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Dec 2014 · 861
Love's Definition
copesthetic Dec 2014
Love is the overused, worn-down word that people try to envelop themselves in to send to a happier place.
But I believe in this so called love.
Love is all around. Love knows no such thing as distance. Love is a stamp on your heart that is meant to take you far beyond the places you never thought that you would be able to escape. Once you've gotten to the state of love it is solely grins and giggles. Love acknowledges that you have rips and holes in your packaging, but love is not bothered by it. Love still is infatuated because love sees you as the most beautifully remarkable present to have arrived in life. Love yearns to spend time unwrapping all of the quirks that make you  a whole package. Love accepts you. Love embraces you. Love wants to be the one and only doorstep that you arrive on. Love is not going to confine you into the box that you were once in. Love wants to display you for all to see. Love is proud of you. Love can see that you are invaluable. Love brushes off any dust left by others. Love will whole-heartedly take care of you to keep you in mint condition. Love creates and effect on you. Love causes you to want to be stationary  for the first, single moment in your life, and love wants you to stay. Love pleads to keep you.
Nov 2014 · 790
copesthetic Nov 2014
and I never thought I could fathom
distance is the space between your brain and heart that entraps all of your secrets webbed between
distance is the gaping hole of your mouth when I first told you that I loved you
distance is what rips our hearts to shredded material as they try to reach each other but they simply cannot
and I never thought I would fathom distance
distance is the air time that my tears have before they decide to land explosively on my pillow every night
distance enables the heart to yearn
copesthetic Apr 2014
Never have I ever even considered loving someone in the way that I have loved you. The way you made me feel; leaves me speechless to this moment. I had no clue that the way a human being looked at someone else could bring the seeds of a dandelion back together just to make sure that every wish could be fulfilled. I had no clue that a look could bring two people closer together on another level, regardless of the yelling silence between them. I had no clue that fingers intertwining just for a second at a time could cause all of the cobwebs once feared to be brushed away. I had no clue fingers coming together could be all the touch needed to feel alive all night.
Never have I ever even kissed you. The way this makes me feel; leaves me speechless to this moment. I had no clue that I could miss something I never had.
*I miss you.
Mar 2014 · 446
The Kind of Hope
copesthetic Mar 2014
I find the kind of hope in your smile that an insomniac has while searching for the girl of his dreams, the kind of hope that you have to dive into a pool headfirst for just to see if it all still floats. Moreover the kind of hope that I need to breathe in off of you to keep going everyday because you radiate aspiration that I want to get drunk off of.
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
metaphorical smiles
copesthetic Feb 2014
the way you smile in my direction
               it makes my heart flutter
                         flutter faster than a hummingbirds wings on a hot summer day
and on that summer day your smile is linking together the broken and weathered bridges to our hearts for the first time in ages.
the way you smile in my direction
               it makes me believe again
                         believe that somethings can be bright in the darkness of a room
and in the darkness of that room your smile showed me all of your secrets and fears, but with me next to you, you were invincible.
Feb 2014 · 514
The Check List of Coulds
copesthetic Feb 2014
If I could
I would take my smile and place it on your lips when you're harvesting your sadness
If I could
I would take my blood red heart and plant it in your chest just so you could feel rejuvenated
If I could
I would take all of my hidden secrets and showcase them to you when you think you have it awful
But I'm only able to do these things
You let me love you.
So let things curve towards this check list
and don't be afraid of the happiness around the corner
If I could
I would love you
I would take away all your known pain.
Jan 2014 · 617
coffee mornings
copesthetic Jan 2014
strong like the conventional cup of coffee
that he allowed himself to become one with on the most frigid mornings
when she wasn't prevalent
but little did he know
simultaneously she brewed up her own romantics
because the cold brought nothing but the familiarity of the scent of coffee she had learnt from his breath
Dec 2013 · 655
If We Were
copesthetic Dec 2013
if we were car windows, we would be cloudy from hot sighs
if we were blades of grass, we would be covered in dew from cold sweats
if we were peaches, we would be bruised around the edges from sweet lips touch
and if we were stars, we would be bright in the dark from the masochistic grins we shared
Dec 2013 · 528
Beautiful Pain
copesthetic Dec 2013
You're the delicate dandelion I allow to grow from my chest even though your roots constrict my heart.
Because let's face the reality,
Beautiful things will cause us all pain.
And soon, after I place my wish upon you,
The pain will go away.
You'll wither away to be nothing again,
Leaving me with heart pains much more detrimental to my health,
Ones I can't wish away.

— The End —