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Sep 2011 · 635
Unknown Content
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
I love a good movie
Even more a great poem















Aren't visuals F U N, Doc
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
I've crossed a continent
All with good intent
To see my best friend
Turn Seventy

It took all of my means
Every dollar & dreams
All my planning schemes
To be there from Tennessee

While he's been a lifelong friend
He never seemed to end
with statements to descend
"don't matter to me"

After three days I quit caring
No more was I sharing
To the mentor only sparing
His own concern was HE

Lost, was the man I once knew
I, a disappointment that grew
From his point of view
Fat, Old, Slow Me

Sad to be let down
couldn't offer a next round
Slammed to the ground
I left after seeing the Sea

Only wish him the best
After being put to the test
I'll not be back for the rest
Can't stand to be demeaned by Thee
Sum things R left in the past, Doc
Sep 2011 · 1.1k
Long Talks
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
I am going to miss our long talks
It's so hard now, knowing you're not there
Even when you were losing your memory
I could keep up with your fragments  

Still I miss those long talks
On the phone for hours with things we'd share
A tiny piece would be the key
to open those old torments

Seems like we shared so many long talks
No one  knew & I believe didn't care
Since we were not the same blood, yet family
You were my mother's angel sent

Those times of long talks
We shared secrets no one else would dare
Constantly in sibling revelry
Over your demise & monetary spent

We were all about long talks
So comforting knowing you were there
Never knowing a man's fidelity
three familys raised with good intent

Stories and sermonds were our long talks
The time we spent most unaware
Of  material offering's complexity
Sharing, caring, it all went

Long Talks
Is what we shared
Not blood or bone, some history
A long life with no repent
In Memory of my Aunt Sis (in law) who, at 90, passed on new year's day 2011, my guardian angel, CH
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
They say it's The End
Of the Maya Calendar
Like the Doors
It's started with the end
For My Most favoite Aunt

She turned Ninty
Last year
She waz so dear
Never knowing a MAN
Never speared

But Alwaze there
For All Of Us
She covered her ***
With money to spend
She's in Heaven Alas

They said she fell
But the corinor said
She waz dropped
Two broken legs
Then her kidneys stopped

She waz going
No one could denie
On to that other place
She believed waz
in the sky

But what a why
To mark this New Year
On New Year's Day
She Left this world
Now we can only pray

She No Longer Answers us
Can No Longer show or display
Her cares & worries
All gone................
only our dismay

She waz my Angel
I believe heaven sent
To help my family
When all else had went
& no one else cared

I don't know
How to hold a ghost
In these arms spent
Holding a host
Heaven sent
4 Aunt Sis, My Angel, Doc 2011
Sep 2011 · 943
One Hour Left Of Twenty Ten
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
Don't you bury me
Don't you dare grieve
Celebrate my life with a party
Don't bury ME

I've had a good life all in all
I've done some things as I recall
I've lived my dreams
both BIG & small
And sowed some seeds
A piece of me installed

Don't you bury me
Don't even think  we agree
Not like some seedling tree
Don't you bury me

Take from me
what remains
turned to ash
like an old refrain

Don't you bury me
To take up space
That needent be
Don't you bury me
The very last thing I did in Two Thousand & Ten, Doc
Sep 2011 · 937
Life, What a Bitchin Ride
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
Noboby said it was goinna be great
'though my mama did say
"You can be anything you want to be,
even president."
Nobody said it was fair
In fact, they keep sayin it aint
With all the great ups
There have been deep downs
It's a roller coaster
'til you hit the ground
Like Ol' Ben said,
"only two things in life,
that are garenteed.
We all know we aint gettin outta here
So, we best be usin' what we get,
Before it's
What a ******* Ride
Xmas 2010, Doc
Sep 2011 · 796
My Fantasy Girl
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
In my fantasy
You are already naked
Inside my mind
I already have you
Your lips are wet
Fingers & tounges
Sliding to new depths
Scearching for
the moments unkept
I love the moistness
of sweet juices
flowing **wet
I tink I need 2 get laid, Doc
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
It was a month to the day
Since I commited ******
However unintentional
I guess I should pray
Say I did not intend to hurt her
it was unconventional
then I had to pay
to resurrect her

I only set a drink
next to that box of wires
then fell asleep
over it fell in a blink
had to pay a tech for hire
one could say, a big heep

