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Jun 2014 · 556
On your Way Out
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
Goodbye goodbye
And by the way
Take all those stupid things you say
Goodbye so long
And don't forget
To choke to death on your regret

Bring your paper
And your glass
I hope the door will slam your ***
Take your brittle broken tears
I hope you're drinking them for years

Goodbye goodbye
Now drown your sorrow
And I won't want you back tomorrow
Take your fire and your ice
You burned me once I froze you twice.
Jun 2014 · 979
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
Words unformed stuck in her throat
Dry as a first communion host
She tried to push them past her lips
They slid back down
In a fevered putrid torrent

All the things she could not say
Trapped inside her mottled mouth
Beneath her swelling tongue
An angry cloud of hornets
Again again again they stung

All the words unspoken
An abscess ripe with pus
Throbbing in her throat
Every breath a battle
An emotional death rattle.
Jun 2014 · 805
Kiss Me Kill Me
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
Kiss me with your serpent's tongue
Wash that poison down my throat
On a wave of thick saliva
Until I'm spitting your lies
Back out into you face
Then ask how I can be so cold
Like it's not the backwash
From your frozen soul

**** me with your perfect smile
Across your face
With icy hands around my throat
Choke off everything I am
My headlight eyes
Wide with surprise
High beams flicker out.
Jun 2014 · 558
The Dead
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
People who die
Aren't always mottled flesh
Rigor mortis
And full of formaldehyde

The dead are not all in the ground
Fermenting and bloated
Stinking and gaseous
Slipping black skin like greasy banana peels

The departed are not all in Heaven
Rattled skeletons left behind
Long and short bones laid out straight
Plastic eyelids covers long popped aside

They are the ones with dead cold eyes
Empty hearts and clenching hands
Emotions extinguished like matchsticks
Left out in the rain

They are out of tears
They are out of love
They are out of time
They might as well be buried bones.
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
You know, it breaks my heart, my friend
To see you so defeated
It makes me wish I always could
Be everything you needed
When angry words are thrown at you
I want to hold them back
And when your world is dark and cold
Bring color to the black

If I could lay a banquet out
Especially for you
I'd use the finest china
And purest crystal too
I'd fill you up with all the things
You need to feed your soul
Because to me you're beautiful
And happy, well and whole

If I could fill your life with joy
I'd do it every day
Because I know without a doubt
You'd save me the same way
Hold out your hand
I'll give you mine
We can't be perfect
But we'll be fine.
Jun 2014 · 979
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
Your mouth
Reminds me of a pus spewing wound
Building poison pressure bursts to the surface
Erupting a hot flood of thick green infection
Splattering over everyone you touch
Like volcanic bile.

Your words
Are an ill smelling fungus
A sick compilation
Of every hateful thought
Infesting your heart
Like a sac of wormy toadstools

Your life
Is a blame game
A who to maim game
Projecting fault
Verbal assault
Destruction the goal
Of your cold blackened soul
Jun 2014 · 600
Two I Love You
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
I love your chunky chunky limbs
And your graspy little fingers
The way your eyes are clear and wide
Taking everything inside

Two of you
So different so beautiful
Miracles of love and life
All the good things in the world
Inside your laughing pudgy bellies

Two sets of everything
Perfect pleasure
To hear those throaty gusty laughs
And gaze upon those gummy smiles
Double trouble double joys Monkey boys.
For Blake Lucas and Branson Lee
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Shut Up Bitch
Cynthia Thompson Jun 2014
Shut up shut up I can't hear you
I won't listen
Goodbye for today I'm off to the gloom
***** I said shut up
Not comin outta my room

If it wasn't illegal I swear I would punch you
Split them flapping lips maybe shut you up
For a bit
Make you wipe off all the spit and blood
Give me that look like I'm so awful

Shut up I Said
Can't you Hear Me
Screaming screaming
Curse you out
Only in my head?

Some night you're asleep
Pillow over your face
Pressed against your nose and that big mouth
Hold your arms down
***** shut you up for good.
May 2014 · 580
I Will Give You a New Life
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
I will take all that crap on your floor
Sweep all that **** right out your door
Bring down the mess I crammed in your attic
Haul it away without any static
All them things you folded that I threw back on the floor
I'll fold 'em again on the folds from before.

