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Courtney Apr 2013
Too scared to write
Blew up bodies
And no one
Courtney Apr 2013
Pick-a me up           highest you can
                       to the                    
My soul is a              bird  
And you are the

Breeze              wings that learn to

Fly again faster farther than ever before

Our world is a watercolor     dream
Where we can dance
and talk and
                        No one cares if we sleep
                        for a day or three

And gentle hands are all we
Need to feel alive and whole again

But “we” and “our” are silly words
Because You and I are not             un  bro  ken

You left her your meant-to-be’s
Just like I left him my empty-promises

And it’s hard to                   to  ge  ther  
When we’re both still afraid
                                          to crash and burn
                                                            ­          again
Feedback/criticism is appreciated :) I've never played with structure/form so much before.
Courtney Mar 2013
Sometimes I still
On my memories of
Two months gone and
I'm still
Inhale in push yin
Exhale out push yang
You found me
In the
But I never saw
Until you left me
Courtney Mar 2013
My eyes are screaming
From all this
Tension my
Hands are too cold
For holding
Onto nothing but
Empty words and
Threat of
Storm clouds moving in
There’s a fifty percent
Chance of
Insincerity today
You can see warm fronts
Moving in
Again from the east
Colliding with
And I said I wouldn’t
Write about
Anymore but this
Anger has nowhere
Else to go
So zip up your
Slip into your boots
And we’ll splash
In the puddles and
Hide our tears
In raindrops and
Laugh even as we
Courtney Feb 2013
Life flows fast and deep beneath these streets
Through sewer pipes and broken thoughts
Of women faking smiles on the train these
Traffic lights changing sirens wailing
All neon letters and lit cigarettes
Light up the sky and
Tonight is for fairy tales and
Raindrops and ***** and dreams
That never come true

It’s a rough world, tough girls fight
Just to hang on to nothing
Nail scratching, teeth gnashing,
Struggling for spoons of soup
And a place to call home
And all the time asking
Who’s to blame because
Someone took all these people and
Shone them through a prism but
Instead of rainbows and sun they
Got all separated out into
Rich and poor and mine and yours
And careful who you mix together
Because everyone knows that
Orange and green don’t match

And somehow fate gave me the ladle
And you the bowl and why it’s not
The other way around ma’am,
I really can’t say because the
People I see here are more real than
All the money and silk and china in the world
More alive than I could ever hope to be
And all I can offer you is soup
Even though we both know it’s
Never enough
Courtney Feb 2013
I tried to move the ocean
One puddle at a time
But my bucket was
Full of holes
And now the sand is too wet
For castles
Courtney Feb 2013
Cold cut-and-dry your logic’s never soaked in
Emotion like mine is it? I know the
Pieces are right where you want them not in
The right places but the picture is what
You wanted to see all along I think

Do you ever lie awake like I do?
I wonder if I ever happen to
Cross the icy tundra of your changing
Mind? My thoughts dance like mercury falling
In drops and splintering leaping ever
Dancing in circles around all of the
Memories all of the time that I can’t
Seem to forget no matter how hard I
Try these quicksilver needles keep stabbing.

Yours words are forever tearing at me
Until what’s left of all that I wanted
Is a tattered picture of happiness
I must have imagined because the you
I knew wouldn’t ever do this to me

But we’re moving on now, you with your closed
Heart and your calculus and cold logic
And me with my dancing thoughts and heartbreak

You always laughed and said you didn’t think
I’d understand when you talked about your
Chemicals and elements and theories
But I think I understood better than
You thought so let me lay this out for you
In words you know and can’t twist or deny:

You are iron, cold-forged, solid, stubborn,
And maybe I’m not the only one who
Doesn’t understand exactly why this
Didn’t work out, who doesn’t see clearly

I fly off the handle I know but I
Come back in an instant coalescing
Recombining, still familiar yet strange

You are nickel, titanium-plated,
Security stability stone-calm

But I am
I think this is the last time I'll write about you.
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