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I like a man with fire in his bones
And where his head should be,
There is a home.

And I wax and wane like the moon
If you turn away you might miss me,
I'll be gone soon.
© Amara Pendergraft

I'm gone with the morning.
A thin sheen of
                  night sky
                                      covers my skin, my
                                                                ­                    as I run my
                                                              ­                                    hands
Down the literary
                                     of what stars wish
                                                            ­ to be...
                                                                ­              something only meant
                                                                ­                                        for you &
                                                                ­                                                    *me
© Amara Pendergraft 2013

I feel so alone.
You are a bloomin' kiss,
I wouldn't want to miss this.
Dancing around the room,
Circling the lovely moon.
Hand in cool hand,
We'll dance and dance and dance.
Kiss me until I fall away,
*'Till I'm nothing but foamy waves.
And I'll wait for you where the sand meets the grass.
Under the stars.

© Amara Pendergraft 2013
Everyone is looking for a savior.

Yet, no one wants to save her.

The clouds turn gray and the memories fade away.

Imprints of bodies are all that remain.

And no one really wants to go to war.

Yet everyone wants someone to fight for.

When really,

Flames lead to dust.

And ashes smear your cheeks.

The air reeks,

Of broken,


© Amara Pendergraft 2013
  It's how perception alters when the
          overlooked explodes with

Stretching this vast expanse of past all along.
Smoking tendrils climbing from my mouth.
I only have one face,
                    Plato was wrong.

And kisses linger, but with time, fade away.
I feel my lungs fill with the entirety of it.
Was I only one,
                     *when sculpted from clay?
© Amara Pendergraft 2013
I cracked my ribcage open.
Finding a pomegranate in the center.
I pulled it out, ever so slowly.
Cut it open right down the middle.
Ate all the little seeds,
Filled with little screams.
My fingers stained red.
And very ******.
Then I realized,
it was the heart of
*And she was me.
I'm back, *******. Haha.

© Amara Pendergraft 2013
If you roam around my house,
              look about,
        up & down,
                           you'll find many paper cranes.

When I feel empty, I make so many,
                     and leave them random places.

You can find them here,
                and there,
          pretty much everywhere,
                              lined up on window panes.

I never felt the need to gather them,
                      and I most likely never will.

If I put them all together,
                 made sure it was forever,
           they could withstand the weather,
                             and there would be a thousand.
They say with a thousand cranes,
                       a wish is granted in your favor.

But I have no wishes,
               so I'll sleep with the fishes,
           after my hands tremble to the point of refrain
                                  & I can no longer make anymore paper cranes.
Amara Pendergraft 2013
'Come to the water,'
he said.

The water will save her,
he thought.

The waves will surround her,
they would.

Enveloped by catharis,
was it an option?

She would have ended up drowning,
in a river of emotions.

She realized that as she backed away,
filled with fear.

The rushing of the water,
wasn't something she wanted to hear.

And she dried up in the sun,
like a leaf, fallen.

And he added his tears to the brook,
*sobbing for his desert lover.
Amara Pendergraft 2013
You often told me that
I was your Queen of Silk
and Maid of Lavender Island
and I would tell you that
you were my King of Chevron
with kisses as sweet as
infused with a bout of
and sweet Cherry *******.

You kissed me once
and I prayed that I would die
for I would love to die
wrapped in the taste of
your bad habits
King of Chevron sway.
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