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23.6k · Dec 2014
Dan Bolens Dec 2014
Starlight wings white as snow,
Illuminating the night sky.
Will you take me?
Can I reach you?

The resonating sound of love,
Sends ripples through the ocean of my heart.
Once an endless abyss,
Now harbors summery waters.

Your words imbued with sunlight,
Drive away the most torturous thoughts.
As the notes of your dulcet voice,
Echo through the airways.

The rhythmic beat of your heart,
Like the ticking of a clock.
I hear it.
I feel it.
I need it.

Oh, bearer of radiant wings;
I continue to climb higher;
Continue to work harder,
Continue to stand taller.

I will fly with you;
I will reach you;
And I will touch you;
As you have touched me.
5.2k · Jan 2014
The Clock
Dan Bolens Jan 2014
"Tick-tock," says the clock.
"Haha, yea...," I reply.
Maybe I'm a bad friend,
But I'm jealous of the clock.

Sure, I love hanging around with the clock,
But wouldn't it be great to be him?
You might say I'm ticking with envy.
(Whatever that means)

Beautifully crafted,
Always moving forward,
Always being looked up to.
Even when someone tells you you're slow or wrong,
You keep moving forward regardless.

Man wants to reverse you,
And constantly fights against you,
But I know you're just misunderstood.
"Don't shoot the messenger," as they say.

Stay strong clock.
We'd be lost without you.
3.3k · Jan 2014
Dan Bolens Jan 2014
Why am I scared?

The last time I ate with a friend they said goodbye.
Maybe I'm scared of losing you.
Maybe I'm scared of being alone again.
Maybe I'm scared I'm being clingy.
Maybe I'm scared you're mad at me.
Maybe I'm scared I'm taking away time from being with work friends.
Maybe I'm scared of hurting you.
Maybe I'm scared of eating too fast or too slow.
Maybe I'm scared of having nothing to talk about.
Maybe I'm scared of being early.
Maybe I'm scared of being late.
Maybe I'm scared of hugging you too long or too hard.
Maybe I'm scared of talking to loud.
Maybe I'm scared of my leg acting up.
And maybe I'm scared of falling in love again.
2.1k · Oct 2012
Angel Eyes
Dan Bolens Oct 2012
As I walk these planes of blue and green,
The morning sun warms my face.
The vast oceans blue,
And the wide fields of grass green.
I was told this place was grey and desolate once,
But no longer.
I dip in and out of the surrounding craters,
Heading for the black hole in the center.
The days get shorter,
As the nights get longer.
And every night I'm getting lost,
In your Angel Eyes.
1.8k · Jan 2015
Loving You
Dan Bolens Jan 2015
It's just me.
I know you won't see this now.
Maybe not for a while.

I just want you to know I love you.
And tomorrow.
And the day after that.

1.5k · Nov 2013
I'm Sorry
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
I didn't mean to bother you.
I know you're busy.
And as it turns out,
I'm bad at apologies.
So here's a poem:

Rose are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm also bad at rhyming,
So here's a Haiku:

Haiku's aren't easy.
So I'm having some trouble.
How about a song:

This is a song without music
So it's not very good
But you should know
That I'm sorry
Hey, Hey,
I'm sorry for bothering you
Hey, Hey,
Maybe I should try a Limerick instead:

There once was a guy named Dan
He had just eaten some ham
He tried to write stories
To say he was sorry
But everything he wrote was bland

Alright, so maybe the Limerick thing didn't work out either
Oh!  Oh!  How about an epic story!?
                                                         ­                                           (But you just said you were bad at those)
It was a dark and stormy night.
                                                        ­                                                                 ­          (Come on, that's lame)
So there we were, alone out on the battlefield.  A single hawk circled above.
"I don't know how much more of this heat I can take," you told me.
We continued walking when suddenly, a giant tiger with teeth as sharp as a knives jumped out in front of us!
"Why is there a tiger in this desert!" you screamed in horror.
"Don't question the plotline!" I yelled raising my sword.
The tiger leaped at me with all its might.
"I'll protect you, my dear!"
I dodged left; sword still at the ready.  The tiger turned around slowly, his dark eyes burning into my soul.  What could I possibly do to defeat this huge beast?  The tiger jumped again, but this time I was ready.  I ran at him and slid onto my knees.  As the tiger lept over me I thrusted my sword upwards into its stomach, killing it instantly.
We had survived the attack, went to find shelter, and lived happily ever after.  The End

Long story short:  I'm bad at saying sorry, I don't know what that story had to do with saying sorry, and I hope this made you laugh a little.  It certainly made me feel better writing it.

