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 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
The river swells and breaks before the plunge, plumetting down, down far below the ledge of my vision where you can hear the mighty crash and roar of water on rock and you can feel the rushing power of it all beside you, wondering what it would be like to be swept away...
And this is just a small reminder of how small and incapable I am, and how vulnerable I am to natures whim
Not exactly a poem, but I hope it was beautiful
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Big fat Buffalo
Sometimes fast, though, sometimes slow
Bison knows no foe
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Majestic Mountains
Grand Tetons stand tall and proud
Against wind, sun, sky
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Today I met Bruce
He is a big, dark brown moose
He was a cool moose
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Like a shadow, fox
Skirted across the road, sly
Dark and beautiful
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
Tan chapped bodies littered out across the beach
Sprawled across the sand, hot on their backs, the sun warm on their face
Soaking up the radiation to warm their water chilled bones
Crippled, painful walks, they hobble back to the chariots that bore them here
Careful padded movements to soothe their aching skin
Raw and sensitively hurt, they bear the rocky path home
And finally I am alone
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
The sun glistening off the water
Water shining off the surface
The clarity of it all gleaming against the mountainous back drop
So grand
And it exists
 Dec 2014
Kimberly Weber
My brother is a wolf pup
Strong and great if well bred
He knows not but the hand that feeds him
And walks to the hunter to be fed
He is new to the wild, but still the hunter smiles
And takes him to the table
To be eaten instead

— The End —