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3.4k · Dec 2011
Daddy, do you miss me?
Corina Helm Dec 2011
Daddy, where have you gone?
I remember you holding my hand
and walking me to school.
You said "I love you" and
turned and walked away
So tell me
Daddy, where have you gone?

Daddy, where are you?
Are you safe,...happy
Momma's here, so is
Little Joey.
So tell me
Daddy, where are you?

Daddy, are you going to come home?
I made potato pancakes hoping you would.
Little Joey doesn't remember you,
but Momma and I do.
So tell me
Daddy, are you going to come home?

Daddy, have you witnessed death?
Momma killed the pigs yesterday,
you use to do that.
I have witnessed death,
So tell me,
Daddy, have you witnessed death?

Daddy, why did you leave?
I watched you walk away.
You turned and waved
I never saw you again.
So tell me
Daddy, why did you leave?

Daddy, are you happy?
Little Joey is always smiling,
it makes me and Momma
happy too.
So tell me,
Daddy, are you happy?

Daddy, why did you leave?
Were you angry with me?
Were you angry with little Joey?
Were you angry with Momma?
So tell me
Daddy, why did you leave?

Daddy, are you in the War?
that is what Suzzie said.
Her daddy is in it.
So tell me
Daddy, are you in the War?

Daddy, are you safe?
I heard Momma talking
about the War.
she said it isn't safe.
So tell me
Daddy, are you safe?  

Daddy, what is war like?
I think it is ******
and lots of people die.
Lots of girls lose their Daddies
So tell me
Daddy, what is war like?

Daddy, are you hungry?
We have shortages
of food now.
I am hungry.
So tell me
Daddy, are you hungry?

Daddy, why have you been gone so long?
It has been
three years since you
left me at school.
So tell me,
Daddy, why have you been gone so long?

Daddy, can you come home?
Momma is older now.
Little Joey isn't little anymore.
But I am still the little girl you
left at school.
So tell me
Daddy, can you come home?

Daddy, are you dead?
Joey thinks you are.
Momma refuses to think so
I don't know what I think.
So tell me
Daddy, are you dead?

Daddy, are you in Heaven?
Are there angles?
can I come to Heaven if you are there?
So tell me
Daddy, are you in Heaven?

Daddy, are you missing?
Suzzie's daddy is,
and I thought you might be too.
So tell me,
Daddy, are you missing?

Daddy, do you miss me?
Momma misses you,
so does Joey, even though he doesn't remember
I miss you too.
So tell me,
Daddy, do you miss me?

Daddy, will you be there for my wedding?
I have always wanted you to be there,
But now Joey is here,
He is going to give me away
For my wedding, if you aren’t there,
So tell me
Daddy, will you be there for my wedding?

Daddy, will you be there for the birth of your first grandchild?
Momma will be,
And I want you to be too.
So tell me,
Daddy, will you be there for the birth of your first grandchild?

Daddy, did you find Momma?
She left yesterday, she
Wanted to see you,
Just like I want to see you.
So tell me,
Daddy, did you find Momma?

Daddy, did you meet John?
He was my second born,
He died last week.
Did Momma meet him?
So tell me,
Daddy, did you meet John?

Daddy, will you meet me in Heaven?
I will be coming soon,
Joey went to the war like you.
I want to see him before
I leave,
So tell me,
Daddy, will you meet me in Heaven?

Daddy, do you miss me?
I missed you tons,
Over the years, but now I will
See you again,
Daddy, this is my last breath,
I will see you soon, but Daddy please,
Tell me,
Did you miss me like I missed you?
1.7k · Jul 2012
Generation @
Corina Helm Jul 2012
You know,
they had type writers,
We have computers.
They didn’t have cell phones,
We have ones with touch screens.
They had board games,
We have X-Box, Wii, and Play Station.
They sent letters,
We send emails.
They had to use books to research,
We have the internet.
They had records, cassettes,
We have i-Pods.
They had stick shifts,
We have automatics.
They had concerts,
We have YouTube.
We realize these things
Are still present in today’s society,
But we over look them and go to the
Newest thing.
We are Generation @.
1.0k · Mar 2013
Clock Chimes
Corina Helm Mar 2013
The clock chimes
feet begin to sound in the
The smell of bacon
wafts through the air
making the bleary eyed
rush down the stairs.

The house begins
to wake from the long
slumber of the night

Chatter soon fills
the air
as hungry mouths
fill hungry stomachs

Hungry mouths and hungry stomachs
wonder lost in the
hidden rooms
playing until the next meal.

The clock chimes
feet begin to sound in the
517 · Jan 2013
Just Fine
Corina Helm Jan 2013
As I sit here and stare
acting like I do not care
for some reason I cannot move
my feelings of hurt I cannot prove.

They were suppose to be there that day
I waited so long
Friends are suppose to care
but mine
Mine are all gone

So I sit here and watch
as they do not give it another thought
they do not care about one of their own
they do not see my fears of being alone

The darkness will consume me
leaving me alone
Someone could break through
but none are brave enough to do it alone

I will sit here and pretend
that their words do not leave scars
I will put on a facade
and pretend I am just
485 · Mar 2013
At Last May They Rest
Corina Helm Mar 2013
The sad roll of
far off drums has faded.
Caskets have been lowered
At last,
May They Rest.

The blood soaked ground
may dry
The sounds of cannon fire
may cease
At last,
May They Rest.

May their spirits
live on
as their bodies
lay silent.

At last,
May They Rest.

After witnessing it all
and living on
Their spirits wander lost
through lands they once knew.

At last.
I visited Gettysburg battle field and this is what came to mind. It applies to every war too, I guess.
447 · Mar 2013
In The Hands Of Death.
Corina Helm Mar 2013
For them
the fear of it
of the possiblity of it
increased their fear.

Their fear became their
They lived what
no person could imagine
Their lives wre held
none so delicatly
In the hands of

Some lived through
while others were
crushed into ash
by the hands of

Fear was reality

Reality was held in the hands of Death
367 · Jan 2013
I Could Be
Corina Helm Jan 2013
The loud noises,
The laughter.
I hear them now,
Even though I am miles away.
Their voices hang in the air
Like pictures.

Forever reminding me of what could have been.

I could have done this,
I could have changes myself
I could have been the one who didn’t

But, I wasn’t.
I choose to stay true to myself
To be who I wanted to be
I choose to not let their views affect me.
I choose who I was without the help of other
Who would criticize my every move
Who would try to make me something I was not.
The voices,
The laughter,
Are hallow.

I know they all wanted to be like me,
Free, not carrying about a thing,
That world defines me.
I don’t blend in with the crowd.
I am the one you can pick out easily.
I am the only one who is different.

Now more so than ever.
I can watch them without their knowledge
I can influence their lives
I can make them who they want to be.

I could be alive,
But that would take away who I was.
I could be the girl who no one saw for years
And changed the most.
But I wasn’t.

I died, not because anyone wanted me to
Or because I wanted to.
I died because I was needed elsewhere.
I was needed to help those around me in
A way they will never know.
I died to help everyone, to be their guardian angel,
To be their loved one.

I did not die
I am not in a coffin,
But I am so invisible
I could be dead.
348 · Mar 2013
Corina Helm Mar 2013
a child's smile
as the sun continues to shine

the sweet innocence
as the world around grows dark

in the impossible
as dreams begin to take flight

the days past
as distant memories for the future

on the stars
as the sun continues to shine

— The End —