Wait a minute...what?
No, I ain't gonna do it now
Gonna take a shower
Maybe watch a little Fox on the tv
Play a few hours of scrabble on my iPad
I told you it'll all get done
Just not today maybe not tomorrow either

Hey, I am gonna take all them poems you write
Tease out all your dreams and ambitions
I bet you'll see we have a lot in common
Have the same goals and all that ****
Tomorrow you'll wake up and we'll have a new life
Just like the one you keep saying you want and saying you want

What, you think I'm some kinda dream weaver?
Just tell me what you want and I make it appear outta thin air?
I will give you a new life
Just as soon's I get my Fox watchin, Scrabble playin *** off this sofa
Now what did you say you wanted again?
I mighta put it up in the attic
Under all my other ****.
May 2014 · 437
The Monster's Bride
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
She made her entrance as
The Undisputed Queen
Underlings scrabbled
To see her, to be seen
She favored no one
Lest they favor her more
She sighed and she waited
To take over the floor

Striking a pose
High up on her stage
Bathed in the glow
Of her personal glory
She never perspired
Lest she grow tired
Playing her role
Cold as ice in a bowl

Losing herself
In an act of delusion
She couldn't hold on to her precious illusion
It slipped through her fingers
And out of her hands
Despite her persona
And her endless demands

The house lights were out
The crowd was long gone
No more props
No more set
For emoting upon
The moment was over
For the lines she had blown
She walked off of the stage
And she went home alone.
May 2014 · 617
French Fry Eyes
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
Your eyes are deep fried julienne
Potatoes upon which I rend
A plop of ketchup
Then I tend
To eat them one by one
With bliss
A crispy full tongued throaty kiss.
You say potato, I say fry it up!
May 2014 · 955
Soaring Sienna
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
I woke up last night
To a star burning bright
Such a feeling of grace
As I pictured your face
Beautiful Angel, Beautiful Girl
Heaven's Child no longer part of this world
How does it feel to be one with the sky
With your gossamer wings what's it like when you fly
Breaking the bonds of the sickness and pain
Way up over the sun and so far from the rain
Child of Heaven, Child of Light
I pray that your Mum knows you're up there tonight
But I have a feeling that you're not very far
And she'll see you each night in the face of a star
All those who love you are bathed in your light
You are home in the arms of the Angels tonight.
Rest in Peace, Angel Girl...forever in our hearts and souls
May 2014 · 404
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
My kid just told me that I ****
So why do I have the urge to bite him?
May 2014 · 429
Heart of Glass
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
Once I had a heart
But it shattered like glass
When you ridiculed me
About the size of my ***
Everyday recess
A personal hell
Sweating and fearing
The sound of that bell

I can't help
My only happiness is to fill my face
And of course I know
My size is a disgrace
But even though I'm huge
Can't you give me some space
Trapped in this torso
A huge lonesome place

Once I had feelings
But they froze just like ice
And no you don't have to tell me that twice
How enormous I am
Just once will suffice
Just once would be nice

Every day
You ridicule and taunt me
Every day
Your words my shame they haunt me
I pay and pay
But you never want me
To come and play
I cannot get away

Shards of glass
My shattered heart
I chomp and I choke
My insides sliced apart
I am one big fat joke
It never ends

Bullying hurts, tends, tears, and sometimes even kills.  I survived.  Quash it when you see it...your peers, our children, in person, on social media, however...wherever.
May 2014 · 644
Bad Girl
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
She smashed the village into bits
Water, glitter everywhere
Another of her childish fits
Whipping snow globes through the air

She kicked the dog
She slapped the cat
Killed her brother's frog
With a baseball bat

She broke the window
And crawled outside
She used the garbage can to hide
But no one looked for her all day
The garbage man threw her away

Now she's under a lump
Of rot at the dump
Tell her mother and dad
Now she's really gone bad.
May 2014 · 1.5k
Old Italian Ladies
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
Old Italian Ladies walk around in long black dresses
A handkerchief tucked up one sleeve for blowing little noses
They are soft and round, with flappy forearms
And give greasy lipstick kisses as they clutch you to their chests

Old Italian Ladies smell like olive oil and flour
And they give out oozy chocolates with red cherry sauce inside
Their enormous laps are like lumpy old recliners
They sing songs about amore' as they rock you off to sleep

Old Italian Ladies let you go down to the basement
Where the air is cool and shelves are lined with jars of pickled green beans
And wide mouthed bottles bursting with clumpy red tomatoes
They use creaky wooden step stools when they need to reach up high

Old Italian Ladies pierce your ears with just a needle
A bar of soap, a lump of ice
A loop of string to make the earring
And a tiny glass of anisette for the tears after the sting

Old Italian Ladies were the matrons of my childhood
Intoning rosaries, invoking saints
Making garlic studded meatballs
Dispensing love as freely as hard candy from their purses.
For my Grandma, Filomena Maria and my Auntie Stella Maria, sorely missed.
May 2014 · 427
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
Did you really just say what I thought you did?
You couldn't have
My high heel isn't sticking up your ***.
May 2014 · 585
Petal Pink
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
All these years I've been repressed
Choked by feelings unexpressed
Boiling, bubbling deep inside
Buried in my hole, I hide
It's a grave I dug myself
Because you left me by myself
And you hung me out to dry
All so you could up and die

I think about you often
Petal pink inside your coffin
Your memory, relentlessly
Lunges up to strangle me
Your nails like talons, painted pink
So well preserved
But you still stink