In but a few hours
She was back up and running
slow is her pace
the tech was sour
with his wit & cunning
more mula in his face

I took her home as is
cause the price was high
in time & money lost
that is the biz
all was spent with a sigh
lesson learned at a cost

Don't set a drink
next to your P C
electronics don't work wet
take a moment & think
make a decree
Cyberspace you bet
off line 4 a month, GOOD 2 B Bak, Doc
Sep 2011 · 1.2k
I Am An American
Corkey Hawley Sep 2011
I'm Chaktaw, Chipawa & Cherokee
Spanish, Dutch & East Indies
Maybe African American
I Am An American

Dosen't matter if you are
Red, White or BLUE
They were all Americans
Living & diying for the right
To be an American

I'm Chaktaw, Chipawa & Cherokee
Spanish, Dutch & East Indies
Maybe African American
I'm An American

We are centuries old
In this melting ***
God gave us life
And we should not have forgot
We live in a nation that
Honors those before
As Americans we deplore
Hatred, Bigotry &
So much more

I Am Chaktaw, Chipawa & Cherokee
Spanish, Dutch & East Indie
Maybe African American
I Am An  American

Under a nation I was BORN, I am
No choice did I have
But here I am
The fruit of my FATHERS
I am an American
Born, Raised, Educated
A product of my society
I Am An American
After something my Aunt said," do you think your grandmother had some black in her" I AM AN AMERICAN< Doc
Jul 2010 · 741
*Spare Room 2 Let*
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
I always wondered where
the term, room to let
came from
Everyone knows
It means a room to rent
So, why the to let?
Sounds like Toilet
When you say it out load
To let you do as You Please?
Behind closed door?
Or let you have a room?
Or perhaps let you wonder
What it is your are renting?
Who Knows? I'd like to
Mine is  always piled
whith things I can't find a place for
And most likely
should have tossed long ago
Skates I never use
But they fit
TVs that no longer
receive a signal from UHF
but they are perfectly good
maybe as monitors for games
Or the DVDs
We seen all a million times
So, maybe it means
To Let You
Stack your crap
in place of mine?
To Let You
Do things you wouldn't
Do anywhere else?
Well, I've spent three days
Clearing my stuff out
So You Can Pile
Your Stuff In
**Room To Let
7.31.2010 CH/Doc
Jul 2010 · 739
Sufferin' Sizzelin' Summer
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
I learned upon arriving
In this sauna they call summer
That it becomes intolerable around July
We came to know it
As AC jumping weather
You know?
Jump from air conditioning
in the house
to AC in the car
then AC at the store
or in the mall
Can't stand to be outside
for more then a few  moments
Or the melt down starts
You drip until you are soaked
And the air is so thick
with humidity
your lungs feel like a wet spung
No breeze
Everything sticks to you
The bugs
The dust
And all the ****
you touch
Why can't it be spring
All Summer?
Nice breezes
Highs in the seventies
The smell of new
Of awaking
Of green
Six weeks gone
Trapped within
The AC
Bottled up
At least six more to go
Should be a law against
Such a thing
Mean while
We are
Sufferin' a Sizzelin' Summer
7.31.2010 CH
Jul 2010 · 684
**Just Because...**
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
Just because you haven't seen me in awhile
Dosen't mean I haven't been doing anything

Just because you say I'm crass & have no style
I don't have asperations or a dream

Just because I don't always say I love you
Dosen't mean your not always in my heart

Just because You don't always get your due
Dosen't mean karma won't catch up & start

Just because some things in our lives are over due
Dosen't mean we can't hold them in our heart

Just because every day is not what we'd dreamed
Dosen't have to be any more then what it is

Just because all things are not what they first seemed
Dosen't mean life is a great big quiz

Just Because..................
JB 7.10 CH
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
I recall her stripping me naked
Then she danced around the bed

Slowly, enticingly disrobing her voluptuous form
Her firm breast bouncing free from her bra

My ******* began to ache
As she slipped her tounge around it's head

Her ******* hard & rubbery adorned
the fleshy mountains I saw

Hands wrapped around each
I stroked & squeezed & suckeled

Her wet crotch sliding down my leg
Left a sticky trail

Her mouth found a throbing shift
And stoked it to it's base

Where there she ****** in my *****
And gently rolled them in her mouth
And around her face

Up the shaft she came again
though this time it slide down
Her throught, warm & wet & exhaled

