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 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
I don't feel safe she called
Between giggles and squeals of delight
And It took everything I had
Not to tell her she wasn't
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
The river swells and breaks before the plunge, plumetting down, down far below the ledge of my vision where you can hear the mighty crash and roar of water on rock and you can feel the rushing power of it all beside you, wondering what it would be like to be swept away...
And this is just a small reminder of how small and incapable I am, and how vulnerable I am to natures whim
Not exactly a poem, but I hope it was beautiful
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Tan chapped bodies littered out across the beach
Sprawled across the sand, hot on their backs, the sun warm on their face
Soaking up the radiation to warm their water chilled bones
Crippled, painful walks, they hobble back to the chariots that bore them here
Careful padded movements to soothe their aching skin
Raw and sensitively hurt, they bear the rocky path home
And finally I am alone
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
My brother is a wolf pup
Strong and great if well bred
He knows not but the hand that feeds him
And walks to the hunter to be fed
He is new to the wild, but still the hunter smiles
And takes him to the table
To be eaten instead
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
A dying old man came to sit by the sea; for as long as he can.
A dying old man came to sit by the sea and listen to the waves; for as long as he can.
A dying old man came to sit by the sea, listen to the waves and watch the sunset fade; for as long as he can.
A dying old man came to sit by the sea, listen to the waves, to watch the sunset fade, and to recapture his memories.
He remembered the rock where he and his wife swam.
The ring glinting in his hand.
He remembered their home, just two miles away.
And the sound and feel of ocean spray.
He recalled his first kiss.
And of course his first fish.
He remembered the sweet taste of victory.
And the bitter taste of misery.
He remember his wife, never waking from her sleep.
He recalled his life, which was slowly slipping into a dream.
A dying old man came to sit by the sea to gather his memories; one last time.
To come to watch the sunset fade; one last time.
To listen to the waves; one last time, as they say goodbye.
A dying old man came to sit by the sea, and there he died peacefully.
An older piece; I found this poem I wrote 4 years ago. Not as good as I remembered; but decent enough yeah?
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
3:30 and you're mad at me
3:31 and I know there is no where I'd rather be
Than with you beneath this blanket
Your arms round my waist, don't you think that
This would be lovely, our gentle kisses
And passionate sighs for forgiveness
Is better than this cold disregard
And arguments of wasted breath?

3:35 and you're not letting me in
Alright then
Guess we'll call it... good?
And pretend to brush it off like mud?
Fine go and do what you will
Even if I can't love you tonight
And you won't give me the chance to fight
I know inside
At 3:45
That there is no one I'd rather be with
With you, my love, until my dying breath.
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Do not confuse my arrogance for confidence
I really am a self-centered ******* who
Has no idea what he's doing
And that's the truth
~ Sincerely
The Anxious Secret
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Can you just stand there and let me look at you?
Just wait
As I absorb every detail that makes you what you are
It's a shame to steal glances from your conversation
To merely glance and be reminded of all you stand for
It's a shame I have to remember you from afar
A shame I have to hide my penetrating gaze,
Avert my eyes from being noticed
Bury my admiration for passing fancy
Can't you let me take in your splendor?
Only once
Grant me this limitless window to your being
Let me absorb the devil of your details
And be reminded of our past
Let me see in you what I see
Not the world
But the entity only I can behold
Let me look at you and be reminded of how you've changed me
How you've changed
How we laughed;
How we grew
Wise and knowledgable of each other as siblings
Let me see in you your weaknesses and
Your secrets
And let me see how they make you strong
Let me see your imperfections
And appreciate the designs they build in your character
Let me peel away your fleshy facade
You never could lie to me anyway
And see that cascade of color slosh around in your head
How it runs through your bones
Gives breath and passion to your lungs
How it rushes through your blood
Let me recognize the infinity of your thoughts and understand the depth behind your simple words
Won't you let me stare?
Only for a bit
Only for a while
Only enough to remember who you are to me
Only enough to commit your soul to memory
Oh won't you let me indulge in this intimacy?
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
And in this silence I can feel
Suddenly I am aware of the sounds we take for granted
Like the gossip of the leaves
When they whisper urgently in the wind
Or the way our footsteps beat together in some kind of harmony
With uneven steps and speeds
Somehow the colliding sounds of heel on dirt
Mesh into some beautiful composition of purpose
The cries of the woods
The squirrels and the deer and the rabbits and the wolves
The far off laughter or chatter
Of all the other people we push aside
The humanity of those we try so hard to ignore
All those little sounds
Barely register in our consciousness
But in this silence I can feel them all
Except for you
Except for you, what did you say?
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
I've grown cold and unused to you
We were two people who shared a bed
That was love, no?
We practiced this cherade for 15 years
We fight, and argue
Each time pushing further apart
Until this cold distance consumed us
Broken into little pieces my heart
Has nothing left to give you
Last time you drank you took my last piece
And I'm through
How can I miss something that was never really there?
Our lives together great
But they grew weathered and faded
Until you dropped out of the race
How could I not see?
This was never meant to be?
I've left you behind dear
I left you long ago
And I'm only tell you this now
Now instead of then because I hoped
Hoped you could see
I was leaving
And chase after me
See what ruin you had caused
And say you were sorry
But you didn't
You kept blowing your path of destruction
And I snuck out between the waves
And I'm telling you now dear
I can't
I loved you once
But darling our love its been dying
Our love its been dead

— The End —