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Courtney Mar 2013
I wish that I could be like a bird,
To fly around everywhere,
Never saying a word.
There would be no barriers,
No boundaries at all,
I would be free to go places big or small.
Nothing would be able to shut me down,
No problem no obstacle to make me frown.
The world can come at me,
But I can fight,
I can face anything at any height.
I’m more powerful than any fright.

The cool air flows throughout my skin,
Trying to hinder but only leaving a grin.
Nothing can turn my spirits astray,
Nothing can take my freedom away.
My new-found liveliness is here to stay.
Courtney Mar 2013
Everyone craves to feel important.
We cling to the people that make it clear we're significant.
But when you strive for everyone to adore you at every moment,
People start to leave.
You can't expect everyone to cherish you all the time,
You can't be in the spot light every second.
Even though we all secretly want that.
I feel bad for all the arrogance you've acquired,
And for all the important people in your life,
Who will ultimately walk out because of your selfishness,
And inability to understand.
When you make yourself feel on top of the world,
And make everyone else feel inferior,
People leave.
And you turn into the monster.
Courtney Mar 2013
I want to be fearless.
I want to make choices
That could turn my life into a mess,
But still no care,
Because I couldn't care less.
I want to have the ability to say "I don't care".
I want to do whatever comes to my mind at any moment,
And not mind if anyone bothers to stare.
This is life,
And I'm tired of hiding behind my coward face.
Because of it,
I was traveling at my slowest pace,
Hoping each day to leave this world without a trace.
But now I'm done,
And I'm leaving the person I once claimed to be behind.
I hope that in the end it will have been the real me
That has truly won,
And not the recreant me,
That hopelessly maintained to carry on.
Courtney Nov 2012
My surroundings and thoughts are so familiar.
I’ve been here so many times before.
Sometimes it feels like a past life:
Like it never even happened.
But then I am swept away to that place again,
And everything feels so memorable,
So wrong,
And yet so right at the same time.
It feels like someone is controlling my arms for me,
Making me do what I do.
Sometimes I throw some of my own reasoning in there to make it stop.
But sometimes I put up no struggle.
If this isn’t what’s supposed to happen,
Then why must it happen so much?
I can’t fight the urge anymore,
I can’t just silence out my thoughts.
Everyone has a monster living inside them,
And mine can’t help but break away.
Sometimes it takes over.
Sometimes I’m too weak to make it stop.
I don’t even want it to.
Courtney Nov 2012
Why must I be me?
Ill be anybody else.
Out of all the people in the world,
Why must I be stuck with being me?

I’ve always tried to find out who I am.
I felt empty,
And like my own identity was missing.
I wish I had never gone looking,
For now I’m ashamed with my results.
This was never my plan.
Finding myself was supposed to send all the worry elsewhere.
I was supposed to finally be satisfied.
This negative feeling was finally going to be put to rest.

But now there’s no going back.
This is who I am,
But this is everything I don’t want to be.
I’ll be anybody else.
Please help me escape.
I can’t stand it here much longer,
My own intellect is killing me from the inside out.
Courtney Oct 2012
My surroundings and thoughts are so familiar,
I’ve been here so many times before.
Sometimes it feels like a past life:
Like it never even happened.
But then I am swept away to that place again,
And everything feels so memorable,
So wrong,
And yet so right at the same time.
It feels as if someone is controlling my arms for me,
Making me do what I do.
Sometimes I throw some mentality in there to make it stop,
Sometimes I put up no struggle.
If this isn’t what’s supposed to happen,
Then why does it happen so much?
I can’t fight the urge anymore,
I can’t just silence out my thoughts.
Everyone has a monster inside them,
And mine can’t help but break away.
Sometimes it can be more controlling than I am.
Sometimes I’m too weak to make it stop.
I don’t even want it to.
Courtney Sep 2012
I just have so much to say,
When it seems nothing is ever left to stay.
Everything's always been washed away so fast,
and I just want what we have together to last.
I want to wake up each day and know that you're there,
So please stay,
cause what we have is just too rare.
I don't want to ever have to let go,
because loosing you would make my heart sink so low.
What we have together is what brightens each day;
You are my sun, and your presence is it's ray.
So stay with me forever,
because a future with you is for what I'm most ready for.
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