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shadow girl Aug 2014
Waking up in dreamland and seeing all these magnificient things
White horses galloping round and round in a circle
Unusual pink sharks swimming about in the ocean
Teeny tiny peope living in cute small homes
A nice big garden with the most colourful and beautiful flowers
Waiting to be picked
A lighthouse out in the middlle of nowhere
shadow girl Aug 2014
Feel like i'm in another world
A world of peace
shadow girl Feb 2015
Sitting under a nice shady tree
Hearing nothing but quietness
Trying to clear my mind off everything
Looking at the different types of rock
Concentrating on the magnificient sight surrounding me
The waves that you see
Absolutely no noise
This is one place where i could never leave
Sitting here keeps me calm and helps me to easily clear my mind
I could even live out here
Being here makes me feel happy
It opens up a world that i had never been to before
Looking at my surroundings helps to take my stress away
I could spend all my free time out here
shadow girl Oct 2014
A world that is empty
Not a single thing in sight
No people
No houses
No parks
No shops
No light
Nothing but emptiness
Only a world covered in sand
That is a world that no one would want to live in
shadow girl Sep 2014
My walls have all been broken down
What a relief it is to finally be freed from all those wall surrounding me
I thought i wouldn't make it out
shadow girl Feb 2015
Chocolate is my best friend
I can't live without it
To me it's the tastiest thing in the world
shadow girl Feb 2015
Everybody needs colour in their life
If you only go for black and white
Your life will be very dull
Colour makes people happy
Colour brightens up your mood
shadow girl Aug 2014
What's going on?
Can someone tell me?
I'm confused as ever
How do i move forward and not look back?
As scared as can be of moving on
How will i know what's going on?
shadow girl Aug 2014
Beautiful flowers under a blue sky
Tempted her to pick some
One such special flower, narcissus
She was about to pick
When suddenly the ground opened
She gets swallowed to the underworld
Getting abducted wasn't on her list of fun
No one hearing her cries
One sudden message sends her back home
Six months with her mother
Six months underground
As she comes back flowers bloom
Autumn and Winter underground
Spring and Summer back at home
shadow girl Aug 2015
Everyone has dreams
No matter if it is big or small
Some dreams come true and some doesn't
Make your dreams come true
shadow girl Oct 2014
Step by step
Walking into the dark woods
Seeing a light shining further in the distance
You walk towards it
what do you see?
You see owles getting married
Climbing up the rocks you see another light
You walk towards it
what do you find?
You find a coat and put it on
You find a pair of boots too and put that also on
Birds start chasing you and you start running like your life depends on it
The boots falls off and you start turning into a tree
shadow girl Oct 2014
I wouldn't be able to do anything without my friends by my side
Without them i feel lost
They are like the other half of me
They are always there to support me
There is never a dull moment when they around
They keep the smile that is on my face
They always give me the best of advice
My friends are like sisters to me
I'm glad to have such amazing friends that are loving and caring
I don't know what i would do without them
shadow girl Aug 2014
Reminding myself to look towards the future
Not remenbering the horrible past
Looking forward to the future
shadow girl Aug 2014
Why is life so complicated?
Can someone please tell me?
I'm trying to move on
How do i enjoy life when i'm not even enjoying it now?
Tell me, how do i make the best out of life?
shadow girl Aug 2014
Is life worth living for?
Yes, to me it's worth living for
Well , thats my opinion about life
If people really care about life
Then why would they **** themselves?
Dont't they care about their future?
Can't they see what their death does to people?
Losing a loved one could really cause a family to break up
People tend to think life isn't worth living for
How can they think that?
I can't imagine losing a loved one
I would be to heartbroken to even think about moving on
I want people to know that life is worth living for
Don't let anything let you down
There are people out there that needs you
People that loves you , and that cares for you
Live life to the fullest
Make the best out of it
shadow girl Aug 2014
I'm lost
I can't find my way back home
How did i get here in the first place?
I'm too afraid to walk back home in the dark
Can someone please help me find my way back?
I have alot of things going through my mind right now
What if someone is following me?
I need to find my way back
shadow girl Feb 2015
Without you brother I am lost
You are my other half
Whenever you back was faced towards me I cried
Before you left I hugged you
That was the very last hug I gave you
Your final wave broke my heart in two
In that very moment I knew there was no going back for you
I don't know when I'll see you again
When I do see you again I'll hug you like I never did before
Life without you isn't the same
I'm not the same person I used to be
I wish you could come back
I miss you so very, very, very much
shadow girl Oct 2014
Who is she?