I wish you could have told me why
You never even said goodbye
My childhood memories, out of synch
As I remember you, in pink
So fragile as you decompose
And I'm the only one who knows

...and sometimes, I still hear your voice
I block it out
You made your choice
You took responsibility
For never coming back to me.
Parents should not use young children as confidants.  The child cannot bear this guilt.
May 2014 · 2.9k
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
You are a volcano
Spewing bitter ashes
Your lips are scarred with blisters
You choke on molten lava

You are a tornado
A black and angry funnel
Touching down with vengeance
Wreaking black destruction

Every time I'm in your path
You try to burn and break me
Scorch my skin with accusations
Annihilate my existence

You clearly fail to understand
That while you erupt and storm
The things your wrath devours
Are all inside of you

You are a volcano
You are a tornado
You are my beloved child
You are my force of nature

I hope someday that you will find
Refreshing rains and cooling breezes
You are the maker of weather
I am the eye of the storm.
For Brendan
May 2014 · 852
Dead Girl Dancing
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
Dead girl swinging from a tree
As breezes blow melodically
She sways almost erotically
Blackening necrotically

She loved a boy who said goodbye
And laughed at her when she asked why
She thought that she might like to fly
And swing, and choke, and lastly, die

The noose around her throat, she jumped
Her neck bones snapped, her long legs pumped
'Til every bit of breath was gone
Now it's the wind she's dancing on

Her flesh turns putrid, then it slips
Insects crawl upon her lips
Flies infest her, north and south
Feasting on her crotch, her mouth

Some days later, she is found
Split skin sagging to the ground
Hung from a noose so tightly bound
Dead girl dancing 'round and 'round
I have seen too many young people take their lives.  It is an irrevocable tragedy.
May 2014 · 482
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
I dream of triple ice cream cones
Fat chocolate cakes, and buttered scones
That lurk in the forbidden zones
Tempting me to feed my bones

My bones are lovely, long and white
Sweet sharp angles left and right
Almost poking through my skin
So beautiful and deathly thin

I slipped into the pastry shop
And ran my finger 'round the top
Of a thickly frosted sweet
I ****** for hours on that treat

My bones are lovely, long and white
A starving skeleton delight
Almost poking through my skin
I'll die to keep the shape I'm in

The girls at school all stare at me
Their gazes fat with jealousy
And every day I watch them feed
Their teeth are white, their gums don't bleed

Last night I laid down in my bed
My weak heart burst, and now I'm dead
They'll never chance a glance again
At perfect bones hugged tight to skin

My bones are lovely, long and white
My hollow corpse has taken flight
I'll never draw a breath again
But I'm still beautiful, and thin.
May 2014 · 492
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
When I was a baby
They christened me with water
Mother said I screamed ****** ******
I must have thought that I was drowning
While they thought they saved my soul

The Sisters all wore golden crosses
Slapping us with wooden rulers
The beveled edges brought down hard
Bruising bleeding knotted knuckles

The day I first confessed my sins
To the Priest behind the screen
We children received holy cards
With glued on plastic crucifixes
That glowed when you turned out the light
Like Christ's eyes, always watching

The Sisters all wore golden crosses
And they said we were not worthy
On our knees in holy terror
We prayed in vain for our salvation

On my First Communion day
Jesus' body was a wafer
Dry as bone, thin as paper
Adhered to the roof of my mouth
My tongue dry as red hot sand
While I tried desperately to swallow

The Sisters all wore golden crosses
As they dispensed God's corporeal mercy
With a backhand to the head
And a black mark through the soul

All the children feared God's judgement
Certain we'd be cast to Satan
In His hell eternal burning
Our salvation lost forever
Plunging from eternal rapture
On paper wings alight with fire

The Sisters all wore golden crosses
Smacking us across our faces
Because of this I still remember
All the useless Latin verses
And their ugly, screaming curses
May 2014 · 1.2k
Because You Were Busy
Cynthia Thompson May 2014
Because you were busy I got no birthday card
It's not the first time so I won't take it hard
Because you were busy I was alone Mother's Day
But I know you have so much to do anyway
Because you were busy I stayed home alone
You didn't have time to pick up the phone

I know life is crazy and you just have a minute
But does even one thought in your head have me in it?
I'm getting older and I'm scared that I'm sick
But I'd sure like a visit, no matter how quick

Because you were busy those hours have passed
You're beginning to realize how you've put me last
But time is a runaway train on a track
And it's something that we never, ever get back

Now you remember to bring me bouquets
And you always visit on bright, sunny days
You talk to me and I wish I could reply
But listening's all you can do when you die
I hope that you somehow know I understand
My leaving was something that you never planned
And I hear as you whisper while I lie in the ground...
"I am so sorry, Mom, that I wasn't around".

— The End —