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Sep 2024 · 61
Dan Hess Sep 2024
Storms are not born
They are old as light
You cannot have power
but it is harnessed

There is no such thing as a river
but it shapes as it flows
You can only hold your breath for so long

The mind is a sieve
and a lattice
The heart, a prism
and a fathomless ocean

The world is a pebble in that dark;
a nascent dream
There is no loss of innocence
We are eternal, spanning across time

Only the eye knows,
before the mind’s grasp
All else is distorted

Once a flower blooms,
in that moment, it exists forever
There is nothing in creation that can change it
All is forever changed because of it

Power is but a ripple, or an echo
There is only embrace

From the start, we are entwined,
integrated solely with truth
All of life seeks to replicate this intimacy,
but only death can
May 2024 · 130
Dan Hess May 2024
Writhing is the brain, hair stood on end, 

with every beat of the eldritch heart. 

The air, a-buzz with cacophonous, insectoid droning, 

threatening to infiltrate and indoctrinate the mind;

twisting languid listening into a maddening gaze,

ablaze with hate and lacking sophistication. 

I cling, with fingers tensed, to the heavy, sticky rot

that lingers thickly in the air, 

and all my cares are gnawing at my soul. 

Something stirring deep within has heightened, 

and I’m frightened, finding myself once again 

scared of the dark. 

A darkness creeping deep within my dreams, 

which, snaking, strangles me; and when I wake 

I find I’m face down in contorted misery, 

like something ghostly sought to swallow me


Wretched wasteful 

-undue, unholy and unsanctioned- 

sour tasting, ugly, rank: 

Haven't written anything in quite a while. Maybe using poetry as a vehicle for catharsis will help with that.
Dan Hess Mar 2024
i started off learning from the wind.
and, like the wind, i slip-streamed by
and gazed into windows from afar.

all i've ever done is flowed and felt,
and to me that's enough to be magic.

everything i've learned is from listening
and finding where silence isn't.

that voice amongst the white noise,
that howl in the still darkness of night,
is my teacher.

beautifully my heart aches,
when the emptiness
is infinitely more haunting
than the ghosts that drift in it
as memories lost to time.
or should i call this “Attempt at a Noiseless Echo”?
Nov 2023 · 337
black velvet
Dan Hess Nov 2023
cradled in the womb of death
that warm, dark emptiness
black velvet

speckled light behind closed eyes
a deep, unfeeling sleep
that stretches on eternally
the safest place to swallow me
where nothing has to matter

and I will not try, and I will not be
and when I breathe,
my breath will be absorbed
in black velvet

blanketing me in silence
hushing and smothering festering red
flares of fearful violence

the heartbeat of the void
pounding in my ears
washes me away like ocean waves
and i am safe
in black velvet
Nov 2023 · 142
Dan Hess Nov 2023
pulsing and throbbing
with the desire to be one of them
traveling along busybody vectors
living life in motion

that listless, sondering countenance;
an aching, yawning, gnawing
yearning feeling

the star-blight cacophony;
sound cannot emanate throughout space
i cook myself
in burgeoning sonic vibrations
Nov 2023 · 251
Dan Hess Nov 2023
you feel an acorn drop on your head

and it doesn't hurt,
but now 
you are always looking for squirrels

where there are none

yet, if you look, intently, at the trees,

at the winding and intertwining of their branches,

you will see the crows, 
subtle, nigh invisible

in every tree in every forest

hidden amidst the leaves

you might lock eyes with them

and they will look away, or they may fly, 

but never explain a thing

but the wind will blow

and it will remember

and it will follow you on your journey
Mar 2023 · 245
Water Spirit
Dan Hess Mar 2023
He falls awkwardly 

and soon lands 
in a quiet resting place

Every ocean shines 

with music and eddies
I walk close but not close;

deaf and dumb.

To write,
I'm in the starlight

Nothing new has come out yet

The change is small
This charge is not for vandalism

My face was very shocked
I drank the starlight 

and closed the hole in my heart

The light shines
Stars and security
The flowers are blooming
Remove the ice crystals

Big or small,
waves are made with wild hands

He was a water spirit 

and just wanted a home

There is no room in the cup
Another one put through the linguistic rock tumbler
Mar 2023 · 156
Good Place
Dan Hess Mar 2023
This beauty must be discovered carefully.
It's like falling into darkness.
When something is born, all reality is created,
except fruits and perishable goods.

A promise of a romantic relationship;
when the long moon shines in your eyes.
But, don't lose sight of it.

