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Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
It's hard 2 tell
It  was freezing 2 weeks ago
It was 80 degrees today
All of the flowering trees
Have bloomed
And just blowen away
I've had 2 mow
Twice in the past month
And the Robins
Are here to stay
There's such a racket
Every morning At Dawn
You can hear them pray
As they set up a new home
Starting a new day
I drink my coffee
And think to myself
Just a thought, Doc
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
Here I set
In my Under Ware
Wondering which way
is Clear
Do I
Spend my time
Writing Poetry
Upon my PC
or put
On my pants
And get out of here?
Just a daily thought
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
If Wishes Were Fishes
We'd All Get Feed
Isn't that what Jesus Said?
As He Broke Bread
And Feed The Masses
Not Knowing Soon
He Would Be Dead
If I had The Energy
Of My Youth
And the Wisdom
Of My Years
Oh, the Things
I would Have Done
Headlong Without Fear
But, If Wishes
Were Fishes
We'd All Get Feed
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
If I could go back
and fix it somehow
I'd start with my birth
and change everything until now
I would not have left
my seed scatered
in some furrowed brow
Would have been
more thoughtful
and less of a soue
You know the pig
I've become
Somebody STOP me
My life's on a run
Down to the place I don't want 2 B
Please STOP ME
I rant & I rave
Why do I go on this way?
Sometimes my life
Seems senseless
All caught up in
Should have beens
And could have beens
Pointless and Undefined
I ramble on
As if anyone CARES
Is this pointless?
Or will anyone care?
I've outlasted
most of my piers
BUT that dosen't change
the fact that I'm HERE
It's late or early, according 2 how U C it
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
U obviously come here 2 spend some time
U seem quit comfortable within this rhyme
It's Easter Sunday & no church bells chime
But it's only 5 AM centeral standard time
So I guess the souls of many R being sublime
Within their raptured cocoons all entwined
Let's C U come up with a more clever line
Half a bottle of whiskey is my excuse 4 thine
But U R the whittler of the mind messing lines
So C if U can Add Something 2 this that is refined
Hey B Carry On, Doc
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
I think some R here
For Adulation
Not merily
Concocked Expajulation
But Rather 2
Find Some Praise
2 Their Creations
2  fullfill
Some Sensation
That Their TIME
Spent With *******
Was Something MORE
Then Emancupation
4 ALL of U
4 All Who Think what They Write Is Worth A ****, CH
Corkey Hawley Apr 2010
I wrote this poem
the other day
Now I can't find it
I've looked
in my notebooks
and all over
my desk
turned inside out
all of the rest
everything that
I care
I wrote it
when I was ******
Now I can't
Find It
I think it was good
Or at least
well honed
As far as I
can remember
It seemed
(You Obviously Pissedoff Someone)
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