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 Nov 2015 Elena
happy thanksgiving
 Nov 2015 Elena
it's weird...being grateful, even for those who have hurt you.
being grateful for those who you love now is beautiful.
being grateful in general because you are alive.
it's weird to me.
but it's the most powerful emotion we have.
and I am absolutely full of gratitude today.
thank you God for
I love y'all, happy thanksgiving!
 Apr 2015 Elena
 Apr 2015 Elena
I have never loved myself more than I do now.
Nature beckons me to stay and I always answer its call.
 Apr 2015 Elena
 Apr 2015 Elena
And today I felt alive.
Like really alive.
Like everything was going to be okay,
Because it will be okay.
I slept last night and I actually did my work today and I didn't skip any classes AND I'm eating! I also went on an hour long walk with my friend, which was awesome! Today has just be so nice. :)
 Apr 2015 Elena
 Apr 2015 Elena
I remember what happened as we watched this movie,
and the many other movies we shared together.
But there will always been new movies,
And there will always been new people.
But that doesn't mean I won't miss what we had
And what we shared together.
Death of a relationship, but a birth of so many others.
 Mar 2015 Elena
Notes : 2
 Mar 2015 Elena
sometimes i can still feel your arms around me
but instead of you holding me by my waist
you are now grasping me by my neck
and you are trying to take away what little breath
i have left inside of me.
you started off with taking my breath away the right way, but now you choke me till I'm turning blue.
 Mar 2015 Elena
"Feed me all night long"
Sure thing baby doll.
Laughing cause this movie is soooo good.
So many innuendos.
 Mar 2015 Elena
Juan es luz
 Mar 2015 Elena
Its been a year today,
And while you've been gone
I've looked at your picture on my mirror everyday.
When you died,
Something happened to me.
I went to back to my classroom after they told me
and took a pair of scissors from my teachers desk.
Nobody saw, nobody would know.
And I walked to the bathroom as calmly as I could,
And I went to the last stall,
And locked it.
There, yes, good. Nobody will know
I looked around at the beige colored tiles
and I couldn't catch my own breath anymore.
Everything seemed so bleak.
I asked myself, "I wonder if he regrets it?"
But alas, no answer.
There, yes, good. Nobody will know
Before I went into the bathroom,
I was sobbing
And playing out whether or not I should run out of the building
And get hit by oncoming traffic.
I decided against it.
Not because I wanted to live,
But because my best friend was holding onto me
And my blackened tears were already stained onto her shirt.
I couldn't leave like that.
No, I would do it later
Even my own girlfriend didn't make me happier.
But that's the thing,
You cant fill a hole in your heart with another person.
It only works for a little while,
And alas, I was still so depressed.
There, yes, good. Nobody will know
I wore makeup that day,
And my teacher took her antidepressants
in front of me.
She wouldn't tell me why,
Because then she would have started sobbing.
But I knew his empty seat was
so much more than an physical absence that day.
Something felt different in the air,
And it was so cold.
You could feel it everywhere,
Even before everyone knew.
There, yes, good. Nobody will know
As I looked down at my wrist,
I pressed down to where i had made lines only just a few days before.
I needed more lines,
I deserved more lines.
Somehow I made everything that happened into my own fault.
And I cut once,
And twice,
And then I stooped.
I looked up and heard some girls calling for me,
Some girls I didn't really know,
But they were concerned.
As they started towards the stall I was in,
I scrambled to hide the scissors.
I was so ashamed.
I rolled down my sleeves,
And opened the stall door.
As they opened their arms,
I wept.
I had cried so much that day,
I wasn't sure I was 70 percent water anymore.
There, yes, good. Nobody will know
I looked around as I followed them into another classroom.
And I talked with my friends.
And I made up the saying "Juan is light" in Spanish.
And that day,
I had made a promise to not only myself,
But you.
I would never harm myself again.
And today, I am proud to say that no matter how hard life has been
(especially of late)
And how much I've wanted to see the blood drip
from my wrists,
I have kept my promise.
And I plan on keeping of forever for you, Juan.
I hope everything is okay whenever you may be,
Thank you for everything.
You will always be remembered.
We may not have been close, but you've impacted my life more than you will ever know.
You helped my heart heal so much, thank you so much.
You will always be missed and loved.
I don't think I've ever really told anymore about this part... But that day changed me as a person. And I'll forever be in your debt. I'm so sorry that it took something so horrible to take away the hurt from my heart.

— The End —