Pure victory.
I came home in a ***** car.
I wasted my time.

I raised my hand to him.
Cut flowers and damaged plants.
But I believe in the light of another day.

This dimension can be seen in simple things.
Because this is a new concept of tough love.
And talk, listen.
Running poems through many different translations using google to produce something entirely new.
Oct 2022 · 112
Dan Hess Oct 2022
In sunblank white,
a-shimmer is the sky.
Multifaceted fragmented droplets
strewn asunder through the air,
and we are soaked with atmosphere today;
there are no shadows anywhere.

The sun mourns its fleeting dreams.
Nostalgically, kissing the intimacy of morning,
it drinks itself into oblivion.

But, there is starlight on daybreak’s breast
and my primal mind beseeches:
Stay inside and paint the cave with color.
Gray days need not complain
and the heart needn’t ache
of winter’s whispered promise.

It is a season of ghosts
of ruby dusk, and windswept mystery;
with death, things move,
yet life slows, to nigh halting breaths.

We are blissful, melting in memories.

Eyes sparkle
with the magnetism of the ageless
as we reminisce and wish
to pass along songs sung by our eras.

Through our creation,
legacy gleams eternal,
the world vibrates
with the synergy of consciousness,
and those yet long unborn
dwell with us in the universal heart.
Oct 2022 · 105
Dan Hess Oct 2022
On the cusp 

of the dawn 

of a new day,

there is tremendous hope

if this is what death feels like;
the burgeoning light 

of the rising sun 

rolling upon the horizon, 

cascading out over the land, 

my eyes awash with tears and warmth;

is it surrender?

is it trust?
or does one simply 

melt away?
Sep 2022 · 79
Dan Hess Sep 2022
i find myself moved by the beauty and ubiquity of love
eternally grateful for this life and all its feelings
to intimately coalesce with many layers and frequencies
of vibrations of consciousness
and to expand alongside them, relax and welcome grace

i believe that is what it means to be a healer
i am not manipulating energy
i am loving it and seeing it
simply opening myself to be there with it
and experience a transformation to openness

i will not spill or pour my heart out
i will leave it open;
live like a river flowing to the ocean
i will hum with this universe’s rhythms
dance in the elegance of its motions
i will commune with it

i have grown this year from seeing tremendous beauty
in an overarching force of pristine divinity
emanating through the Love vibration unto me,
and feeling blessed to be loved by Love
to finding that very feeling in my open heart,
expressed to this whole, vast and wonderful existence

I will be there with it
I will be there
Sep 2022 · 77
On Social Anxiety
Dan Hess Sep 2022
I am an auric legacy of inexplicable secrets

of nearly saying what I mean,

but not quite having the words to speak it

I am a haze of feeling that fears the density

required to express the things
that truly make sense to me 

I am the internal rambling of a mind maddening itself

and the breadth of peace found in spiritual wealth

I am an analyzing inner voice without a choice

but to spew, spew, spew

just to observe the words as they keep flowing through

and I think that’s what I’m supposed to do 

I’m not attached to me or you;

it’s all just passing by

like gems of light as ripples on the blue

They never hear me clearly

they’re too busy pondering what they might say

and most often interrupting me
before I’ve had my stay

so I’m forced out again,

back into the echo chamber:

 “thought prison” 

Ironically, more liberated here than I could ever be

in someone else’s ear,
at least that’s what my ego’s telling me 

but so alone when I’m unheard,
no place is home amongst the herd

My thoughts are spurred in too many different directions

to understand the single minded group inspired predilection 

spreading through the collective like an infection

but it only scratches the surface

Deep beneath, I know the verses
hear the rhythm, feel the flow 

I know it grows
 like starlight
in the night, expanding

Such a natural thing
so I’ll just keep listening
Sep 2022 · 90
Beauty Begins Within
Dan Hess Sep 2022
Take thee, thy gaze, in wistful, mourning solitude, 

and fix it thereupon a rose in bloom 

and thou shalt see and be consumed

in thoughts of death and interlude 
the days of haze wherethrough 

the sunlight, harsh, consumes a baking brain 

a-pulse with pain, and still estranged

in what we call “forever.” 

Yet still, become 

(thee, thy rose in waiting)

whose entreaty and retreat betrays 

the idle mind, the aching heart;

and be that bloom, that efflorescent art.

Drink in the sun and be a part 

of waking day and masterful array, 

of soul drenched verisimilitude.

