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528 · Mar 2010
You, Me, and The Moon
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Lets read it line by line
to the stars, to the huge explosions
that distance makes small
Lets read every line
and forget the world, the universe
till all that matters is what resides
on the grass next to me
Lets read the words
till we understand every last sentence
and the stars are no longer able to occupy the sky
what a serene event it'll be, so
Lets read the stars above us
till time decides to stop for me
and you
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
527 · Apr 2010
Answers = Nothing
Dan Pramann Apr 2010
One word answers
with lies in between
echoing off my red walls
into caverns
and mazes contained in my mind

Solution in the center
you just have to dig
find my heart beat
and snap off a piece

No pain will i feel
the missing pieces are substituted
with those one word answers
and the lies
coat my eyes perfectly

For when im blind and dumb
the red wall barricades
cant constraint
burden or bury
what was mine initially
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
499 · Jun 2010
Stained Hands
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
catching the liquid
gazing as it slides gentle
over my fingers
and into my palm

watching it fill all the grooves
that make me unqiue
and fall over the cliff
my hand creates

feeling it coat my skin
something dark
shading it a hue
I'd never seen as vibrant

oh how it does feel
running its chills
through my nerves
where they can reach my heart
and prevent my eyes
from pulling the blinds

my dear
your blood is twice as beautiful
when it pools in my hands
where I can play with
between my fingers
like you played with my heart
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
479 · Jun 2010
Monster Inside
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
Maybe if I scream
Someone will listen
Between the growls
They'll find what's eating
Devouring me soul and all
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
living every night
on my fingertips
touching the disorganized
alphabet on my lap
breathing every day
day dreaming the next words
I'll compose when
the sun sets
living every morning
with my feelings
of yesterday
on my computer screen
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
434 · Mar 2010
Unsung Misery
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
my body
unaware and awake
sensing dreams
two eyelids away
my body
clinging and floating
sweating the darkness
between cotton threads
my body
heavy and insignificant
visualizing energy
leaving through the outline
of lips etched to a cheek
my body
cold and lifeless
picturing what night
is like without you
my body
yearning and despising
that sweet smell
caught in the fibers
my body
wishing and hoping
the dimness was darker
to hide the
square inside the frame
held up on my stomach
and blurred by my tears
my mind
fighting and losing
a battle of insomnia
my body
knowing and trusting
that when daybreak
slivers through the blinds
you won't be next to me
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
420 · Jun 2010
Empty Frame
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
There's proof somewhere
I lost, am losing my mind once again
All the time they talk
Trying to find my insides
Wasting moments, I could spend with you
Instead I stare up
Made easy with no brain
Because I've lost so much time already
Letting my neck feel my pain
The stars seem to catch my attention
For my skull understands there's...
No photo of you to keep from looking
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
347 · Jun 2010
Unknown Me
Dan Pramann Jun 2010
I** live in my solitude
where there's safety in one
reality leaves me alone
for the cruel world, harsh
can't touch my mood
when i live in my mind
there's a fantasy in it all
because I don't know who
or how, my outside can match me
when I live in my solitude
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —