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Dec 2015 · 438
The art of losing you
contrasenses Dec 2015
I want to start this off by saying that I still love you
And some mornings I wake up feeling like
Everything you touch is luckier than I am
Sometimes I feel empty
Because its easier when there’s nothing there
I miss your voice
When it was kinder
And some nights I hurt so much
I swear my body is bruised from the words you said to me

You were a band-aid drenched in loneliness
And some twisted mind above
Believes that I can wring out the insanity of all this
I’m trying so hard not to regret what I once wanted
But had I known what I know now
I would have never wanted you
Hell is only getting to make love to you in my sleep
And I’ve lived in hell for weeks

I initiated our first kiss
And I’m proud of this for two reasons
Because it was down by the river where my grandfather’s ashes were scattered, along with your father’s
And in a way it made me feel like they were rooting for us to be happy –
Because that moment proved that neither of us are the people we seem
In all your confidence and glory you sat there staring at your shoes
While my fragile spirit made a brave leap toward your lips

I should have known it would never work
We’d look at the same stars and see different things
I have a long list of scraped knees but you never cared to ask me where I got them
Your apathy was more solid than my self-loathing
More solid that my sincerity
I told you the stories of what sculpted my scars
Stories that had my mind beating from the memories
But you have no patience for misery
And my misery really does love company.

As if you were a long awaited guest
Holding happiness at my doorstep
I welcomed you with open arms
But you were only in town for a night
And pain is my neighbor.
I forgot that having a big heart
Meant there was more at stake to be broken
Because I was so **** elated to give it to you
I’ve learned that we bend so we don’t break
That you don’t drown by falling in the water
You drown by staying there
I’ll keep loving you until I learn to love myself
I’m trying to swallow the fact that for now
Change is the only consistent thing I’ll get
I can only accept
that you will eventually live the regret
Of pushing someone away
Who only wanted to love you
I can only hope
You’ll torture yourself
Over your ambivalence when you had me
I wanted to be the only help you ever needed
But it seems your heart’s sickness is terminal
Now I am yet another thing
You can shrug off with indifference
I wish you let me help you.
contrasenses May 2014
i gave you everything I had
and when i had nothing
i took everything from everywhere else
and left it on your doorstep

you repay me by haunting my heart with the constant reminder
that instead of me
you have another girl wrapped around you and your white linens
at this intimate hour
       *exactly two doors down
why does the heart resist moving on?
Apr 2014 · 869
contrasenses Apr 2014
I'd love to be your beltloops

                                             *so you'd come to me first when you're nervous
i wish i could help you face the world
Feb 2014 · 668
contrasenses Feb 2014
Some nights I tremble
at the images dancing in my mind
of the times you had me under your lock
twirling to your tunes
entirely enchanted by the present moment
I quickly interrupt those images -
"tomorrow is a new day"
one more day I will go without you
and be just fine
one more day you will wake up and regret
the bullets of infidelity you shot through my heart
the dagger of betrayal you repetedly pierced through my abdomen
you deserve an oscar for your 8 month long performance
a dramatic horrific tragedy would be the category
but I wonder what you would disclose in your acceptance speech
regret?   loneliness?   despair?
perhaps I'll never know
my mother said "karma will have him withering and you not even a clue"
let it be true.
Feb 2014 · 443
please decide.
contrasenses Feb 2014
Dear devil please decide
What you have in store for me tonight
Your indecisiveness has me locked in a melancholic trance
The sting of heartbreak
like venom is shooting through my veins
Please decide
What you have in store for me tonight
Punish me for my love sins
Replenish my thoughts of guilt
Despite my only crime being that I loved him too much
You may even
Have the lover he left me for
Knock on my dusty front door
But please have some mercy
Please decide
What you have in store for me tonight
sometimes the suffering feels endless, it feels like the world is taunting me
Feb 2014 · 636
contrasenses Feb 2014
no matter how many tears shed
I will feel some kind of proud
knowing that despite all this loneliness
I wont cave
*and call you
getting there
Jan 2014 · 696
you were a snake
contrasenses Jan 2014
One hand over your heart
One hand behind your back
Sweet words of how we'd grow old together
Fingers crossed
Holding a rose for "my beloved" you'd say
Holding a knife ready to strike my foolish heart
betrayal is lethal for the heart
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
ten things you ruined
contrasenses Jan 2014
       2. football
3. ***
   4. trust
          5. my openness to others
6. Dean Martin
7. Christmastime
                 8. hockey
9. late nights*
10. my belief that there are caring people out there
Jan 2014 · 712
I was a mess last night
contrasenses Jan 2014
I knew I wouldnt make it if I tried to stake it out alone
light sparks of self loathing in my mind suddenly ignited my insides
I knew I wouldnt make it if I tried to stake it out alone