Whereby the unprimed, emptied mind 

aligns with thy divine spark, 

therein lies the secret: 

It is You 

who shines, who blooms; 

who dies unto Life become again,

through strife and separation, 

Beauty and Unity, and Universe in celebration.

It is Thee, not lost, not blind, 

but free to be and free to find,

to coexist and create bliss, 

through ignorance, your every wish 

begets a kiss with the intimate infinite.

A declaration of innocence, 

of birth, and Truth, 

and Love returned to It.

You are Sight.

Light seeing Light being.

Light Being, 
shining through the Night. 

Divine thing, 
hold tight.

It will be alright.
Aug 2022 · 94
A Tempered Temper
Dan Hess Aug 2022
The present moment is my happy place

and, when I step back and appreciate

all my woes and worries are erased

I’ll simulate the energy of peace

when anger and impatience ravage me

and the world seems chockfull of instability;

because, when I remember to breathe,

I don’t surrender my power to a feeling

Sometimes I find I’m faced with a choice

Life can leave me feeling as if I’m without a voice

All things appear so dull and strange

My heart, aching for a change

And I can choose to lose it;

let my rage consume and guide me

My power, when I abuse it,

unleashes pain I hide inside me

Seeking to subdue, control, or placate

is a futile effort

We must waste our energy 

to weaken what we wish to subordinate

Strength only doubles when we work together

Such is the same with one’s self

Fighting inner pain just drains 

and serves to lessen health

Nothing else remains

and one retires again to rest

I’ll step back, and take a breath,

and remember what it’s like to be at peace;

let my soft awareness spread

from in the deep of me,

and assess

with love, encouragement and patience

any problem that keeps me

from seeing beauty

Because love lives in the aching heart

-in the wandering mind

Love, is what we know, what we might find

It is why we yearn and ache

It is why we persist, in spite,

or for the sake of it

when I find that irate individual;

my mind and the world in turmoil;

when I can’t catch a break,

I can’t focus, can’t think,

I will remember love

is the nourishing thing

at the crux of being

It is the keystone 

to the doorway to new paths

of consciousness and coalescence

of presence and connection

of Love itself
Aug 2022 · 66
Dan Hess Aug 2022
I hold sacred my lack 
as a space to receive;

to grasp the infinite within me.
I will not cling to anything frivolously. 

I’ve spent my whole life waiting
Now it’s time to start creating
and as I bathe in the rays of the sun
I invite light in, to upgrade every cell
so I may swell with the might of the One

Wind-flow shakes and wakes the trees
applauding my awakening
these days have been intense
with every sense enlightening

My body aches with anticipation
of the soul’s profound reintegration
I soften, soften
and begin to open

I do not cry

but my dreams are overflowing

out my eyes, creating a junction

transpiring into a world awaking

I speak in rhythms reverberating

from my deepest soul’s vibration

pleading Spirit set me free

to be and be; be nought but Me
Aug 2022 · 84
Dan Hess Aug 2022
Once, in a dream that slipped away,

the mustered mind could reach

beyond the stars into the dark

But, in this emptiness;

my passion will not even drip

where it once overflowed

Am I condemned to be alone?

Condemned to never know;

to never speak?

Must I toil on

toward not enough

to live a life called worthy?

I am in no hurry

to secure my arrest

in the throes of unhappiness

I’ve watched the world in blur for several years

and all my tears have dried up long ago

The softest glow of consciousness

was once my light through this abyss

but now, 

I am nothing:

a forceless breath attempting

to guide the wind and fill the sails;

a silent shout unending,

no challenge o’er which to prevail

Without poetry

my spirit begins to dwindle

Hope swindles,

wishing suffocates,

and I care not

—dare not—

to dream
Jul 2022 · 110
My Love is Beautiful
Dan Hess Jul 2022
My love is the one

that saturates awestruck passion

making the heart swell

with transformative gasps of divinity

My love is the weight of water

suspended in the air

It is windswept, soft caressing;

