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I can't write.../...what's wrong with me?
not even in spotlight.../ this how it's going to be?
the words aren't there.../...HAVE i gone insane?
i've searched everywhere.../...i've probed my brain...
they've gone away from me.../...WRITERS can look through the mist
they're missing can't you see?.../...can't they see what they've missed?
nothing can inspire my pen.../...theres no inspiration in my BLOCK...
it happens to me now and then.../...HELP!!! i'm stuck like a rock...
oh well, i can't seem to write.../...ME? hell, i dont want to try anymore...
logging off... goodnight.../...PLEASE... lock up as you exit the door.
new triplicate that ACTUALLY RHYMES!!!!!!!!
full moon out.../...I'M feeling weak...
bring me in.../...NOT this again...
bash my skull.../...WHO are YOU?...
knock me out.../...i can't THINK straight...
drag me in.../...I can't help it...
chain me up.../...AM i to blame?...
lock the door.../...DON'T let me out...
let me suffer.../...i really HATE this...
hope i die.../...wake ME when the slaughter ends...
Another Triplicate.
fight the horde.../...I can't beleive it...
we're overrun.../...what do they WANT?!...
a teammate falls.../...the world's gone TO hell...
he won't make it.../...their drive is to EAT...
they chomp away.../ wan isn't YOUR only hope...
out of ammo.../...can't stop it!...
fangs tear in.../...she'll never know...
they'll never stop.../ last breath...
             ...i think...
stand up soldier!.../...i can't think straight...
the hive mind speaks!.../... BRAINS are for the living...
Hat Trick Triplicate! my 3rd Triplicate!
I push the release.../ didnt work...
drop the shiny mag.../ did this to me...
WANT more bullets.../...i bleed for YOU...
metal on metal.../...i drop TO the floor...
new mag in.../ KNOW what you did...
pull the slide back.../...THERES no beat in my heart...
round jumps into place.../...NOTHING left to live for...
click. off goes the safety.../...this feels so WRONG...
raise the barrel.../...toy WITH my heart...
pull the trigger.../...goodbye world, from ME...
Just so you readers know, i am NOT suicidal. this is a Triplicate poem(just designed it.)
you can read the first part (all parts before the ".../...")
second part (all parts after the ".../...")
third part (the capitolized parts)
or all at once!

— The End —