          I called the hotline last night

                    a delicate voice answered
                    in attempts to nurture my battered soul
                    just enough to get me to sleep

                                you were the closest I have ever felt to peace
                                you told me you care
                                a word whose melody I have completely forgotten

                                           I smiled with lips parted for the first time in months last night

                                                                                      so why is my wrist now crimson red?
Jan 2014 · 946
i've got dreamer's disease
contrasenses Jan 2014
It's funny how the day you die
Is the day the world will be ready to listen
Your smile blinds all of my horrors
I've had the time of my life
Slaying dragons with you, fighting fire with you
I wish I could have had the chance to see
The world that lies behind your eyes
But I keep mistaking warm winter days for spring
It's a bittersweet season
I am all bent, some parts even broken
But perhaps at the very end
This ordeal will form me into a greater shape
So when my ashes touch the surface of the shore
Lie along the riverbed and listen to the current take me away
Because some of the greatest stories
Are heard but never told
I'll blow a kiss at the bleached soil
And wink at the rusty skies
I have a hammer heart
It beats with too much force
Moving too much life and love
All flowing through such a tainted body
And this blood stains skin
For Gods sake how do you not see
I'm not waving to you dear
I'm drowning
You say you love me
But when I collapse
My back to the floor
All that lies beside me is the piercing, still air
And its so cold
The little time bomb tells me to go to sleep
This weapon is making my hand sweaty
The tears are here
But just like always I will let them be
I forfeit.
We have seen it in each other
These past few years
Our bodies have grown
But our hearts have torn up
Flames on my forehead
Dont worry, I'm not completely gone
Ill be the one sitting in the backseat of your mind
'a mess' doesn't even begin to describe what I am in this moment
contrasenses Jan 2014
the first time you touched me
I went home and scrubbed my skin to rid your fingerprints
the last time you touched me
I couldnt stop drinking the sweet musk your embrace
sometimes I cant help but drown in the past
contrasenses Jan 2014
This is the place
Where one afternoon
I'll dance by the rosebushes
But be bleeding and bruised
Darling, my thoughts would break you
This heart is like a black hole
Pieces of you are everywhere
As the darkness unfolds
Here is a day you begged to never come
I'm melting then freezing
Melting then freezing
Its raw, its icy
But hot on your breath
This creation of god
Motions to the devil
So keep me where the light is
This storm that you call personality
Always changes
Calm to ill
My nerves are aching
Calm to ill
So promise me
If you decide to go before I wake
You'll leave the light on
If not at some point
I will succumb for my own sake
We can't downplay the dreary days
I've lost myself completely
But to keep going
I just need to remember my name
So could you whisper it sweetly?
As far as the unsaid goes
Were you scared
Or trying to spare me?
Be truthful now
I can't afford to sink into your gravity
This is a permanent winter
The entire home is asleep but me
They long ago committed
To the heaviness of rosy dreams
I fall victim to insomnia
As my pillow is untouched
They tell me I pose my ruins well
As the next morning
I still have a clutch
I'll never be a champion
So paint my hands gold
Like a weak little bird in a man's hands
I yearn to delicately unfold
I think that I'm finally catching my breath
But its not my air
Its yours
Tell me how to power through
Because my nails are deep in the flesh of desperation
And we mustn't forget
Its only skin
There's no leeway for hesitation.

— The End —