Spirit’s soothing whisper in mine ear

My love entombs itself in deep mind

Loses itself to the pool of rhythmic vibration

interspersing, simulated, soulful synchronization

My love is life finding Life finding soul

The sweetness of consciousness becoming conscious

of itself in everything else, of liquid light brimming through,

to coalesce, and impress softness into

My love is poetry wherein

we beautiful beings becoming

had to invent the very word 

To encapsulate the indescribable

that exists in that feeling

of transcending survival 

To find the divine in the usual
Dan Hess Jun 2022
nothing goes without first being
and I am clambering
in this cloying, oppressive heat
making moves to rise, or pull the sun down

and thus, again, in solar matrimony
with moon sleeping sideby my aching dreams
i am cosmic catastrophe
amidst the emptiness of sordid petrification

steam drifting, careless, in a nightless dimension
wherefore should light clarify, if only by
dissolving me
to revolutionary inconstancy

all things change
deranged, nonsensical, heavy aired
beguiling abominations of nought
heat pulsates, water breathes

we are baking lest we recoil
to shadows basked in memories
of once been dreams
that now wither, stagnate
grasping at an instance of dominion
May 2022 · 73
frog brain
Dan Hess May 2022
there we sat,
four strong in the abandoned station
boxes and trash scattered haplessly about
the dim lit room, on couches
tense and anticipatory

she saw seesaws by the water
tilting to and fro
as wind blows cloud by her open mind
a mouth ajar and hanging lame,
spittle sticks

a miscreant metaphor abhorred in dark
a lonesome emptiness that cannot get a grip
when suddenly a crowd forms from
the avenues wherein adventure halts

sign the form
name and date
Brain: Frog

she rants and raves
or is it "he?"
butcher you, to stay
with me forever

I will not tarry there
in the stagnant air
won't weep with you
in this empty room

I'll dive into the deep
hide beneath the false surface
waves under stillwater

I swim up
a boat laps over me
exposed belly
no rutters cut
no blades to leave me empty

I survive
Father'lone, a search party
but in my dive into obscurity
I left my friends behind
We could've taken her
May 2022 · 131
Dan Hess May 2022
I go outside and see
the birds and the bees
Listen to the wisping wind
and whispering of the trees

Open up my eyes
and let my mind begin to bleed
out through my skull
and into everything

Look up, watch the clouds drift by
and feel the passing breeze
and as my head’s becoming light
I see the sun begin to blink

Everything’s alive
and It is breathing rhythmically
I leave the cave behind
To exhume the world from in my dreams
May 2022 · 68
Dan Hess May 2022
a hug for the sad part of my heart
only being able to cry when I feel safe
trusting that you can trust someone

the freedom that comes from knowing

that letting go is opening up
to unconditional acceptance
of self and of other
from self and from other

a ******* arrow of love
piercing through me

finding the haven of the soul
within the chest

when somehow space dissipates

and only love is left
and what is love?

it is not grasping

it is not a kiss
nor a ****
nor a lifetime with one person
who “completes you”

love says
you are enough
you belong in this space

you are worthy of embrace
you are safe

it does not say

you are mine
it says
you are free

you are divine
you are a part of me

because we are all a part
of humankind
and a greater mind

how lost I’ve been

in grappling and coping with hope

how i’ve been found, upside down
suspended by my foot by a rope

seeing the world in a new light
cracking open my mind like an egg

the sunlight splits the mist 

in the real world

just as I peer into the light
of my soul
and you’re there with me
and you’re all there with me
Apr 2022 · 99
Dan Hess Apr 2022
Silken skies and lush, velvet trees
Silver sheens and verdant greens
Love, a prayer in itself
Nature, truest wealth

The copious melodious;
the life-bringer, and truth
Such music to my ears
Washing away my fears

Stress melts, and I am new
when I bide inside of you
Mother, drink me in
Nourish my soul again

Give me strength, and soften me,
so I can be, so I can be
Accept me openly

O, Nature, set me free,
so I may be, so I may be
Apr 2022 · 99
Flowering Light
Dan Hess Apr 2022
Ascension cannot happen 
stepping back 
to examine one’s shadow. 

Three steps forward and one step back

is still moving in the right direction. 

To own the present moment and embrace 

without expectation or disappointment;

to integrate and elevate and validate 

in cycles of breath and breadth,

without seeking sated self in other,

is to shed dead weight.

I am free. I am free. I am free.
I have always been 
intimately, utterly myself. 

I invoke hope, and truth, 

and communion and community.

I invoke Love to flow through me. 

I am one with Truth’s Reality. 

There is no fear that binds me. 

No darkness blinds me. 

I am light shining divinely through.

I am a crystallized sun and a holographic moon.

