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 Aug 2011 Dameon Eaton
Asa Barnes
The Nights are heavy with painful thoughts.
The peace bring by the noise of the day have died out.
There is not but silence in night
Not but pain.
here is to all the stuff i put you through,
and all the mean things that i had said.
to all the fights that we continued, with no reason?
i regret.
to all the ignorance that was done,
and all the blaming that was dealt.
to all the screaming that we did,
to the terrible things that we felt.
here is to a friendship,
that ended in shame.
i’m sorry you guys…
i take all the blame.
Every life has a struggles that you need to face off
Sometimes we cry but sometimes we laugh
Sometimes we fall in love, sometimes hurting so bad
But you need to be strong to make your life better
We chose EVERYTHING we want
We used our mind to do everything in our lives
Even we don't have any choices that we can do
It is better to fight and don't give up
Don't lose hope!
Just be ready and be cool to the problem you encountered
everyday, tomorrow and today
Be friendly and love the person who loves you
So that, If they disappear you have memories
You can kept for the rest of your life
Its really hard to live in this world without ANYTHING you considered NOTHING...Make sense:))

— The End —