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 Mar 2012
eunsung aka Silas
i want to be
cool like
                           bursting into a million
                           pieces with complete

oh jack.  
you were so wise
yet so lost in your
                                                                        i'm cool like kerouac
                                                                        lost in nostalgia for
                                                                        those aimless wandering
not cool
it's all the same

                                on the road seeking a
                                new freedom
                                now that's cool
                                like far out zen cool
                                cool like ikkyu
 Mar 2012
self-righteous souls
saved from the
everyday run
of the world
skulking throughout
the shadows
cast by the
most holy
grasping at
the lost the
unknowing and
the ******
who don't accept
their beliefs as
irrefutable excuses
to be pretentious  
oh how far you will fall when brought                                               low from your exalted pedestal
down on your knees, covered                                                   in the wretched filth of the masses
that you had gazed down upon                                                       in all you hypocritical glory
everyone looks the same when                                                      your eyes have been gouged out
you bleed the same as everyone                                                  when your too-godly heart is removed
you liar, you snake,
you backstabbing ****,
hidden behind
accepting smiles
go forth and
be righteous!
go forth and
beat down the weak!
go forth and fill
the world with
your treacherous,
blasphemous rage!
pray for the
strength to fell
the wicked
pray to keep
a closed mind
and to be
in your silent
hate, mistrust, and
suspicion of all those
different from you
pray to keep your teeth sharp
to devour those deemed less holy than thou
and go to a fitful, dreamless sleep at night
confident in the knowledge that you are *saved
so i wrote this at church today, sitting there and looking around at all the *holy* people and feeling utterly disillusioned with all the backstabbing and false smiles, all the self-righteous feelings of superiority, and i remembered why i stopped going
 Mar 2012







          until someone







                                                               a step

and we all


           and we’re bruised with mistakes

           but we still continue this waltz.
 Mar 2012
In love
Its only natural to be                   P          U          S          H          E­          D
    o                    i     l                f            o      r      e             w  ­    y                e       o      e              
y    u            w     l                o          c       u      s             s      a                  b       f        r                  

                                  ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­                  F

                                        ­                                                                 ­                                                                 ­           A

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          L

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          L

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                            I

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          N

                                                          ­                                                                 ­                                                          G

It's fine to stumble, but remain UNBROKEN
REFUSE to be torn by this
Stand TALL
And prove you're **UNBROKEN
But on this occasion he calls that his
Bottled up feelings in a flurry to the sis
Can be expressed--to say "he loves her."
So thirteen times he her number alone
Dialed; but she's not there with her phone
Until the epiphany departed from that feller.
 Mar 2012
Tearani C
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped T T
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped  r r
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped a a
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped p p
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped p p
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped p p
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped  e e
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped d d
Trapped Trapped .....................  Trapped Trapped Trapped
Trapped Trapped|      I           | Trapped Trapped Trapped  
Trapped Trapped|                   |Trapped Trapped Trapped
Trapped Trapped|       AM     |Trapped Trapped Trapped
Trapped Trapped|                   |Trapped Trapped Trapped
Trapped Trapped|                   |Trapped Trapped Trapped  
Trapped Trapped ---------------- Trapped Trapped Trapped
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped T T
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped r r
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped a a
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped p p
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped p p
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped e e
Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped Trapped d d
 Feb 2012
D Lep
Bruised thighs
Broken pairs
Foreign beggar
Painted drifter
Contorted poses
Common thief
Watery muse
Vehicular womanslaughter
In pure gold cast I for thee my love
Which cannot in trust rust nor alter
In glory, though I do see many a dove
Flying about whose eyes at you flutter.
Love unfeigned, how can it be
Truly known: by deed or by word?

Take old Sisera for example, my lady,
Who fled with his glittering sword
To the tent of Jael, the beloved wife
Of Kenite, from the face of Barak.
And of her requested he for his life
Water, and she in action was not slack
To offer him milk instead, and did cover
Him again with a blanket. Sleeping in peace,
She crept softly to him with a hammer
And nailed down his temple with ease.
Yet to her did he entrust his safety,
Seeking from the smasher vain security.

Consider Joab, too, how he by his fine
Speech killled Amasa his worthy cousin;
Taking his beard with his right hand
As though he would give him a kiss grand,
Whilst his left hand had a thirsty dagger
Waiting; and he pierced the good feller
Through with his wicked blade. How the tongue
Of men do flatter oft in order to do wrong!
*Sisera and Jael; Jud. 4
*Joab and Amasa; 2Sam. 20
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