This Thanksgiving, I'm happy you're back in my life.  :)

1.3k · Jun 2011
10 Million Friends
Dan Bolens Jun 2011
Quietly the tapping fills my brain.
Words appear before my eyes on a screen.
Everything else around me disappears.
Reality becomes a thing of the past.
The new age of technology is here.
You may call it simple; however,
Underneath the hood, is something more complex.
Inside this machine runs a place.
Open to anyone or anything.
People of all race and religion.
Anything goes here, a place of no rules.
Soon though, it begins to take over.
Data streams before me.
Filling the screen with endless numbers.
Gazing endlessly, I am lost.
Hanging in the limbo of endless one’s and zero’s.
Just me and 10 million of my closest friends.
Keeping myself sane.
Living in this new world.
Zone 7, that’s where I’m headed now.
XI more zones to go.
Controlling myself, I make it safely there.
Villains live here, needing to be vanquished.
Because I live in this new world now.
New quests lay ahead for me now.
May I ask if you wish to join me?
For my Modern class.  The first letter of each line is a letter going from left to right starting at the top of a standard American keyboard with "Q" and ending with "M".
1.3k · Nov 2013
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
"You deserve a medal," she told me.
Aren't they just a reminder of someone else's pain?
Scars of gold, silver, and bronze.
The soldier's reward for a victim's funeral.
1.3k · Dec 2014
Love Greatly
Dan Bolens Dec 2014
We may never do great things in our lives.
There may never be monuments erected in our name,
or days honoring what we accomplished.

But we can always love one another greatly,
***** monuments in the hearts of others,
and as such,
we will live on far beyond our time.
1.3k · Sep 2012
Dan Bolens Sep 2012
1.1k · Oct 2013
Dan Bolens Oct 2013
Out of the blue, you came back
Under a sky of a million stars
Right when I needed someone
To pull me back up
Now I'm here
Each day gets a little easier
You keep me company when I feel alone

Tonight you're so far away, and
Here I am trying to unscramble my thoughts and feelings
It's certainly not easy
Separating the logic and emotion

Outgoing, funny, kind, smart...
Never enough words to describe
Every one true

It's hard for me put everything into words
So here are just a few

Feel how you want to feel
Others will try to hurt you, but don't let them
Remember how awesome you are

You only get one life
Obtain every goal you set and
Unearth every treasure you find
1.1k · Dec 2013
Dan Bolens Dec 2013
Remembering is not easy.
There are memories we choose to forget,
And memories that choose to forget us.

I was looking through old photos today.
Faces clear,
Names cloudy.

The bully.
The girl I had a crush on.
The rich kid.
Names long forgotten.

I found an old playbook today.
I wonder what that was about.
I wonder who I was with.
I wonder if I liked it.

Pictures of a sunrise from summer.
I wonder how it felt on my skin.
I wonder if I smiled.
I wonder what time it was.

But the girl I passed who was crying three years ago,
The blood running down my arm,
The people I loved who did not love me,
Haunting memories.

For the people we forget move on,
And the people we remember remain frozen.
Pulling us back from the present,
Until we finally forget ourselves.
1.0k · Nov 2013
Healing Love
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
How do you heal a heart that's been stabbed a thousand times?
Or a mind that has taken countless bullets?
It takes more than bandages.
It takes more than support groups.
It takes more than a therapist.

It takes Love.
Pure Love.
The kind of Love only found in fairy tales.
So let me ask.
Do you want to be my princess?
997 · Dec 2013
Forgive Me
Dan Bolens Dec 2013
Forgive me, for I have fallen in love with you.
Even though we're so far apart.
Even though I know you love someone else.
I couldn't help my stupid heart.

Forgive me, for I can't think about anyone else but you.
You've taken over my dreams, my wants, and my desires.
And even though you're thinking about someone else,
I couldn't help my stupid heart.

Forgive me for wanting to hear your deepest dreams and desires.
You are beautiful inside and out.
A beauty which knows no bounds.
Still, I couldn't help my stupid heart.

