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 Feb 2014 alaska
I told you to not fall in love with me, I said.

Because who would love a girl
who would rather spend time writing poetry about you
than acknowledging your existence

Why would you spend your time loving a girl
whose hobbies are pushing people away
and wavering opportunities as they pass by

And why would anyone want to love a girl like me
who leaves you behind just to be in her own little world
and completely forgets to bring you along with her adventures

For why on earth a boy like you love a girl
who'll constantly go on journeys all by herself
leaving you behind without any notice
and just randomly comes in to of your life again

How dare you fall in love with somebody like me
who can't even face her own demons and can't
admit to herself that she's scared of getting hurt
and doesn't want anybody getting close to knowing the real her
for they'll know how mess up and broken she is

To why would someone amazing as you love someone
who leaves you hanging all the time
with one word replies and wrecked expectations

So why bother to love a girl like me
even if hurts me so bad to do this so
I'll be the first to run away you
no matter how great I think you are
for I don't want to damage you as much as I have damaged myself

I am not like those other girls you speak of
who seems normal and very beautiful
so why love me instead?

Now why would you love me
when I can't even love myself and can't see beauty in me
a girl who is so indecisive about every single thing
and can't even go up to tell you how much shes cares
but rather admires you from a far

Please, don't waste your time loving me
because the time we share together
will just became a faded memory
made into a tragic poem
and you'll never know why it ended that way

It's worth it, he said.

You fell in love with a girl like me anyways
solving me like I'm this big mystery game
constantly trying to figure every part of me
to why I became this way
trying to fix me and help me become who I once was

So I let you fall in love with me, deeply into love
because you are the closest thing to happiness for me
and for once in my life
I can make a poetry filled with joy
for you have showed me true self love
and believed in me that I could get better
 Feb 2014 alaska
Sofia Paderes
I want to hear
the rush of angels and
hearts beating fast to the sound of
redemption and revival, know that

there is a so that you can
attached to every do not
it's just that no one stayed long enough
for the sentence to finish. See how

glory is piercing the witching hour, so
come, restless ones,
lie by the streams and drift into
the song of lions and new wineskins.

There is a rising.
A rising.
Please start arising.
Today we're arising.
 Feb 2014 alaska
Pablo Neruda
I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.

I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.

I want to eat the sunbeam flaring in your lovely body,
the sovereign nose of your arrogant face,
I want to eat the fleeting shade of your lashes,

and I pace around hungry, sniffing the twilight,
hunting for you, for your hot heart,
like a puma in the barrens of Quitratue.
 Feb 2014 alaska
New Orleans
 Feb 2014 alaska
In the summer I fell in love
With a little city I found
My heart flutters every time I think of
That city full of sound
And maybe it was the voodoo
That made me so very keen
To keep coming back to that bayou
Down in New Orleans
My favorite city.
 Feb 2014 alaska
We all write those sweet, sweet words about that
him or her.

Each letter; a soft smile plays on your lips.

Between the spaces are the living, breathing and crinkled memories of that person.

Flitting in and out; peek-a-boo with you.

I wonder with wide-eyed curiosity which
flickers and edges
my eyelashes,
how does your him or him look like?

How do their lips crack a smile?

Where do their footsteps lead to?
Back to your door, I hope?

I will never quite know.

But one thing I do know with certainty,
my god,
I could have waited to post this up on Valentine's Day.
BUT, whatever, to show how much you love someone should be every single **** day. ;)

Could you guys give me the name of the special him or her in your life?
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