I am the rebirth, and I am the womb.
I bloom. I bloom. I bloom.
Dan Hess Apr 2022
We’ll start with a cackle
when I think to myself of spiritual principle
and the voices in my head debate the ideal
I stop thinking, by circumlocution

saying every different perspective,
to unsay the unsayable
I am right and I am wrong
I am here and I am there
I am all and I am nothing
yada yada yada, bla bla bla

At which point, I am presented with the hysterical image,
and idea, of “god” however you understand that,
to present itself as a bush, and say
“ I am who am” I am the alpha and the omega,
and so on and so forth.

Essentially evading the question,
because there is no answer.
It cannot be spoken.

Words are predicated on understanding,
but when we follow that thread of context back to its source,
we are left with pure, unadulterated awareness.

And what is that? It doesn’t need to be said.
It needs no context, no justification.
It simply exists and is being and is truth.
It demands to be known.
We cannot live without it.
Apr 2022 · 121
Dan Hess Apr 2022
Love abundant, everlasting
only comes when we’re not grasping
Truth can bind the eyes to the sky
but with a heavy heart you cannot fly

Air cannot be jarred and hoarded
labeled, priced, and then imported
Love cannot be only mine
but with each breath my heart aligns

When I’m left no longer clinging
to my pains and wants and thinking
Evidence of Love is singing
to my heart through piqued up ears

I climbed the mountain, fell in darkness
felt my heart sink, saw the ground
but as I thought the end was here
it dissipated into sound

If life is beating, then retreating;
dancing ‘round the burning bush
Death is left when ash returns
to cradling, beautiful, silent hush
Apr 2022 · 77
The Fool
Dan Hess Apr 2022
The sudden epiphany of absurdity

when reality has a way of mirroring us

like a funhouse

That explosion of laughter

and the relief that comes with it:

that it’s not so serious

I’m talking to myself

of taking the plunge

Jumping off the cliff

with not a doubt in my heart

that I will fly

and I’m listening to 
root chakra frequencies

but I didn’t even realize

until I saw myself

in the mirror

The truth?

I want to hold a hand

as I soar in metaphor

My feet still rooted to this land

for I know there’s more

So much to explore


I can’t do it alone

I won’t

All passion pouring

out of a hole

in the bottom 
of my sinking heart

I was always willing to drown


become an ocean

Apr 2022 · 52
Dan Hess Apr 2022
I neither expect nor reject
I’ll just be open to what’s next
Dreams made, believed, come manifest
but only when I let them rest

Investing all my energy in synergy
Aligning with the truth of One reality
Trusting in the plan and what is meant for me
Seeing I’m supported, fulfilled and free

I believe it will turn out as it’s supposed to
so I’m surrendering control and choosing virtue
Spreading love from up above to make the world new
I hope you’ll join me, too
Apr 2022 · 60
Dan Hess Apr 2022
it started with a sense 

of a soft glow, a soft heart

a soothing subtle warmth

and inherent trust

the heart grows fonder
under water

swelling with it all

Becoming its own ocean

it grows heavy

but we are born of breath

and ever air

and light as one could be

the mind is tidal

tumult, earth nestled

a thunderstorm
in a closed off room

at times

we are weather before we find

we are forever, shifting, but divine

i doubted, but the signs kept coming

i doubted, but Love did not

Spirit never tarried

and I was never truly lost

a warm wind, northward bound

the sunlight nourishing

evaporating sorrow, creating spring

the sun let seeds sown blossom

i was inundated and exhausted

resting in rain and shade

full of fear that thunder could shake

and split the earth i grew from

but, always harboring faith,

i grew

it started with a sense of ease

and ended with a shout

in celebration

now my only storms

are joyful tears

quenching earth
Apr 2022 · 86
Dan Hess Apr 2022
Even with clammy hands
and cold feet
and fear that trickles in
from yesterday's rain
I am loved I am loved I am loved

Always warm hearted

I am fire, ash, and phoenix
I am ever-burning star
I am infinitesimal;
I am astronomical

Scatter me over the boundless and vast
For, even if I should reach
the farthest corners of this universe,
I will always be whole
Mar 2022 · 63
Dan Hess Mar 2022
I wake this morning to soft white,

welcoming overcast skies

the wind surge goes to and fro 

misting pitter patterned rain

upon my window pane

Each thrush and intermittent hush

coaxes my heart back to sleep

and after the rock tense stress of yesterday

it’s a well needed reprieve

For someone so prone to noise sensitivity

I sure do love birdsong, and the static

background, whispering wind

even the humming, mechanical noise, in the distance

contributes as an instrument in an unscripted song

and the cars passing by on the road play along

I think about how poetry can be

struggling to unwrap yourself

when you’re all wound up with rope

and ending up tripping

because every one way ties you up another

Or it can be rhythmic and enchanting;