Again & again she went

I almost surcumed

I pushed her back
And dove between her thighs

My tounge found that sweet spot
between the sticky lips

Lapping up her sweet honey drips
Sliding my tounge from one end to the other
******* on that harden ****

Until she gushed more sticky stuff

Then slowly I plunged as deep as I could
Filling up  that sweet pink hole

And there I plunged again & again
Until my cheeks were sore

Slowly I raised myself
Hands upon her thighs

Spreading her lovelyness
As wide as she  could split

She reached down & grabed my form
Holding hard she guided it in

Not even a chance to heav forwards

As she fell back I drove it home
My ***** smacked her in the ***

Stroking deep & slow at first
There was no holding her back

Bucking & bounching she managed
to turn around so I got her from hehind

She reached under & grabed my *****
Like a lease it was as she pulled me in

Faster & faster we went
Then she pushed me back
Grabed my shaft & began to ****

She said to me very sweetly
*I want to drink U all
A little tension release 4 me, hope U enjoyed da ride, *** again, Doc
Jul 2010 · 860
FMCR 7.11.10
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
Famous Motel Cowboy Reunion*
Wishin I was there
Under western skies
In the Bucket
& out
With old friends
Tellin those lies
That made legends
No Dought
Singing old songs
That only
Motel cowboys
the younger ones
so's they remember
to show
the next
About life
on the road
with a
Motel Cowboy Band
Livin' hand to mouth
FMCR 7.11.10 Doc
Jul 2010 · 642
Did U Know?
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
Did U know
that when U were sleeping
I was up all night
Things that mayby someday
someone would read
Did U know
that when U were were out there
to pay the bills and so fullfill
the coffers ever more
I was at home writing
Did U know
that I was pouring out my soul
with each and every  line
]as though it was a vine
reaching down inside my mind
to leave a little sign
of my soul redeaming?
With each and every step
I go forwards with regrets
of a life I tried to
fill with meaning
Did U know
that I keep it hidden
in my soul
this life I've tried to
live without sceaming?
It's so hard
to be honest and true
in these times
that have no clues
as to where or when
we should place our hearts
and still have an ending
Did U know?
Jul 2010 · 810
Life 2 B Profound
Corkey Hawley Jul 2010
What is left of my life
the next
All I can hope for
is that it will all
& that good things
do still
for those
who reknown
a life
worth living
& is not

keep on living

keep on loving

keep on doing

**till they stick me in the ground
Doc 7.7.2010
Jun 2010 · 697
In No Sent
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
The thing I really love
about a child
before the age of ten
is their honest reaction
no shame or pretend
So open to the world
receiving all so openly
because their vision is
unrefined & they have no

Their reaction
to a situation
is immediate
No cause for hesitation
No contemplation
of the situation
just honest

It's refreshing
to the core
Sometimes it's
over exuberant
but never is a bore
To be the recipient
Of such
**I adore
Jun 2010 · 1.1k
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
It was
& is
a place to escape
All of the things
that take up my mind
The small dark places
that utter
And weep & seep
deep within my shrine
When I shake & tremble
from the wants
& cares of reality
I burrow down deep
And sink down
even deeper
because I am so inclined

To need that place
to escape
the worries & wowes

  not sublime

I would run uncaring

If it made a lick of sense

To that place

in my own defense

but at least there is that space

Tucked away

where no light

can ever shine

That one tiny speck

for my soul

& I to descend

to the refuse in my mind
CH/Doc 6.26.10
Jun 2010 · 804
4 Some It's Father's Day
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
I think I may have fathered 4
But only one legitimately
And it ripped me 2 the core
when she took him away from me
Yes, I've been a father
'though I've never raised a one
So as with each year
I'll not receive a card
or call, not a single one

Sometimes I think,
I may have missed out
But I would have raised
anyone of them
with out a dought
And so, I've lived my life
wondering who & where
they are?
I wonder if I'll ever meet them?
Or will they mearly remain
one of my scares?

