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 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
tara mcnelly
 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
tara mcnelly
I hate you because I love you so
with a love that's real and lasting.
I'm left with that;
the best and the worst of it.
In the quiet now,
every laugh we shared, everything I thought was real howls thru my hollow soul and in the echoes I hear "fool".
My heart screams out in agony.
Suffocating, I gasp but the air is empty.
There's a hole where you came and went where there once was a door I opened for you.
You did not pass through my life; you passed through me.
I am not okay. It does not get better and someone else will not do; he isn't you.
 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
Lauren Rogers
It’s not by coincidence that we’re both here, in the same place, feeling the same things.
Realize this soon, because I’m growing tired of reliving old memories.
What more is there to say? We’re running out of time.
Everything will return to you and you’ll be clouded again.
And I’ll be standing in the back, out of view, waiting like I always am.
For things to change, that would be great.
For things to change in my favor, now that would be something.
It’s all there, all there is left to do is ask.
Say something soon, or it’s going to be gone.
Back, where you refuse to look.
Out of view, where you can’t see.
Waiting like I always am.
July 2010
 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
Joanna Kadela
Your words are the only thing you have going for you
They slide sweetly out of your mouth
Pure sugar to my ears
But then they let me go
Drop me
Make me fall
Leave me wishing you hadn't said anything at all
Three years you've known me and still it's all a game
How we act
How we play
It always ends the same
 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
Taylor Bart
I see myself, in the dark.
Like, on an empty street,
Well, its all in my head anyways.
These shadow people that haunt me
We’re all just what they make of us
The puppets to put in their shows

We take part in their tragedy’s
For their **** entertainment
To cure their selfish boredom.

And with wandering eyes, to find
The sun, we look toward the sky
But oh, the days are like an endless eclipse
Only darkness
Oh, and ourselves.
Reflected back in the puddles
Of muddy water, like the blood that runs through
The pipes of our veins
Seeing, only what we wish to see,
Living on the lonely streets of our mind.

 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
Justin Green
My mask is slowly crumbling
          To the faint philosophy of your dreams
          I cry with pain but hide my tears with a smile
          My soul bleeds ever so faintly with no sign of weakness
          I weaken by the day, die by the night
          I try to confess my sins but in the end it all falls away
          A gloomily fate rests in my palms with the knife in my heart
          As my life comes  my mask will shred but hold with love          
          But my mask can't hide my life anymore.
 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
Once...there are 2 types of women...

One, are the types that you only can enjoy up their bodies..

The other one, are the types of woman that you can rely on and respect them...

But, lastly...

There is one more types...

Types of woman, that wipe out the other two types...

It is...The woman that you love...

When you met her... All the other woman in this world vanish... And, she'll be the only woman that you know...

Thus... You'll only set your eyes to that singular woman...
Your breath is cold
you lie in wait
for someone to come
and take you away.
The days never end
they all seem the same
so you lie in bed
hoping you wake.

Why do you wait
what is to come
to take you away
to a life full of fun?
Your dreams are dull
and endless too
they all are that way
relentless, untrue.

The day that they end
it takes you away
to a life which is happy
bright and untamed.
Your breath is now warm
you don’t have to wait
for the moment has come
when you are awake.
I wrote this about... 5 years ago I think. Maybe a bit longer but it's still one of my favorite finished poems.
 Feb 2013 Dan Cohen
Gaze into the mirror,
its smooth and shiny glass.

See the reflection,
perfectly accurate

Watch the stone
break the surface

Stare, as you slowly
fall into pieces
Love isn't...
forever like they say
Love isn't...
something that never fades away

Love isn't...
all the lies and the deceit
Love isn't...
just what goes on between the sheets

Love isn't...
where you expect that it will be
Love isn't...
something new to you or me

Love isn't...
dependent on being rich or being poor
Love isn't...
something I remember anymore

Love isn't...
insecurity and doubt
Love isn't...
something I want to be without

Love isn't...
always happiness and laughter
Love isn't...
sadly, happy ever after.
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins

— The End —