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Dan Hess Nov 2021
These feeling vibrations
come from a source beyond me
a connection that is family
and the crows agree

I can be a student
and a teacher
I can be a patient
and a healer

I can be a lover
a believer
I can share a kinship
with an equal

I can be a mirror
and a light
I can show another love
that what’s inside them
shines as bright

I can be of value
if I see the beauty around me
and if I embrace my worth
I might find I’ve always been free

I can be appreciated
without being conventional
I can be a wild child
and still be in control

I’ll just embrace the parts of me
I already know are true
and to my fears and my illusions
I can bid adieu

I don’t have to live my life
seeking validation
Once I accept that I am valid
I’ll find true appreciation
Dan Hess Nov 2021
In a fairytale fantasy

I am right where I need to be

engrossed in overflowing love
perspective rising high above

if I’ve a doubt, it’s so I can see
the endless possibilities

and I’ll write a poem every day

and never wonder if it’s okay

In a perfect world, I’d still be myself

just lacking inhibition

and I’d be supported by everyone else

in my deepest goals and missions

I’ll learn just for the love of it

a perpetual student in a state of bliss

the universe breathing into me

sustaining the vision of all I can be

I’ll never hide my truest self

and never be denied

natural abundance will be my wealth
as the world is on my side

I would grow more with every passing day

while sure of every step along the way
Dan Hess Nov 2021
my heart yearns
in shouts that span the sky
but i found love stumbling
into a hole in the wall

in a momentary interaction

maybe there is hope for me yet
Dan Hess Nov 2021
shivering betwixt
vibrating infinity
the body slips through
a micron filter universe

every particle moves
til interlocked in place
and only through such haste
can it elapse the distance between space

a final stop
where nothing ties the mind to moving
like sand suspended, reality falls
before me
Dan Hess Nov 2021
Lilting lullabies
coax me into sleep
I wither away to dreams
of waxing prophecy

“living is an act of prayer”

and we breathe in defiance
of the snarl of noxious, fuming,
haze gray death
which blurs the air,
and causes the mind to tremble

we freeze in sudden braking
turn to ash, and dissipate to breeze
a promise of goodbye remembers
having never left

and loving is an act of praise
every action, a step in the dance
every gasp between breaths
a beat in the song

the eternal,
patternized, shifting
universe in unison
ubiquitous in motion

ties us to everything
and loving is
a slipping body
loose in a current

does not discriminate
and love doesn’t wait
for a reason
Dan Hess Nov 2021
There is no metric of worth

nor sign of indispense

No mark of royalty
nor meager birth in seeking sense

There is no purpose some might have

that others stand to gain

There is no worthless thought or value

none predisposed to live in vain

There is no meaning you might find

profound in life, you’ve lived without

nor punishment to which you’re blind

if you don’t quite live so devout

I’ll chase my tail or twiddle my thumbs

my heart will sink as I might think

I’m wasting life while I’m still young

it all might vanish in a blink

To wish to serve the world alone

without appreciation

is my fool’s burden, not my throne

I think I just need a vacation
Dan Hess Nov 2021

the sky sparkled with magic;

the air crackled with immortal flame;

the world trembled in the presence

of a living god


in the awareness of the air,

the spirit of primeval man condensed

in resplendent metamorphosis


when the earth was tinged with memories

not yet transpired, but ever being,

and time combined itself with minds

collectively surrendered 

The timelessness of energy,

erected in its synergy,

bloomed flowers in the desert;

stars in the sea

The shimmering began

from deep within the eyes

of the holder of a welling heart,

and erupted

In this plume of genesis

converged the waters of love,

and the space of knowing,

and the fires of passion,

and the silt of growing

A cataclysmic schism

set aloft the birth of night,

and the sea of energy

wove from the darkness light

wrapped itself,

through dimensions overarching

enmeshed and ever-pulsing

blossoming into new worlds

entwined with all things

A cosmic resurgence

of doubt’s consuming

set aside the likes of mind

akin to never being


the Eye became many

a window to a woven world

now set apart from any
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