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 Oct 2015
She wants to feel the softness of feathers upon the tips of her toes
Reaching out for comfort that will surely come
She caresses the moments before midnight
With suger kisses so sweet
Like honey coated forgiveness
She smiles into her lovers eyes of crystal dew
Her sences reeling
Twirling, dancing
Like the figurine within an ancient music box
As the music surrounds the childs mind so pure
And yet
There is more captured within
The sweetness is soured only by memories
She paints with fingers in the suger
To forget
There are things so worth forgetting
She sees him sleeping and places
mirrors where his eyes once looked upon her
For now she will see herself
The way he see's
The blood from the girl child dried as he slept
There was to be no more sugered moments
No more honey for him to savour
she had seen
Her worth in his eyes
Such a shame sweet child
She should of loved herself with toes touching feathers
Reaching for a comfort
That would only be found in forgiveness of self
Far beyond the place he sleeps
With mirrored eyes of crystal dew

He awakes to find his beloved drenthed in death
He reaches for moments which never come
Her projection of him so false upon this moment
As in a moments seperation
She sees with her angel presence
The suger he tastes on lips so pure
His tears now mingle with the blood
As he tears her mirrors from his eyes
He understands not
The reason
Why white feathers are falling from the sky
These days, I'm afraid to look into your eyes

for fear that I may be consumed.

Though I suppose drowning in your irises

would be a lovely way to go.
Silence lingers in crisp autumn air
as my feet rebound off concrete.
The uphill journey is traveled alone,
except for fellow early birds
and rare squirrels skittering across my path.
Questioning, I think, if I am threat enough
to keep them from their hunt for breakfast.

Sunlight fights its way through leaves
to flicker across my sleepy eyes.
As if the morning itself is trying to
jump start my system.
Wake me up for the long day ahead.

Finding my favorite perch
at the top of the hill,
I sit to watch campus slowly come to life.
Starting with a squirrel
and his newly found peach treasure,
and ending with the faces
of my unknown classmates.

This is Western, at 8 a.m.
About my college, Western Kentucky University, and the campus as I see it in the early morning.
Dear Uganda, listen.

For we have heard your cry.

Our voices have been building,

the end is now in sight.

We know that he has taken,

those born from your own womb.

His sick mind is making kids

grow up much too son.

They're stolen from their beds,

a silent crime at night.

Invisible children marching,

now soliders made to fight.

With over 30 thousand taken,

how can we stay blind?

The place where you are born,

shouldn't decide if you live or die.

Our soliders there on foot,

it's time to spread his name.

Kony thinks he's winning

but we're about to change the game.

Africa please have hope,

for in this you're not alone.

Joseph Kony

You're children will be made known.
KONY 2012. Futher the movement. Make people aware of Joseph Kony's crimes. His arrest will change the lives of over 30 thousand children, and save the lives of so many more.
 Feb 2011
The mad hatter
I got my daughter a dog.... AND
she loved it... AND
its name was Rex... AND
she slept with him in her bed... AND
one day Rex got sick... AND
I took him to the the vet... AND
turns out Rex wasnt a dog... WHAT?
JUST A BIG ******* RAT
 Feb 2011
The mad hatter
walk in the dark
and next thing u know
you've stubbed your toe
Its not your fault
just keep in mind
In the dark
your practically blind
 Feb 2011
The mad hatter
the lights are off
the stairs are on
you miss a step
and fall the **** down
 Feb 2011
The mad hatter
If a tree attacks
u must use fire, u see
dodge a branch, jump over a root ,or flee
u can hack until the shadows grow long
but only fire will be be a tree's last song
so if an attacking tree u see
its best to use fire u must agree
 Feb 2011
The mad hatter
running around
a foamy mouth
tries to bite me
a rabid squirrel

— The End —