As I ponder this
upon this Sunday
I sit alone
upon my throne
Hoping I can make the mortgage
so I won't loss my home
I know the phone won't ring
and no cards will come
So I should get off my ***
and get something done

Instead of writing poetry
to escape from other things
I should think of today
as just a Sunday
and not think of Monday
and horrors it will bring

So 4 those fathers
who get the calls & cards
from all those sons & daughters
even though their lives are hard
I hopeU don't find it a bother
have a great one, with  my regards
6.20.10 Doc
Jun 2010 · 509
I Do Think Of You
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
When I see the world in bloom
It makes me feel like singing a tune
I think of you, my love
When I gaze at the stars bright above
And watch them dim
with the call of a morning dove
I think of you, my love
When the world is passing me by
and I'm down but I want to try
I do think of you, my love
A little ditty I dug up from my past, Doc
Jun 2010 · 887
Rainy Day Woman #99
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
Well they'll stone U
When U R down & out broke
Ya, they'll stone U
& take another ****
They'll stone U
When  HD is the trend
Then they'll stone U
& say plasma in the end
But I would not feel
So all alone
Everybody must get ******
They'll stone ya
& say it was deserved
Then they'll stone ya
& call out the reserve
They'll stone ya
& say it's only hemp
Then they'll stone ya
& add pariquit to it
Ya, they'll stone ya
& hike up the price
They'll stone ya
& say it was CondaLisa Rice
Well, I would not
feel so all alone
But everybody
must get ******
On Goin, Doc
Jun 2010 · 617
Break Time Eight Oh Nine
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
Been Bustin my Brain
Bout to go insane
lookin for lost letters & things
Some things inportant
some things mundame
time wasted & spent
on things I may
have to repent
no tellin what the
certified letter sent
mortgage is over due
their tryin to take
the house too
they have all
& still have the gull
to dig in my pockets
they might find
some rockets
they can blast back
to an empty
account of it all
which way is up
& where did they turn
seems like a maze
full of **** & *****
is there ever an end
to it all
as I recall
it started with Obama
now we are stuck in Omaha
An accounting of my mortgage modification, CH2010
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
We are still floating
It's hard to believe it was six weeks ago
you could wade to the stadium
Or even float

See that Dixie cup
As the wind did blow
Go floating by half full of ***
Hey, Somebody, get me a boat

Now the fans are here like every year
it's a hundred degrees
With humiditiy so thick
It's like a sauna

Can't go outside for fear
It'd stop everything that breaths
I'd be an oil slick
Like Gulf Shores' birds, beach, fish & fauna

I'd like to go out west
where the air is clear
But I  can't 'till I'm done with my book
So it's back to the grind

It all put me to the test
Of what's important & dear
And then there's the arsonist crook
Waiting in jail until a sentance they find

I can't say I've got good health
But I can say I did it to myself
So until I can put my book on a shelf
I'll keep my head down & stay in my shell
Hot misery dees dayz, Doc 2010
Jun 2010 · 3.2k
Riding That Cadillac
Corkey Hawley Jun 2010
Here's my tird attempt to post this
a Memory from my Yut
To all us ***** fellows
One BIG salute

A good lovin' woman's like a crusin' Cadillac
She'll make every curve & never jump the track
She'll hug ya & squeeze ya & never miss a turn
And when it comes to power she's got plenty to burn

Now if she's the kind with an automatic shift
She'll slide right into gear & never feel stiff
If she's got the gears that include the clutch
You'll only have to let it out a little, not to much

On the outside she's really one clean machine
With all of her shimmer, sparkle, shine & gleam
On the inside she's plush & soft to the touch
And she'll take you for a ride that's really too much
memories from my youth(yut) just 4 the FUN of it, Doc
May 2010 · 1.2k
I Got Dem Memorial Blues
Corkey Hawley May 2010
It's a dim & drizzly Memorial Monday
Hell, it could be Sunday or any other day these daze
The BBQ pickin party's cancelled
due 2 more rain and things finacial
We did not escape the flooding after all
the AC was out on the hottest day I recall
the heat & humidity is so oppressive
makes one's instincts blur & become panic obsessive
On a day set aside for all to remember
Those who gave all & did not surrender
Is marked with a lack of labor & shopping mall sales
No football, no banking, no courts & no snail mail
So I'll have another chunk of dat brownie
and wash in down with some good ol' Tenessee JD
Take another puff & drive another nail in my coffin
Until my head stops aching & can stop coughing
What will dis day bring?
Maybe I'll just sit alone with my guitar & sing
Play me some blues cause the mortgage is due
the roof is still leaking, two cats have nine kittens & I'm blue
I'm so broke I can't pay attention
to all of the things that I owe I've lost my retention
YA, I got dem steadily depressin'
Low down mind missin'
Everything is way past due
I got dem Memorial Blues