That's right
She is my mother
The person that gave birth to me
The woman that has always cared for me since day one
A mother should be everyone's role model
Cause i know she's mine
She is one of the kindest people that you will find on this planet
She tells you what is right and what is wrong
She is one of a kind
You won't find anyone like her
shadow girl Aug 2014
A view from up the mountains
What a sight to see
A river flowing freely
Beautiful flowers waiting to be picked
shadow girl Aug 2014
Down the dusty grey gravel road
Violet jacaranda trees blossoming
Under the clear blue skies
shadow girl May 2015
What is happening to our world today?
Why is people so cruel?
To burn our own people!
To **** them!
What is going through peoples minds right now?
Did they ever think about what they are doing?
Or about how it affects everybody else
shadow girl Feb 2015
Saying goodbye to a loved one is the saddest thing
It's like a part of you is missing
You feel so incomplete without that person
That person lightens up your mood with his/her jokes
That smile that makes you happy
shadow girl Aug 2014
school's not that bad
if you think of it in that way
you get to see your friends
learn at the same time too
there's enough time for playing
enough time for learning
a break in between
it's not really that bad
think of all the positive and negative things about school
then you might enjoy it even more
shadow girl Sep 2014
A game that everybody knows
A referee who blows the whistle for half time
A goalie who saves the ball
Players running everywhere
Chasing the ball
Wanting to score a goal
Players getting red and yellow cards
shadow girl Aug 2014
A  walk in the forest leads you to somewhere special
A waterfall
How do you feel when you see the waterfall?
Won't you feel like you are the only person in the world?
Won't you feel calm and relaxed?
Like there's no one else around but you
Hearing the birds singing
The most beautiful flowers growing everywhere
The gentle breeze
The water falling
A bright and colourful rainbow above that makes you feel happy
Won't you feel free?
shadow girl Aug 2015
You may think that you are alone but you  not
There is always people standing right beside you
Never doubt yourself
Have faith and never give up
Giving up shows that you are weak
When actually you are strong
Show how strong you are
Prove it to everyone out there
Stand with your head held up high and with confidence
Confidence is the key to success
shadow girl Nov 2015
People think that they know the real me but they really don't
They think i'm this shy little girl who is too afraid to stand up for herself
All i want is for people to get to know the real me
I want them to see who i really am
I don't want them to see me as this little girl who is hiding behind her shadow
I want them to see me as a girl who is brave and can stand up for herself
They would be so surprised if they get to know the real me
shadow girl Aug 2014
I heard you screaming my name for help
I just stood there and watched you get killed
I should have done something to help you , but i didn't
I regret not helping you
I still have nightmares about that day
Your helpless body laying there
Your blood splattered everywhere
You begging me for help
I can't take it anymore
It's just too much for me to handle
I want to forget about that day , but i cant
I hope you will forgive me one day
shadow girl Aug 2014
Sometimes having the craziest of friends may be good
Or it may not be good
They can sometimes go overboard
No matter how embarrasing they can be
You still love them
They bring the smile to your face
Maybe it is good to have crazy friends
shadow girl Aug 2014
Listening to the birds chirping
Watching them sing and fly freely in admiration
Their beautiful feathers shines in the sunlight
shadow girl Aug 2014
As colourful as a rainbow
As free as a bird
As clear as the sky
As light as a feather
As confusing as the weather
shadow girl Oct 2014
I recognise your pretty blue eyes anywhere
Your long brown hair that blows in the wind
The smile that can light up anybody's day
The sweet sound of your voice
Your personality that interests anybody
shadow girl Aug 2014
You decide who you want to be
It's not up to other people
It's up to you only
Make the correct choices about who you are
shadow girl Oct 2014
I'm the oldest
I'm the largest of the three
Covered by casing stones
That formed a smooth outer surface
What am i?
shadow girl Aug 2014
What are friends for?
Friends are there to support you
They are there when you need them most
They cover up for you when you get in trouble
They take the blame for the things that they didn't do
They always have your back no matter what
Friends are there to understand each other
Know what the other person thinks or feels
Without friends , what would you do?
shadow girl Nov 2014
I'm a colossal neoclassical sculpture
I was designed by an Italian-French sculpture
I'm an icon of freedom
Who am i?
shadow girl Aug 2014
You need to know that you are not alone in this world
There are other people that are going through the same things as you are
Or even worse
There are people who are suffering more than you are
So please think before you do something that you will later regret
Remember it's not always too late to make a change
Don't wait till the last minute
It might be too late

— The End —