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Self love is important
because it is impossible
to love someone else when
you can't even love yourself
so take a step back, and
look at yourself
and love yourself
because in the end you're all
you really have
Dear 4 am,
Legend says when you can't sleep that you're awake in someone else's dreams. So I don't know if that's my problem, or if it's my restless thoughts. So maybe you're the source of my insomnia, or maybe I'm my own problem.

The way you talk down on people
Does not make you the good person you praise yourself as
*      *      *      and you are      *      *            
   *           *  just­ like the moon *      *          
*        *   *      -----so, alone-----      *      *    
   *      *    but you shine bright  *      *    
*     *            at the darkest  *      *     *
   *      *      *     of times  *      *      *      *    
*           *           *           *         *          

— The End —