Append Just had 2 write dis 2 get my daze started, U all have happy :) Memorial Day, Doc
May 2010 · 778
Where Dose The Time Go?
Corkey Hawley May 2010
Seems like I was twenty
just the other day
Like ***** said
"Aint It Funny How Time Slips Away"
I've been buried in bones
raking over old stones
Forcein' grunts & groans
from note bending overtones
realing in my mind
for some kind of a marker of time
Pacing the years
And all of the moments so dear
Markers in a haze glancing rear
In a flash I was thirty
Two ex-wives, it was *****
Never a dull moment before fourty
Ever played a Hurdy Gurdy?
Scrap books & scapes of a sojourn
compiled, organized, the page turns
Fifty kicks you in the *****
one no longer walks so tall
Where in H E double Ls
Did the time go?
Note: It's 5.28.10 & I'm still working on my retrospective book, Doc
May 2010 · 1.7k
A Sea Of Tranquility
Corkey Hawley May 2010
If man follows evolution
He'll come to distruction
No more revolutions
Nothing like reconstrution

A little humiliation?
One more deduction
No such thing as a nation
No chance for creation

A Sea of Tranquility

Only elimination, Mother Earth's abortion
What about salvation? Not even mutation?

We've lost our ambition, so we loss our reincarnation?
No more benedictions? Only discrimination?

A Sea of Tranquility?

Total annihlation? Call it "Holy Assaignation"
We should find our anticipation confronted with meditation
With no reservation for our obligation
There is no solution for a simple conclusion

A Sea Of Tranquility?
Lyrics 2 a song 1974, I've been digging them up 4 my forthcoming book, Poems, Pix & Songs, 4 & From A Pilgrim, Doc
May 2010 · 621
Wednesday 5.12.2010
Corkey Hawley May 2010
Yesterday was my 24th anaversary
twentysix years with her, no nursery
Our cats have consumed her totally
Last Sunday was a real marker 4 me
It was an old friend's 75th Birthday
How much older then me, I can't say
But it's nice to know that those who play
CAN LIVE 2 B a nice old age
Mangler's Bday Party 5.9.10, Doc
May 2010 · 505
Hey B
Corkey Hawley May 2010
What can I say
with the light of mourn
to search for
the lines you adorn
to say
I'm a fan
of your lines of wit
would be to simple
I'd admit
I think




just how I feel, right now Thanx B, Doc
May 2010 · 637
2 early 2 care
Corkey Hawley May 2010
I spent so much of my Youth
Searching for reasons & the truth
Why am I here?

What is my route?

Where am I going?

Who gives a hoot?

So much time spent
just wondering why
All that I know
All that I've seen
All that I've dreamed
Can't add up
To  ................
May 2010 · 848
One 4 Baby
Corkey Hawley May 2010
My best friend died yesterday
He was run over
I'm sure he was trying 2 play
But he did not know
The errors of his ways
U C he was just a kitten
Wanting 2 play
I saved him from starvation
In the middle of the Winter
When his mother
Abondened him, she went hither
He clung 2 me every day
I couldn't step
out of his
Always he was near me
Always he was dear 2 me
And now he's gone
I just hope cats really do
have 9 lives
So I can C him
Again in the next ONE
2 my Soul Mate, Doc
May 2010 · 749
Our Ways Of Life
Corkey Hawley May 2010
We've been stripped naked
By Machines of Loving Grace
We walk upright and talk forwards
We call ourselves
The Human Race
We talk between closed doors
And because our beliefs
Do Not Agree
We are made Outlaws
In Our

We are the Children on an Age
With Fast Thinking Computor
And Mind Blowing, Expanding,
WONDER, Wonder, w o n d e r i n g
Where We Are?
We've Lost Our Dreams
To Reality
(punch me in please)

To our Children
We owe something more
Then Mechanized
Something more then a Planet
Without Life, Love, or
We'll leave a Box
Filled with Laughter, Tears, Rain, Wind,
Our Way Of Life
May our Children Be Blessed
(bless the children)
I wrote this in 1970, I was 16, thinking of including it in my forthcoming book, would appreciate any feedback, Thanx, Doc
May 2010 · 672
3-4 HER
Corkey Hawley May 2010
Three Roses Shared
The Same Branch
From Seven Sisters
They Came
Bringing Color,
Fragrance & Thorns
All Valued
The Same
Upon Covered Hands
They Emphisized
The Glory
Without Any Shame
Of the Lives
That Were Tendered
All With The Same
In Memory of my Mother-in-laws Passing through my Wife's Eyes, CH/Doc
Apr 2010 · 3.2k
Pick Me Up & Make Me Smile
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
While reschearching 4 my book I
discovered this & would like 2 share
It was writen when I was 16 &
still in High School