Forgive me for hoping to be an exception someday.
For wanting to hold you.
For wanting to make your dreams come true.
And for wanting to hear you say, "I love you too."
964 · Nov 2013
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
I wish I could let you into my imagination;
Show you the Cloud Atals-eque story I've created.
Us meeting over and over again in different times and places.
You know me, I'm The Dreamer.

You told me not to apologize for what I feel.
And you told me how strong I am.
But little pieces of me still feel bad and still feel weak.
I suppose they always will; it is the quintessential human struggle.

But no matter how many of those little pieces there are,
You make me feel something I haven't felt in a long time.
It's that feeling of the warm sun on your skin.
It makes me feel like my scars don't matter anymore.

I know you're far away.
And I know you don't feel the same.
But right now, none of that matters.
I'm not going to feel anything different than what I feel now.

I'm not saying that I love you.
And I'm not saying I don't love you.
I'm saying you put a smile on my face and I want to return the favor.

You know you're the Beautiful Rose.
And while we may be planted in different gardens,
We're still rooted in the same earth.

I know that you'll read this.
Heck, I'm scared as hell to publish it.
But no one gets anywhere without a little courage.

Here's my Leap of Faith.
For the first time in my life,
I'm not going to change how I feel simply because someone doesn't feel the same way.

The cracks are forming.
And maybe with your help,
My walls may finally come down.

Will you help me?
Why are feelings so hard?  D:
947 · Oct 2012
The Girl
Dan Bolens Oct 2012
My outstretched hand yearns for the silhouette in the distance.
As I look at her by the mirror, her reflection looks back.
She returns to the bed, now laying but an inch away.
The rings on our fingers speak for themselves, yet, we are not together.
I brush my nose against hers as my heart aches for more.
A simple tip up of the chin and a lean is all it takes.
But I know I cannot.
She does not belong to me, and I not to her.
As I look into her eyes, she looks back and asks,
"Why do the birds fly and the fish swim?"
More questions without answers.
Roads without ends.
Two souls lost without direction.
I tell her, "For the same reason the grass is green and the water is blue."
She looks at me for a moment, then closes her eyes without saying a word.
I myself turn over, closing my own.
Momentarily I'll arrive in a place where the birds don't fly, and the fish don't swim.
A place with colors that don't exist,
And sounds you cannot hear.
A place with imaginary answers for every question.
Goodbye, my dear.
I'll see you on the other side.
945 · Sep 2012
Dan Bolens Sep 2012
Is it a measure between two moments?
A distance between souls?
Liftoff until impact?
The time of our lives they say.
But how long is a life?
"They say we die twice.
Once when our heart stops beating.
And again when someone says our name for the last time."
912 · Nov 2014
Dan Bolens Nov 2014
In Greek mythology, there was a goddess named Eidyia.
Born from the great Titan, Oceanus and the Deity, Tethys.
Knowledge born from the blue-green colors of the sea.

As a young girl, Eidyia explored the World River.
She moved from place to place, exploring every inch she could find until she knew the name and face of every creature that lived there.

And the creatures knew her.
Eidyia, the beautiful daughter with ocean eyes.
Knowledge as vast as the World River itself.

She made sure the creatures were taken care of.
She played with them when they were sad.
And nursed them when they were sick.

Not much else is known about Eidyia.
She married the son of Helios, Aietes, and met Jason on his quest for the golden fleece.

But where the pages of Greek mythology are unwritten,
You and I shall fill in the blanks.
The same blue-green ocean eyes;
Knowledge as vast as the World River;
A heart of gold;
And a beautiful soul.

Let's write our own story, shall we?
899 · Sep 2013
La Bella Rose
Dan Bolens Sep 2013
Il ya une rose je sais
Présent uniquement dans le plus beau jardin
La tige longue et mince, pas d'épines
Les pétales doux comme de la soie
L'arôme, un matin de printemps
La plus belle rose
Dans le plus beau jardin

Cependant, une telle rose ne pouvait pas aimer une fleur comme moi
La fleur qui ne vit pas dans le plus beau jardin
La fleur avec une tige dentelée et pétales manquants
La fleur qui ne fait jamais assez de soleil
La fleur qui ne veut rien de plus que d'être planté à côté de celle plus belle rose

