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jean May 2020
Taking a break from Hello Poetry, I would be using a different platform to publish my other works. Please feel free to follow me on my Instagram account [@ctfjngrnt]. I would try my best to post my works there daily or weekly. Thank you so much!
jean Oct 2017
The heart is a wild creature.
It has its ways.
Maybe that's the reason
our ribs form a cage.
  Oct 2017 jean
Who's the real blind in this world?
People who lost their vision literally?
People who shut their eyes when it comes to love and reality?
Tell me, Who is?
  Sep 2017 jean
Star BG
I tend to love
broken things.
And sometimes, I get broken
by the things I love.

But when I do,
I remember
kintsukuroi -
being more beautiful for having been broken.
A collaboration first stanza by Akira a great writer who I am grateful to and me StarBG   Enjoy!   Kintsukuroi is a Japanese word one I remember in my life as I move celebrating my challengers as well as my triumphs.
jean Sep 2017
I tend to love
broken things.
And sometimes, I get broken
by the things I love.
  Sep 2017 jean
You never knew what you can do
If you use this thing out of the blue
It can break or make, but never ends
For words can **** you with just one said.
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