I was sitting very depressed
Taking a Mathmatics Test
When I noticed this
Written upon my desk
It's not so Bad
It Could Be Worse
But, Don't Ask Me How"
And I Just Had To SMILE
I think this one has 2 go in the new book, Doc
Apr 2010 · 761
Rocky Mountain Winter
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
The Wind was White with Winter
Lavender Licked at Twilight's Edges
The Sent of Wood Smoke Smolders
Breath Brittle, the Icicles Crack

Moon Beams Bounch and Glisten
Footsteps Fall SIX Inches Deep
Feathered Fog Furrows Around Mountain Tops
Shadows Stand Stark and Stare Back

The Wind Was White With Winter
Cutting, Clawing, Churning White
Wood, Rock, and Marrow Frozen
Deep Dark Slumber BLACK
This poem was publshed by The National Library of Poetry in 1992,
I didn't want 2 lose it, so here it is, Doc
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
It's hard 2 tell
It  was freezing 2 weeks ago
It was 80 degrees today
All of the flowering trees
Have bloomed
And just blowen away
I've had 2 mow
Twice in the past month
And the Robins
Are here to stay
There's such a racket
Every morning At Dawn
You can hear them pray
As they set up a new home
Starting a new day
I drink my coffee
And think to myself
Just a thought, Doc
Apr 2010 · 566
Who Knows?
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
Here I set
In my Under Ware
Wondering which way
is Clear
Do I
Spend my time
Writing Poetry
Upon my PC
or put
On my pants
And get out of here?
Just a daily thought
Apr 2010 · 1.9k
If Wishes Were Fishes
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
If Wishes Were Fishes
We'd All Get Feed
Isn't that what Jesus Said?
As He Broke Bread
And Feed The Masses
Not Knowing Soon
He Would Be Dead
If I had The Energy
Of My Youth
And the Wisdom
Of My Years
Oh, the Things
I would Have Done
Headlong Without Fear
But, If Wishes
Were Fishes
We'd All Get Feed
Apr 2010 · 798
If I Could Go Back & Fix It
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
If I could go back
and fix it somehow
I'd start with my birth
and change everything until now
I would not have left
my seed scatered
in some furrowed brow
Would have been
more thoughtful
and less of a soue
You know the pig
I've become
Somebody STOP me
My life's on a run
Down to the place I don't want 2 B
Please STOP ME
I rant & I rave
Why do I go on this way?
Sometimes my life
Seems senseless
All caught up in
Should have beens
And could have beens
Pointless and Undefined
I ramble on
As if anyone CARES
Is this pointless?
Or will anyone care?
I've outlasted
most of my piers
BUT that dosen't change
the fact that I'm HERE
It's late or early, according 2 how U C it
Apr 2010 · 775
One 4 Bath She Ba
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
U obviously come here 2 spend some time
U seem quit comfortable within this rhyme
It's Easter Sunday & no church bells chime
But it's only 5 AM centeral standard time
So I guess the souls of many R being sublime
Within their raptured cocoons all entwined
Let's C U come up with a more clever line
Half a bottle of whiskey is my excuse 4 thine
But U R the whittler of the mind messing lines
So C if U can Add Something 2 this that is refined
Hey B Carry On, Doc
Apr 2010 · 1.8k
AD U La Tion
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
I think some R here
For Adulation
Not merily
Concocked Expajulation
But Rather 2
Find Some Praise
2 Their Creations
2  fullfill
Some Sensation
That Their TIME
Spent With *******
Was Something MORE
Then Emancupation
4 ALL of U
4 All Who Think what They Write Is Worth A ****, CH
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
I wrote this poem
the other day
Now I can't find it
I've looked
in my notebooks
and all over
my desk
turned inside out
all of the rest
everything that
I care
I wrote it
when I was ******
Now I can't
Find It
I think it was good
Or at least
well honed
As far as I
can remember
It seemed
(You Obviously Pissedoff Someone)
Mar 2010 · 772
Sunday A M
Corkey Hawley Mar 2010
Another Gray Day Again
Hard 2 tell  A M or P M
Spring Wind Bites & Bends
Flocking Birds Clucking Hens
Train Rythm Around the Bend
Distant Whistle Sounds Again
Church Bells Blend
Commander Cody On AM
Big Head  Pseudonym
Raw Nerves Descend
Oak Taste Whiskey Blend
Burnt Tounge On the Mend
Coffee, Eggs & Bacon
No Sun Not My Friend
Wheels Roll to No End
Crashing Waves Pretend
Noon Alarm Strikes Mayhem
Adios A M Hello P M
That was my mornin, how about yours?
Mar 2010 · 730
Dis Is A GooD Place 2 B
Corkey Hawley Mar 2010
Sometimes I just want 2  Hide
Break away & Slide
Run Rampant & Stride
Until It Hurts My Sides
Then reveal the Sly Eyed
Relax, Believe, I've Tried
Memories I've Tried 2 Hide
Memories Of Great Might
Short sighted Is My Site
2 Keep Me  Right
2 Keep the Fight
So it won't frite
So it won't Fog my site
So I Can Write Dis Is a
Good Place 2 B
It's Out  There, Go For It, CH/Doc 2010
Mar 2010 · 1.7k
Memories Of Youth Gone
Corkey Hawley Mar 2010
As I have gotten Older
And less active with my Age
I long 4 the lust of my Youth
The passion and the Rage
The longing 2 stick my fingers
and my tounge
in warm, wet,  juicy space
2 feel excited by Flesh
and **** @ a fevered pace
I've lost so much
Of my Face
Yerning 4 that
Speical PLACE
I Feel My *****
All Gone In Haste
I Taste Her Lower  Lips
All Sticky With *** Like Paste
That'sAsGoodAsItGets4Now March2010
Mar 2010 · 691
Trouble Don't Belong 2 Me
Corkey Hawley Mar 2010
I’ve got pockets full of Emptiness
A wallet  full of Holes
A Million Dollar piece of Sky
And a Mouth full of GOLD