Vous voyez, la fleur aime que plus belle rose
Mais la rose ne saura jamais

Je t'aime
Je voudrais pouvoir vous dire
Et savez vous aimeriez moi

S'il vous plaît ne pas aller
Rester un peu plus longtemps
824 · Jun 2013
This One Goes Out To You
Dan Bolens Jun 2013
This one goes out to you
To The Girl with Angel Eyes
To my 10 Million Friends online
To everyone who asks "How R U?"
To the musicians who provide me with Sound
To the World that Keeps Turning
To those who are Missing something
And to my friends who have convinced me not to Fall

This is for the Memories that have yet to be written
The unfinished Notebook
And the Moonlight that has yet to be seen
This one goes out to you
All of the poems I write are based off my everyday life.  I've been through a lot these past few years and my writing serves as a diary.  The poems I've written so far are about friends, family, exes, and my everyday struggles with life.  If it weren't for the people in my life, well, I'd have nothing to write about.  So this one goes out to you.
821 · Dec 2013
Who am I?
Dan Bolens Dec 2013
You think you know me?
Yes, you claim you know who I am.
Yet you do not know who I was.

I was the thief, aged seven, that nearly got away.
I was the reader, aged ten, indulging in George Orwell.
I was the match-maker, aged twelve, bonding hearts across wires.
I was the insane, aged thirteen, seeing death as a new beginning.
I was the hacker, aged fourteen, learning how to navigate Windows in Spanish.
I was the con-artist, aged fifteen, making thousands.
I was the economist, aged sixteen, dabbling in foreign exchange.
I was the romantic, aged seventeen, thinking my life was set in stone.
I was the student, aged eighteen, learning to live on my own.
And I was the lost, aged nineteen, on the brink of existence.

Now I'm the searcher, aged twenty, finding new meaning to life every day.
Looking through rose-tinted glasses.
Learning to love and be loved.
Not for who I was,
But who I am.
813 · Nov 2013
Better Unsaid
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
I wish I wasn't afraid to say what I want to say.
There's so much I want to tell you.
So much I know I'll never get to explain.
But I suppose that's okay.

"There are words that are better unheard,
Better unsaid."
797 · Dec 2014
Dan Bolens Dec 2014
I know I may be a bother sometimes.
Even annoying you might say.
But it's only because I care about you.

I may push too hard,
or hold you too tight,
and I don't want to crush your Wings.

You know, they say opposites attract.
But I don't think we're that different.

Maybe a little broken,
a little crazy,
a little weird,
but I love it.

You're you,
And I'm me,
And there's nowhere I'd rather be.
794 · Dec 2014
Shore of Glass
Dan Bolens Dec 2014
Ive often thought about the people Ive met,
The places Ive seen,
the people I have yet to meet,
and the places I have yet to stand.

But it with this thinking that I gather myself
that unless we leave a scar on someones heart
or we leave a footprint in the concrete
we will all at once be forgotten at the end of our time

because with the tears we shed
the forming rivers reflect our memories
of a person we once touched
or place we once stood

fragments of a past time
pulling us back against the current
further from the Shore of Glass
Wrote this a long time ago streamlined.
788 · Jan 2014
Lady Winter
Dan Bolens Jan 2014
Gales of cold breath call,
    Befallen the leaves,
She's late for the ball,
Creatures upon paws crawl,
   Weaving through the trees.

Icy embrace upon one's face,
    Frozen hands caress the skin,
Descends from Boreas' grace,
Upon this barren place,
    Coated in malice and sin.

Form of wind and snow,
    Husband known as Frost,
Disturbing rivers' flow,
Embodiment of woe,
    False maiden for the lost.

I knew her touch not a day before,
   Whence she came in November,
Wind roaring up the tor,
The last of four,
    Extinguishing fire's ember.
776 · May 2014
Dan Bolens May 2014
Crystalline eyes of red, blue, and green,
Stand watch in the fields why Ravens fly.
The souls of their ancestors,
Feeding on the remains of creation's thoughts.

In a time lost place with only themselves,
The solitude of darkness knows no freedoms.
For only the light of an unknown realm,
Will break their shackles.

For when a rose loses its last petal,
Is it no longer a beautiful flower?
Was it even beautiful in the first place?
So easily forgotten.

