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They stared at each other for a very long time.

Such a very long time

He, collecting his thoughts
She, biting her lip

Time slowed like molasses, like settling dust

"Funny, isn't it?" He said

She looked up

"Isn't it amazing how hundreds of thousands of innocent decisions we make from the time we're born mold and shape the people we eventually become?  How one single fluttering thought becomes an unsteady action, which then becomes a rock steady habit?  That habit, repeated over and over again throughout our life until it's merely second nature.  Something that seems so simple to change, so inanely effortless...yet it is not so.  It's become so ingrained in your psyche that your body rejects your attempts to take control and break the mold.  You've become a slave, unable to waiver from the ditch you've dug yourself into.  I'm sorry I can't be the man you wanted me to be.  I'm so very sorry".

She stood there, silently regarding him for a moment.  Her long auburn hair fell across her face as she took a deep breath.

"That's wonderful, dear, but I still don't understand why you can't just learn to put the toilet seat down when you've finished"
"Alas, woman!  Did you not hear a word I spake?!"
 Dec 2013 Dallas jozwick
My demons
From the shadows
Are a limitless power
That overtowers
Sanity in its weakest form
That I used to welcome
Until I left them

So listen here
Sinister and Fear
You don't own me
You can't ruin me

I won't let you take me back
I won't let you increase the lack
Of love that I am able to give
This is my life, that I will still live

So ******* and your prescriptions
Plus your clinics that once held me
I can make it through
This month or two
Before insanity
Overtakes me

I cannot  ignore you
I know you are there
Waiting in the shadows
Preparing your dark lair
You can torture my thoughts
And try and scrape through my skin
But you won't take the will I have left
This time I will win
the sun sets in my mind
never to arise
for darkness soothes the glaring light
that carries all the lies
and in the place where I sleep
I come alive in my dreams
never wishing to awake
stitched in threads of reality seams

so let the sun rise
steadfast and so sublime
just let me sleep so I can dream
of sunsets in my mind
she starts with lightning
then comes her thunder
search for shelter to hide under

she is the rain, she is the snow
so cold, so damp
winters frigid vicious vamp

I can't get through the dark side
afraid to give
afraid to live
I can't get through the dark side

she is the storm
that blackens my sky
frozen chest no breath for good bye

can't think can't feel
can't find a reason
there is no refuge from her changing season



can't get through

can't get through


written by
Warner Baxter
One Knight Stand productions
Under a Tangerine Sky Entertainment
Phoenix Arizona 2010
all rights reserved
She was
sunshine hiding
behind the clouds
willing and waiting.

He was
on the beach
gracing the sand,
steady and warm.

She was reluctant
struck by her love
and afraid to say it.

He was reluctant
hurt by past love
and afraid to jump in.

She was wet eyes
and open ears
fragile but resilient.

He was a strong face
and a scarred mind
strong but misunderstood.

She was green eyes
iridescent in the daytime
twinkling in the night.

He was green eyes
hiding in the daytime
opening in the night.

She was deep, endless
ready for anything
expecting nothing.

He was reserved,
hurt and unsure
expecting nothing.

We met by chance
and I'm still
trying to figure out
what we are.
I wanted to love every space
and every missing piece -
I wanted to see.

From the moment your
warm hands held mine
I felt safe, and I knew
this would be more.

I needed to know every
wonderful secret
every dark thought,
I wanted to know you.

To stick my fingers in
the little gaps of your
soul, I wanted to feel
everything you felt.

I wanted you to feel whole.

I desire to know every
dark nightmare,
the smell of blood
still thick in your mind.

Every dream and
every regret
I wanted to feel it all.

I hesitate.

I need you to know
the love I've felt
and hidden,
for your sake.

I wanted to gently mend
every flaw you saw
in yourself, I wanted
to make life beautiful.

To let you in?
I wanted to try. I wanted to feel.

I wanted to be there to share
when the demons come breathing
down your neck and every sick
thought stalks your head.

I wanted you there when the
tears wouldn't stop
or couldn't start and
I wanted to catch all of yours.

But you feel I've done wrong.
Pain that ripped through my core
and begged me to scream out
every truth I've concealed-
terrified because my love is so deep
yet I never bothered to reveal.

I wanted to tell you
but the words are so heavy and
emotions so real.
Someday I'll tell you.

War in my mind as real
as the war you have seen.
Silence leaves me wondering
if you would fight for me.

I would fight.
I will fight.
I will fight for your love
until I can't fight any more.

I fell in love with you
that was my first mistake.

Empathy that shook my core
I wanted to feel all you felt.
I wanted you to feel what I felt.
(Because I knew you felt it, too.)

I wanted to give myself
until there was nothing left.
I wanted you to love me.
To be behind a slight disguise
behind those liquid lavender eyes

Long search hard to find
a special soul nothing unkind

A feeling strong a heart that's true
but wait, I think they're deep deep blue

I stare into a certain fate
I feel the pulse with quickened gate

Into those eyes I do fall
spirit image and magic call

I an certain this is no illusion
wonderful real no confusion

Lavender eyes forever together
sharing time with my beautiful feather

Lavender eyes no disguise
I gaze into those Lavender Eyes
This poem was published in 2006 in a hard cover compilation entitled
"TIMELESS VOICES" by The International Library of Poetry. It received
The Editors Choice Award from managing editor Howard Ely. It was also
nominated for Poem of the Year 2007 by the registry.
Available at Amazon.  Thank you for reading
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