delicate fingers
feeding fire to my insides
letting the burn
take hold of an
empty sick stomach
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
628 · Jun 2010
Dreams Adrift
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Another Friday night
chained to the bed
putting letters to paper
letters turn to words
and onto poems

Four white walls
and a key hole
gazing at my work
minutes spend staring back
seconds... and hours
that won't return
sentences crossed out
lines drawn through
these phrases keeping you near

Finally when the outside
converts to black
so do my walls
unlocking me
setting my mind free
to stay or go... and
almost every night
it leaves me
to wish you sweet dreams
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
620 · Apr 2010
Changing the Weather
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
Turning the sky upside down
Reversing the rain
Watching it fall back
Back into clouds

Pacing to and fro
Reversing my path
Seeing the weather rewind
Rewind to sunnier days

Tumbling the locks
Reversing their decision
Noticing fresh air again
Wet with future raindrops

Traveling forwards
Reversing the inverted blue above
Sensing the warmth overhead
Overhead no rain does rumble
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
611 · Apr 2010
Sunrise Discomfort
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
wake, wake up beautiful
see the sky
its almost as wonderful as you
this morning
its bright and alive
matching my heart
a little to much
to cause me comfort
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
596 · Mar 2010
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
To think
To have thoughts
Is what makes me think
Is it as natural as the wind
To think about thinking
To ponder thoughts
I believe it is
Without words behind our eyes
We surely can not be alive
To think
To have thoughts
Means our hearts are beating
And our minds are learning
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
593 · Apr 2010
Gallery of My Mind
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
Portraits surrounded by shadow
put in place
and made level by my hands
the space is small
behind my eyes
i crowd the pictures in

Some are fuzzy
Some are clear as day
Some are broken and
lay out on the imaginative floor
Some are highly polished and

Borders of highly prized light
bring life to the images
even deep in the center
Where they're stacked
thousands upon hundreds

Some are rarely recalled
Some come alive numerous times
before i even wake
Some are deliberately ripped
and forgot all together
Some are secured tightly to my subconscious
where misplacement is difficult

and today
i think ill try to find space
to add even more
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
578 · Mar 2010
Sight Below Flesh
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
My pathetic eyes can see
Far below the skin
Where touch means nothing
and agony is insatiable
A method is possible
Too dislodge your torment
or seal the cracks
So I'll be brave and
Prescribe a kiss
Hopefully brightening your insides
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
misty with a hint of fog
moist to the tongue
on a sweet September night
alone, companion to the single street lamp
speaking words
to a wet road and the silent dew
fumbling the syllables
while the smokey night sky
begins to leak, and push my emotions
far below alright
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
572 · Jun 2010
Safety Glass Shuffle
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
funeral bells already rung
coffins made of warm wood
shattered glass with no reflection
bright street lights dancing
dancing around the crimson pools
i dance along
afraid to open, to see
this sight of metal and flesh
of roses soon to come
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
565 · Mar 2010
Leave the light on for Me
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Shine dim light
behind a simple cone
off white and wood
there you'll find me

gazing with blank eyes
towards red numbers
hoping their transformation
happens faster

To the lamp's dismay
my eyelids can't keep pace
and grow heavier
with each flicker of red

Only when the world
is thin and blurred
does the transformation stop
and everything pauses
entering darkness comfortably

New light added to the lamp's
stirs my movement
and i witness myself
not where i was before minutes ago
...minutes or hours

what seemed small is large
my time spent away
was longer than thought

Belief that the red numbers paused
is all but childish
I recall waiting, gazing blankly
and thinking of you
I remember i left the light on
because of you
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
565 · Mar 2010
A Note In A Bottle
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Upon waves of confusion
a bottle rides in
bounded and wrapped
with a tattered sleeve
dancing atop the white caps
and kissing anger good-bye

far from shore
maybe a month or so out
and apart for the text
written, sealed, and sent
neither can say it did something wrong

hurtful and unknown
the bottle rode the sea
letting the sleeve take the damage
ripped, shredded, and frayed
protecting the most dear

this bland bottle
though mean and unthoughtful
had a message
both a sentence and a feeling
to be unraveled by the owner
of this angel like cloth
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
557 · Jun 2010
Bypassing Pain
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
reeling to the floor
joining the carpet in despair
comfortable and content
below the air
foams and fibers
keeping pressure off my heart
at least until I stand

spread wide
my limbs sense no gravity
and my stomach
is no longer gripped with torture
rough fingers made of carpet
support my head
as light as it may feel

heavy and draining
processing the days
more frequently do I lay
comfortable on carpet
awaiting your reply
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
545 · Jun 2010
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Here** laying with wide open eyes
listening to the rain
fall down to earth
to your window and mine

Here not where I should be
watching the rain
wash what seems like forever
from these cracks in my head
washing away the cobwebs
that alcohol couldn't remove
only misplace

Here standing, drowning
in the rain and
underneath this burden
of missing you
my new nine to five
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
543 · Jun 2010
Another Spent Day
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Another line
Another day
minutes multiplied without you
and friends forgot to lessen the taste

Another hour
Another daybreak
forcing myself to wake
to remember you're still human
and mistakes are their downfall

Another kiss
Another touch
felt no where but the lips
oh how my veins call for you
to shock my heart into loud beats
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
541 · Jun 2010
My dearest doctor
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
my heart exploded today
****** and beaten, lying on your bed
with a scalpel in your hand
you silenced my pounding arteries
and jabbed a pen straight through
with ink-stained hands, you
hugged and kissed me goodbye
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
Like a piece of meat with bone inside
laying there, trying to seem solid
wanting to be a journal to which you confide
trying but failing to be
Our hearts were bound to collide
but time is sand falling, eroding the foundation
falling through these fingers while you decide
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
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