a magical dance with fate and space

where the mind locks in and the heart beats

in tune with passing waves above, around, within

and everything is beautiful til the heart sinks

because it’s frustrating, knowing

some days the ocean fills you up

and you’re levitating

and it’s POWER in its most essential form

choosing you, flowing through you

and nothing can stop the poem from being born

other days, staring at a page

eyes glazed over, heart full of rage

wanting catharsis, fearing art has become

just a sensitive kid who’s afraid to take the stage

don’t look at me, don’t see me, please

if you don’t care, don’t fake it

i miss the days I’d freely say

whatever stole my heart to break it

but don’t forget me, please forgive

i can’t do this alone

i’ve given everything to this

i’ve made this place my home

all the while the funny little mind wanders

casting prismatic pebbles in the dark

for just a glint

whilst the great cosmic laughter erupts

and the hologram blinks

exposing everything
as light
Mar 2022 · 50
Dan Hess Mar 2022
In the beauty and splendor of the morning light
there is newfound glory, and truth to behold
Through toils and troubles I have found my might
In transmuting darkness, does love unfold

With every step I take, 
though I fear my back may break
and life may beat me down, 
and all seem to forsake

When every moment squandered seems
a waste of life in bated breaths,
and harrowing the mysteries, 
that come just before death

I know my heart cannot be free
of life and love and precious things
I’ll be rebirthed in sanctity
surrendering to spring
Feb 2022 · 92
Dan Hess Feb 2022
the pursuit of happiness rarely ever
feels fruitful to me, as a pursuit, anymore
but when it is acknowledgement of inherent joy,
it is abundant and flourishing,
like sunlight, water, or air
Feb 2022 · 118
Language is a Tool
Dan Hess Feb 2022
Everything is Being, in its most quintessential form. I'm reading The Doors of Perception, and while I disagree with a lot of what Huxley says in the book, the concept of "Suchness" as an ever present fundament of reality is close to my heart. I think the mind, in its folly, approaches that graceful bumbling and stumbling through which the overarching world, too, transpires into Being. Things that seem imperfect are tantamount to the immaculacy of the Pattern.
People see seasons and cycles, years, and births and deaths. They see decay and blossoming. They see in this the liminality of truth, and understand, as we do the contained and confounding grid-work of particles under force forming atoms forming forms, that all things are bleeding at the edges. The problem of identity is age old and often understood to be Oneness. This concept permeates philosophy, religion and culture; we are social animals, bound to Love to survive and coexist. We seek to understand ourselves, to understand the world, to make something of This. It's simple, and it isn't. We're making do with what we have. I think everything makes sense, and we struggle to make sense out of everything, because we are tethered to the corporeal illusion of separation; and I think, that is perfect, too, because it facilitates awareness of connection through reflection.
There is a great, profound truth in that all things are one body, but that doesn't make this any less "real."
Real is just a word; what matters is how we choose to use it.
Feb 2022 · 88
Dan Hess Feb 2022
bombardment of the senses
enlightened but inundated
the mind cracks, and self  
is exposed as vacuous
Feb 2022 · 64
Dan Hess Feb 2022
Being, freely being
to manifest in purity
align with authenticity

Embrace my abnormalities

to coalesce with clarity

because truth

is where I’m meant to be;

the meaning of life

breathing life into me

A reason for believing

when I’m born to be achieving

I’ll trust in the touch

that touches deeply,

bleed into the energy

seeing me perceiving, 

when I’m gleaming with integrity

as is my integration 

with vibrations of eternity

I was, and will forever be

exactly as I’m meant to

I trust in my essential being

and surrender, as to bloom

I am Love in full expression;

no digression, lest I suffocate

In being born, and all Life’s lessons,

with truest self, I integrate
Dan Hess Feb 2022
The spirit, soul
being, whole
One seeing mind

open to find the divine inside


One, seeing mind;

to merge, emerge,

bestow and grow. 

Surrender to the ever-flow.

To sleep in deep, cut through me. 

Ocean of patterns, possibilities. 

Without a vessel, spirit consumes me;
to sit in this unity. 

Am I thinking, feeling, seeing?

Does reality flow through me? 

In intimate silence, mind wide:


I am quiet, true
but I can’t hide 
these feelings


Are thoughts my own, when all things spring 

from a source that’s forever branching

onward into ignorance, 

whilst knowledge keeps advancing?