Trouble don’t belong 2 me
I just borrow it now & then
If I could have owned It
I would have hocked it way back when

The City Park is my Address
But I’ve stayed in some not so nice Jails
I’ve eat a lot of Hocks & Beans
But I’ve never made my own Bail

I’ve tried my hand at dis & dat
But nothing’ seemed  2 work
My hand got caught in dis & dat
My mouth’s never had the right words

When it’s Hot I don’t buy cloths
When it’s cold I jog a lot
So send my  gas bill 2 the White House
And put my Mail in the Trouble Slot
CH 1980
Feb 2010 · 579
To Whom It May Concern
Corkey Hawley Feb 2010
I Could Thank U
A Thousand Times
 & You'd B Deaf
2 Each & Every One
  I Could Say I'm    
Feb 2010 · 807
Corkey Hawley Feb 2010
Hold Me As Though
You'll Never Let Me Go
          Kiss Me As If
            My Breath
           Is The Last
       You'll Ever Know
       Squeeze Me With
       All Of Your Heart
             And Soul
Feb 2010 · 1.4k
Poems & Songs Up 2 '82
Corkey Hawley Feb 2010
How dose your Ship Float?
Corkey Hawley
How dose your Ship Float?

What do you do when
You lose the feeling

When your heart gets
Broken and you need healin’

Does another’s arms
Calm the storm for the night

Or does your ship sink
In the dark and quite

How many holes can you
Put into your ship

Expecting it to stay afloat
While on deck you flounder and slip


New York City alive and
Live’n still

If the roaches don’t
Get ya, the taxes sure

It’s ***** all year and
It stinks as bad as hell
But the actions so exciting
It gives ya such a thrill


You & Me, Baby

You’re a lady
who needs a tender touch
You don’t like anything
That’s rushed….too much

I’ve seen the disappointment
In you eyes
I’ve tasted your tears
When you cry
We’ve been closer than
Any I believe
I’ve stayed longer then some
Should I leave?