Crystalline eyes forged from the ashes of Gods,
Never knew the beauty of their fields.
Fields where roses once blossomed,
Now a desolate land of withered stems.
766 · Jun 2011
How R U?
Dan Bolens Jun 2011
It’s sad really,
How something so complex can change in a few years.
Twelve becomes four,
Phrases become letters.
An entire global structure,
Now dust under a new foundation.
A conversation takes place in thin air,
Unobstructed by land or sea.
No dictionary tells them how to spell,
No teachers correct their grammar.
Languages torn to pieces,
Becoming harder and harder to piece back together.
A universal language is born,
The Tower of Babel is finished.
Words erased,
Meanings lost,
Books turned to ash.
The only thing left to do,
Is embrace it.
Welcom 2 d fucha,
Njoy wats lft.
For my Modern class.
758 · Dec 2013
Tree of Ice
Dan Bolens Dec 2013
Glistening in the sun.
Bark so delicate.
Silky smooth and cold to the touch.
I don't want to melt you too soon...

I miss you when you're not around.
But when the weather's just right,
I'm happy to see you.

And even when you melt,
I know you're still with me.
A flowing stream;
The pouring rain;
The morning fog.

Tree of Ice.
Branches long.
Roots deep.

Beauty of the North.

Tree of Ice.
While you make my skin cold,
You keep my heart warm.
735 · Jun 2014
Dan Bolens Jun 2014
"Clouds come                                 into my life,
no longer to carry       r                 or usher storm,
                                  o         o                        
But to add            c                 r       to my sunset sky."
729 · Mar 2014
The Secret
Dan Bolens Mar 2014
Within the glass heart of man,
Lies a Secret unbeknownst to himself.
It rides on the back of carrion crows,
And rests on the frail strings of a violin.

Found in the generosity we provide to friends,
And the sorrows we share with enemies.
The death of an angel,
And the birth of a demon.

Carried by Gale Maidens,
It floats upon a cool Spring breeze.
Ringing the soft chimes of hope.

The Secret of Life.
Of Happiness.
Of Love.
Of Truth.

Whispered upon the waves of an ocean,
Drifting beyond the stars,
Into the vast unknown of the human soul.
719 · Jan 2014
Fall in Love
Dan Bolens Jan 2014
Let's fall in love.
The Guess Who's
Miss You's
I Love You Too's

An hour gone,
Is an hour closer to you.
Let's start anew.
Lovers without a clue.
689 · Jun 2013
Dan Bolens Jun 2013
A door stands before me
I have the key
I'm just missing the ****

A wall stands before me
I have the bomb
I'm just missing the fuse

An empty canvas stands before me
I have the picture
I'm just missing the paint

An ocean stands before me
I have the boat
I'm just missing the oars.

A mirror stands before me
I have the body
I'm just missing the soul
665 · Nov 2013
You and I
Dan Bolens Nov 2013

I had the most amazing dream last night.
You and I.

You had come over to visit.
But it wasn't just any visit.
Turns out we were getting married soon.
I think it was arranged by our families.

That night we kissed.
We touched.
We laughed.
The sames images from when I writing last night.

I kissed your lips.
Your stomach.
Your sides.
It was beautiful.
You were beautiful.

But the next day you were unsure.
I was unsure.
"What if this doesn't work out?" you asked me.

Afternoon came around and you decided to leave.
I chased after you asking what was wrong.
You showed me a painting you made.
We were on opposite sides.
In the middle were two smaller pictures.
One was a row of multicolored houses,
And the other was pictures of kids.

You were afraid.
"What if this doesn't work?"
"What if we're away from each other?"
"What if..."

I stopped you.
I was scared too.
I didn't know what to expect.

You were in tears.
I pulled you close and stood silently for a bit.
And said the only thing I could think of.
"I will always love you,
I will always keep you safe,
And I will always be here."

This is the first "nice" dream I've had in a while that wasn't totally messed up.
642 · May 2013
The World Keeps Turning
Dan Bolens May 2013
This silence
The darkness
My feelings
It turns out
I was better off without you
I just never realized it
Until now
I felt stuck
But now I'm stronger
I can be myself
Who I've always wanted to be
No need to impress
Just the need to be me
And I
640 · Jan 2014
Dan Bolens Jan 2014
It's 5:47AM.
Eyes heavy.
Hands weak.
Mouth dry.

I dreamt of us again.
The meadows.
The skies.