So I’m dancing in the action 

of solitude and truth romancing;

a fool who takes a chance to be

alone but Love is seeing me.

In endless conversation 
with vibration, I am free.

But I would shackle myself
cuff my hand to yours

to be known in this temporary moment
without knowing what’s in store.

To be adored... 

Drip with me in poetry,

and know the voice unknown,

Jan 2022 · 65
To Be, in Dreams
Dan Hess Jan 2022
Even in the woeful silence of the ever present dark

a subtle light turns over itself, tonight,

whilst dwindling minds steep.

In hazy heated havens; still ticks the metronome.

Beguiling are the hues of shimmering earth

that mimic spectacles surrendered to the skies,

and the beyond which there, Beyond, it lies:

a breathing magick being we call space.

Fear, always persistent, strikes the aching heart, 

and pain will rupture us; but split in two 

we might adjourn through shrouds of all, 

absconded, thence, to find ourselves.

Wind hugs flat ground, races over empty roads,

carries what is left of life in remnants from days gone.

Transposed from temporality incarnate,

a ghost; a mist; a lingering thing we breathe.

I cauterize my wounds without a flame,

leave my blood to blend with this old world.

It will remember me, as it becomes itself

and when I die a death alas, penultimate,

I am reborn amongst the mist of consciousness.

I will relinquish all that is not mine to hold

and force is my intention, not without grace.

For harmony is power, and I am faceless;

blessed with evanescence, shedding self.

I am dying, every day;

my feet disintegrate to ash 

with every step

on my walk homeward.
Jan 2022 · 66
Dan Hess Jan 2022
My mind rambles

until it’s time to write

Maybe I should meditate

on an empty page
Jan 2022 · 65
Dan Hess Jan 2022
there’s this sense of possibility
but this inner knowing
that I won’t have to fight
for the right to take up space
in the place where I belong

So I’ll let go

i am open to intimacy
but i will not pursue it
i’ll let it pursue me
that’s how i’ll know who really cares

and while I’m here, waiting
i’ll focus on caring for myself
Dan Hess Jan 2022
I want to live in this state

where every breath feels like vaporous gold

my blood is ablaze with the violet flame

and the gravity of cosmic, celestial ethereality

suspends each simple speck of being,

pulsating with transcendent, growing energy

Aperture adjustment; 

light parts the mist of the physical

a bloom, returned

consumed in energetic being

seeing through illusion

I want to transmute

the frazzled, festering things

that constitute the dissonant;

returned to harmony

with a decisive tap!

like liquid crystals flipped

to shine white light

Melt the astral ice

entice my mind and soul

to cascade into the ocean;

dissipate my shaking being;

make me feel whole

I am love. I am love. I am Love.

I am nothing.
Dec 2021 · 172
Dan Hess Dec 2021
Look in the mirror
Kernel of the eternal
Sees only body
Dec 2021 · 92
Dan Hess Dec 2021
No weight can bring me down
cause I can lift it!
I’m working out now
and I’ll be bliss-ripped!

Any time I feel heavy
I’m dancing on my feet!
If I must shoulder the weight of the world
I just need more to eat!

Cause I’m getting shredded in my levity,
and happiness is in me.
I’ll do push ups with mountains on my back
and fly with boulders on my feet!

I’m laughing cause this energy
would try to weigh me down.
In my faith and synergy
I have the strength for leaps and bounds.

I’m realizing now that Love is training me
to be a force for good and light,
and flow with Truth eternally.

My gratitude will build me up!
I’m already aligned!
For, every challenge I might face
is a lesson given from the divine
Dec 2021 · 79
Dan Hess Dec 2021
this poem is intentionally bad on purpose

Thou, shall I compare, then,
to a sunmer day?
as that it is that thy art splendiferous in a way of which
i cannot thee abate

so bright is your effusion
that it shines
and they say that it’s light that’s divinely fine

if a red rose can’t be sweet without it’s thorns
your complexion around which all beauty dost be adorned
girl you make me feel so incredibly warm
and fuzzy inside
i don’t need to watch ****

id rather talk to you and i can tell you that that is true
because before we were one and now we make 2
but im so close to you girl i think it might actually be true
we were one all along but now were won that’s new

i know we just met on tinder the other day
but bae
please tell me forever that you will stay
im **ckin shakes spear
Dec 2021 · 80
Dan Hess Dec 2021
It resonates, and it is a melody
in harmony with your song.
You resonate,
and you write an ode to it.

