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 Oct 2013 CrazyOrange
When the first time I see you...
My mind blew up
It drive me crazy
When you say I love You
But now,
I realize...
It just a fake, a nonsense
I achieved from you
You're moving on
You leave a scar deep in my heart
You leave a memories I couldn't forget
A beautiful memories that hurt
I standing here alone
With the pain inside me
But I know I am strong
I have to take this pain
I know I can
I just stay here
Watching you
No matter the sun getting hot
No matter the nights getting colder
I am here waiting for you
You hurt me but I faithful
Your love
My love
We will start this all over again
Without pressure
Without pain
Without broken heart
Sometimes hurt
But broken heart can't stop me
Like Kelly Clarkson song
What doesn't **** you
Always make you stronger
Inspired by a song ;)
if i had the mind to alter time, i’d be divine
alive with rhyme, i’d live to die
i’d be fine

when i burrow my head under the sand,
i understand that it’s all in my hands
i’ll stand

taking promises as payments, i’ll empty the sky
the clouds will be grounded and the stars will swim in lakes and streams
the sun and the moon will be wed once more
i’ll be the ring bearer
i’ll carry their promises

if i was told to grow old, i’d be bold
i’d question time until all the wrinkles were folds
i don’t do what i’m told

the midnight sky would be blank, there’d be nothing
no definitions, no prejudices, no false pretenses, nothing to deter minds from true light
we’d all stumble around and find truth
we’d all fall in love
i’ll carry our hopes
i've seen your wings
i've witnessed your love
of you my heart sings
to be free like a dove

as i wholeheartedly gaze
at this dreamscape called love
the world couldn't change
my blessings from above

As a reborn young man
or an awakened sleeper
for you i will stand
protecting you from danger

as strong as i am
i'm nothing alone
the woman i have
is what make me whole

my family believes
your what's best for me
amongst other things
you've recreated me

in the past i've lied
and broke plenty of dreams
but this time i'll try
to make this dream gleam

(this poems out of context)
(sounds nothing like me)
(so let me take a rest)
(while you see what i see)

*deep breath
cleared thoughts
finish the rest
now what will be brought?


back in the past
i just flirted with you
i didn't move fast
and i didn't get through

as time went by
you began to realize
you had caught my eye
but i took to much time

i got sent to a group home
and dreams of us died
as far as was known
that was our goodbye

the visits began
and our paths crossed again...
though i wasn't the same
i had the feelings from then

we walked to the store
i made small talk
conversation was a bore
and that was my fault

i had to ask you
and i'm happy i did
i hoped that from you
i'd hear what i did

upon one month
3 words were said
they really packed a punch
but they still play in my head

my response was the same
oh... and about that first kiss...
there's really nothing to say
except the feeling is missed

in the time i spend
away from you
weekly damages mend
at the sight of you

so what i'm trying to say
is you've rebuilt my spirit
you're my main thought day by day
it's just now that you hear it...

I love you
 Oct 2013 CrazyOrange
Depress ha?
I can't blame you,
we can't help it sometimes, it's just really part of life.
But if there's depression, there also comes happiness,
that's the great thing about it, even it's just momentarily.
I guess we concentrate too much on the negative things,
that we forgot to look at the positive side.

I dare you to take time to just close your eyes, just for a while,
and just remember and look back.
Remember the times you were happy?
The times you made someone smile?
Remember the times when the people who loves you so much,
made you laugh like there's no tomorrow, even thou you didn't want to smile.
Hey, you got to enjoy the little things.
 Oct 2013 CrazyOrange
Brady Xav
If I had a map of your body,
I would erase all of the places I love.

So that I could never get hurt,
and I could never hurt you.

You would float off the page,
and I would fly too.

Souls intertwining above, scattered from erasures

Collect your favorite body parts and
Etch-a-sketch them together.

Before you get too attached,
shake the pieces and restart.

Hardest among parts to find is the brain.
Easiest, the heart.

You didn’t break my heart,
you broke my brain.

And now all I can do is process you,
think about what we did,
and what we won’t do.

If I had a map of your body,
I would erase all of the places I love.

— The End —