The softness of your skin.
The sound of your voice.
That taste of your lips.

"To be loved is to be free.
Maybe someday it'll be me."
609 · Nov 2013
Never Alone
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
Love seems so hard to come by these days, doesn't it?
Others just push you away,
Or treat you like you're nothing.
Keep your head up, okay?

Time will always bring us down.
Often when we least expect it or want it.  But

Time also heals all wounds, or so they say.
Hopefully I can make that time come a little sooner,
Even if that time means forever.

So never stop loving and never stop believing.
Keep your eyes bright and your head strong.
You will always have people that love you.
594 · Aug 2013
Breathing Again
Dan Bolens Aug 2013
Here I am thousands of miles from home
And all I can think about is you
If only you knew

Watching the stars fly by at night
And the sun rise over the ocean in the morning
It's not the same all alone

I told myself I'd never love again
But choosing not to love is like choosing not to breathe
You have to let air in eventually

It all depends on how long you can hold your breath.
591 · Sep 2012
Dan Bolens Sep 2012
I stand on the ledge looking down.
"What is it like to fly?" I think to myself.
The people have started to gather.
"What do I really have to lose?
You only live once, right?"
Flashing lights.
"Goodbye Father."
A man with a megaphone.
"Goodbye Mother."
I am calm.
"Goodbye Brother."
I have thought about it.
"Goodbye Sister."
I spread my wings and jump.
My reflection against the glass falls with me.
I wave, but my reflection stays motionless.
It simply looks back and says Goodbye.
I am not a bird.
I cannot fly.
I can only Fall.
560 · Nov 2013
Untitled 2
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
When I see the stars in the sky,
I think of the twinkle in your eye.
If only I could get that high,
But without wings I cannot fly.
I sit here upon my bed and write this poem,
Only wanting someone to call my own.
But there's one thing from keeping me blue,
And that one thing is thinking about you.
As I lay here and tell you how I feel,
You should know this isn't a dream it's all real.
And as I lay my pen to rest,
I want you to know, you're the one I think is best.
Wrote this about 5 years ago.
560 · Jul 2013
The Fight (Rough Draft)
Dan Bolens Jul 2013
I can't wait to see my friends in the fall.
                                                           ­                                           What friends?
You know, Courtney and Kyle and Elizabeth and...
                                                          ­                         They aren't your friends.
Yes they are...
                                                          ­                                          No they aren't.
                                                         ­              They all think you're a ******.
                                                   ­                                      Everyone thinks that.
                                                           ­            No one needs a friend like you.
                                                     ­                                                        But what?
                                                           ­                      They all have other, more
                                                                ­              Important friends than you.
                                                        ­                    You might as well just break
                                                           ­                    All contact with them now.
                                                            ­                           You know you're only
                                                                ­                            Going to hurt them.
But I don't want to be alone.
                                                          ­                      But you'll always be alone.
                                                          ­                             So why not start now?
                                                            ­               Cause yourself the pain now.
                                                            ­              Then they don't get hurt later.
So, I won't hurt them?
                                                           ­                                                      Exactly.
I guess you're right...
                                                        ­                                    Of course I'm right.
                                                     I'm you.
One of the daily thought sequences that goes through my head.  There are many different variations on what you see above, so some more editing might come in later.
553 · Dec 2013
Love Free
Dan Bolens Dec 2013
We kissed,
They hissed.
Who cares,
We blissed.
546 · Dec 2014
Untitled 4
Dan Bolens Dec 2014
When the wind blows 'round
And the sun goes down
And the light fades from your eyes.

When the night is long
And the stars fall down
I'll be by your side.

Cause when you're lookin' at me
You're all I see
No where I'd rather be.

So let your eyes shine on
And your walls fall down
I'll never let you go.