You know it’s down to
You and me
Sometimes I think I
Should leave
Buy those baby blues
Plead please stay

Sing for me one more
Refrain for today
Please no more
Rain today

I’m not quite the bargain
You thought I’d be
I’m not as cheap to keep
As I claimed to be
I spent your dime
Take’n my time
Now heartache is the
Only thing I find in rhyme

I’m just that lonely
Guitar picker you found one night
Lookin’ for a home, some warmth,
And a feelin’ that felt right
You’re the one who saved
Me from myself
I could have died lonely
Without any help

When those who called
Them shelves my friend
Were stabbing me in the back
You showed me
that it wasn’t the end

CH ‘82

Street Music

There’s a lot of good people
Play’n music in the streets
Singing really fine for all
Gett’n little change for
Something to eat
They never ask for anything
They mostly sing and play for free
Freeze in winter, thaw in spring
Boogie in summer, the fall they never see
Most people don’t stop to listen
They’re to busy going by
They don’t know what they’re
Miss’n they don’t even stop
To wonder why

Street people play’n music
There’s a lot to pick from
Street people play’n music
Catch a song on the run
Street people play’n music
Lord knows I’ve been one

Wiley Words of Wit
Corkey Hawley  11-79

The hounds are hiding behind
Their burning bushes and
In flaming tongues they find
Some wisdom there in Whitman
And metaphysics in Donne’s
a kind
Of wily words of wit

These flaming, dancing tongues
Bound between the hounds
While beyond all burning tongues
A silver fox is found
Who leads the hounds upon a run
With wily words of wit

The bushes, they have burned
And scared the fox so deep
Now it’s the hound’s turn
To see and feel the heat
As the hounds pursue and yarn
For wily words of wit

Oh The Tropics

Living in the sunny tropics
That would be the life for me
Lying on the sands
With some *** in my hand
Toasting to the stars and the sea

Eating crab meat all day
Watching the palm trees sway
Never give a care for tomorrow
Just living down by the bay


They don’t make a Pinacolada
Like they do
in the South Seas
And the sun don’t shine
Like strawberry wine
Except in the South Seas

I’d strum my guitar on
Some old sand bar
And tan my form in the sun
Lay down for a while, and stay
With a smile until the day is done

Picking fruit form the trees
As much as you please
And taking more then you could eat
Find a friend on the beach
And give her a treat, maybe she’ll
Stay for a week

What A Way to Go

Met him in Seattle, he bellied up
To a bottle tellin’ lies in the Blue Moon Bar
His face was hard and traveled
And, as the lines unraveled I saw a man
Who could laugh about his scars

He said,” I got shanghaied in Vegas
By a painted woman
Hog tied by a ****** in Ohio
Derailed by a dancer down in Detroit
Lord women goin’a be the death of me
But what a way to go”

He said, a girl named Nancy
Once tickled his fancy
And he backed it up
With a fifty dollar smile
He laughed when he remembered
The pain of sweet surrender
But heartaches never seemed
To cramp his style

He said,” I got tongue tied
by a teacher in Tallahatchie
French fried by a waitress in Idaho
Way laid by a widow in Wyoming
Women goin’a be the death of me
But what a way to go”

CH ‘82

This Must Be Love

The sun came shining
Through my window today
Waking me from pleasant
Dreams I wished would stay
Then I felt your body
Next to mine
Warm’n my cares away
I almost thought that
Your love had gone astray

Is this love, love, love, sweet love?
All these feelings I’ve got inside
Is this love, love, love, sweet love?
All these feelings I can’t hide

The sound of, I love you,
is ring’n in my ears
As we hold each other tight
We draw each other so near
All I ever want or need
Are those precious words to hear
But then you know, the feelings
I’ve got aren’t quite clear


Here’s to…

Here’s to the morning light
Which I so seldom see
Here’s to the woman who
Cares for and comforts me

Here’s to the songs I write
Which are so seldom sung
And here’s to every blessed
Little thing I’ve ever done

The night it lasts forever
When I try to find some rhyme
That fits within the meter
And keeps a steady time

I could spend the night
Awake searching lines inside my head
Instead of turning in my pen
And taking comfort in my bed

She never understands
The reasons or the whys
For my midnight madness
Sometimes it makes her cry

I’ve never meant to hurt her
With my all night writing sprees
I just want to leave behind
some songs
A little part of me

These R Poems & Songs 4 a forthcoming Book, "Corkey's poems, pix & songs, 4 & from a Pilgrim" due out summer of 2010, they can B used 4 nonprofit, anywhere-anytime. 4 profit contact

— The End —