You serenade it,
embody its energy,
match its frequency
with your whole being.

It resonates with you,
and it is a tune,
and you are complete.

You resonate with it
and you are open, empty,
ready to eat of its fruit;
become a part of it
as it becomes a part of you.

Am I too rigid in my windiness?
Am I too mutable to coalesce?
Too stuck on shifting with the breeze
to be mellifluous?

Am I a one man band
against a symphony
of endlessness?

I say it resonates,
but I’m expressed;
removed from zephyr
and born as breath.

A ‘more’, amor,
but nothing more
than breadth
without substance
Dan Hess Dec 2021
Do most fear death
til their final breath?
Do they sigh and let go
when there is nothing left?
Dec 2021 · 74
Dan Hess Dec 2021
When confronted with the inexplicable,
the human mind seeks to rationalize, 
and fit information into an established worldview.

When confronted with the incomprehensible, the mind recoils. 

It shrinks into and attempts to consume itself.

You cannot wrap self over self.
You cannot become the outer and the inner.
You are but a superposition of the visage of God;
a superficial reflection of divinity’s affection.

You cannot become the subconscious
of your subconscious.
You cannot become the intuition
of your intuition.  

You can shed the mind and be present.

You can breathe and connect
and form a circuit between;
be a conduit for varying information
of different vibrations and intensities.

Form a loop that spells infinity.

This transition is the interstitium;
where information acts synaptic;
where transference relays occurrence
between two spaces with different interfaces.

It is elastic.
It is magic in liminal plastic,
snapping back and creating
the dialogue with self.

It is a circuit of convergence
where purpose meets inertia.
It is neither beginning nor end.
It is betwixt real and pretend.

It can upend the rend
of space and face;
time and place, and waste and worth.

It interweaves the world with dreams
and breathes new life into your needs.
It knows you without knowing anything.

It knows your feelings,
and the concepts you can’t speak.
It is your mind not minding.
Infinity across dividing.
Interstitial/transitive layer of consciousness

Super ego|higher self
ego|infinity cross
subconscious|lower self|ani-minimal
Nov 2021 · 62
29 : Too Sensitive
Dan Hess Nov 2021
I open up to my mother
she listens begrudgingly
but physically
cold shoulder

I point out her body language
she says I’m on the attack
I just want peace
but a cold war is still a war

He coughs all day to numb the pain
releasing it in clouds around him
every sound has a weight on my heart
and it never ends

I want to escape
but I’m frozen in place
and I’m not interested in playing pretend
Maybe ignorance is bliss and this
is suffering needlessly

I can’t escape
except when I’m asleep

demons used to chase me
in the worlds inside my dreams
one day, i touched the bottom
surfaced from beneath the waters
woke but couldn’t move

at the end of my bed
a demon waited
so i sent waves of energy in its direction
and freed myself

even the most fearsome monsters
respond to these vibrations
is that how they see me?
certainly I’m no exception
Nov 2021 · 59
28 : A Metaphor
Dan Hess Nov 2021
You won’t get boiling water by throwing ice into a fire.
Nov 2021 · 62
27 : I Can!
Dan Hess Nov 2021
These feeling vibrations
come from a source beyond me
a connection that is family
and the crows agree

I can be a student
and a teacher
I can be a patient
and a healer

I can be a lover
a believer
I can share a kinship
with an equal

I can be a mirror
and a light
I can show another love
that what’s inside them
shines as bright

I can be of value
if I see the beauty around me
and if I embrace my worth
I might find I’ve always been free

I can be appreciated
without being conventional
I can be a wild child
and still be in control

I’ll just embrace the parts of me
I already know are true
and to my fears and my illusions
I can bid adieu

I don’t have to live my life
seeking validation
Once I accept that I am valid
I’ll find true appreciation
Nov 2021 · 159
Dan Hess Nov 2021
In a fairytale fantasy

I am right where I need to be

engrossed in overflowing love
perspective rising high above

if I’ve a doubt, it’s so I can see
the endless possibilities

and I’ll write a poem every day

and never wonder if it’s okay

In a perfect world, I’d still be myself

just lacking inhibition

and I’d be supported by everyone else

in my deepest goals and missions

I’ll learn just for the love of it

a perpetual student in a state of bliss

the universe breathing into me

sustaining the vision of all I can be

I’ll never hide my truest self

and never be denied

natural abundance will be my wealth
as the world is on my side

I would grow more with every passing day

while sure of every step along the way
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