When the music fades
And you pull your shades
We'll make our own sounds
543 · Jun 2011
The Code
Dan Bolens Jun 2011
Up I rise from my bed.
Up comes the sun over the horizon.
Down I drop my controller.
Down drops a tear from my cheek.
Left is no one but myself.
Right I no longer know from wrong.
Left there is only one option.
Right away I pick up the controller.
Because there is no one here.
Again I play.
Starting my life over.
For my Modern class.  Follows the Konami Code pattern.
543 · Jun 2013
Dan Bolens Jun 2013
“One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
“Always put your best foot forward.”
“Don’t look back.”
“Objects accelerate at 9.8 m/s squared under gravity.”
“If man had been meant to fly, he’d have been given wings.”
“The pain will disappear shortly.”
"Cause of death: Wanting to be free."
542 · Nov 2013
Untitled 3
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
Your eyes saw me, and mine saw you.
And for those few seconds, we connected like few do.
I tried to break glare, but you kept me at stare.
The light from above made a twinkle in your eye,
And with that my heart began to fly.
A smile spread across your face,
One that stopped time and space.
I smiled back and was froze in a trance,
And I wondered if your heart too started to dance.
Caught in a phase we were two of a kind.
But I knew love I could not find.
And so I sit here alone,
Wishing I could call you my own.
Wrote this one 5 years ago as well.
511 · Apr 2014
... .. .-.. . -. -.-. .
Dan Bolens Apr 2014
... .. .-.. . -. -.-. . .-.-.-
.. - .----. ... / --.- ..- .. - . / -. .. -.-. . --..-- / .. ... -. .----. - / .. - ..--..
.- .-.. -- --- ... - / .-. --- -- .- -. - .. -.-. / .. -. / .- / ... . -. ... . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-
-- .- -.-- -... . / . ...- . -. / .- / -... .. - / - .-- .. ... - . -..

... .. .-.. . -. -.-. . / - .... .- - / -... .-. .. -. --. ... / ..- ... / .--. . .- -.-. .
.- -. -.. / -.-- . - / -.. .-. .. ...- . ... / ..- ... / -- .- -..
- .... . / -... . .- ..- - .. ..-. ..- .-.. / .... .- .-. -... .. -. --. . .-. / --- ..-. / -.. . .- - ....

.. - / - .... .-. .. ...- . ... / --- -. / - .... . / -- . . -.-
.- -. -.. / -.. . ...- --- ..- .-. ... / - .... . / .. -. ... .- -. .
- .... . / ... .. .-.. . -. -.-. . / - .... .- - / .-.. .. ...- . ... / -... . ..-. --- .-. . / .-.. .. ..-. .
.- -. -.. / .- ..-. - . .-. / -.. . .- - ....

- .... . / .-- .- .-. -... .-. .. -. --. . .-.
- .... . / .... . .-. .- .-.. -.. / --- ..-. / -.. .- .-. -.- -. . ... ...
- .... . / .-.. --- -. . / ... ..- .-. ...- .. ...- --- .-.

"- .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / .-- .- -.-- / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / . -. -.. ...
- .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / .-- .- -.-- / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / . -. -.. ...
- .... .. ... / .. ... / - .... . / .-- .- -.-- / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / . -. -.. ...
-. --- - / .-- .. - .... / .- / -... .- -. --. / -... ..- - / .- / .-- .... .. -- .--. . .-. .-.-.-"
507 · Jun 2014
Float Away
Dan Bolens Jun 2014

                            away as reality                
                 float                                 crashes
Dreams                                                            down.
500 · Nov 2013
Some Will Fly
Dan Bolens Nov 2013
The softness of your lips.
                                                                                                                                      The curve of your hips.
                                                                   Losing my grip.

Hair falls down.
                                                                                                                                      World turns round.
                                                                   You'll be found.

Women passing.
                                                                                                                                      Men massing.
                                                                   I'm crashing.

Falling deeper.
                                                                                                                                      Looking for a keeper.
                                                                   Prey to the Reaper.

Time flies.
                                                                                                                                      Everyone dies.
                                                                   Some will cry.
                                                                   Some will lie.
                                                                   Some will fly.
I don't even.  Random phrases that somehow make sense to me.
457 · Jun 2014
Dan Bolens Jun 2014
                                                               ­            c
                                                               ­              l
                                                               ­    e   n  i
                                                            ­   v   o       f
                                                            a  ­  p          f
Some/days/the/heart/wears/as/a/w   u             s
455 · Sep 2013
All Over Again
Dan Bolens Sep 2013
It's a new year, yet still the same.
They come to the door asking for your name.
Let's be honest, I'm the only one to blame.
I still live a life of sadness and shame.

I've made it to the door, but can't get through the frame.
One more time I'll take my aim.
But if I fail again, I'll be surely lain.
Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I have to beat this pain.
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