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Throw your smiles, my dear,
Viewers take a crazy catch
Blush, it is all they wish
Cheer up, to cheer the peering eyes

Pep up your pleasing lips,
Veering eyes carry the sips
Laugh louder, you are allowed
Cry all out, they enjoy no doubt
Sob, nothing to feel sorry

Reflex your face, keep ready to face
Wink your eye, it sprinkles lust
Frown, you are the crown
Voice your tongue, it caters

Let the pearls in your cup of lips radiate
  fragrant flowers of joy and jubilation
May your breath resonate cool
  in the ears of the audience for years!

Sweeten your words, toast the taste
Sing, for an all-round swing
Synchronize your body language
With the symphony of the scene

You are the debonair in debut,
Heralding heroine of this film.
The quick buck of this movie,
Much depends on your quirk
Lens is ready to sense your synergy
Bless you my budding artist, go ahead!
Bee line in the beach lane
on to a resourceful resort
Of styles, shorts and sorts
in search of freedom
from enforced routine

Bales of barren clouds
Mushroomed the sky line
Set a merry mood in motion
of the touting tots n' lots

The band of souls pitched
hand in hand on sand
Gay was the day at bay
All and sundry fielded the day

Bask and bath
Rock and roll
Fun and frolic
Wind and weather
Hoot and beat
Hip hip hurray
soaked in the sea of ecstasy

Slim shut swim suit
hemming here and there
Bikini blonde bouncing
Spicy curves and colors
pushed up passions
Of the passers by

Sand sipping sea
Sea slipping sand
Land and sea lip to lip
A great fun to run around
Eye catching rose among roses
Enlivened lotus amidst lotuses
As cute as chrysanthemum
Her enticing beauty is a bouquet
Of seen and unseen flowers
Add cosmetic touch to cosmic look
Piles of lily white smiles
Peels of lovely laugh
Lunar face, stellar grace
Solar radiance bracing up cosmos
Down her tempting temple canvas
Stupid cupid in hurry to canvass
Queen in the garden of lovers
Akin to bunch of brilliant flowers
Cascading hair crown her head
Hang around her face in hunger
In tune with wayward breeze
Her refined face defines beauty
Cup of lips grip her tasty tone
The rest of her coveted cover
To be discovered by none
Other than owner’s crazy mirror
Oh behold to adore the beauty
And admire its adept architect
When to win her cheek and cheer
And who the victor of the nectar
Not for us to speculate on spot
Clouds in cluster fleeing fast
Shed crocodile tears
On sandy sprawling land
En-route green western range

Fallen tears rolled down,
Filtering thru’ grain of sand  
Cooling nerves,
En-route unnerved

Hapless tears pooled in ponds
Hither and thither
To quench and feed
Camel and caravan

Only lonely daring guests
Seeking desserts in desert,  
In hot n’ high end wind  
For dates and palm to calm

Without sand, who knows,
Whole world would have been a desert
For there couldn't be structures
Some like sky view
Some like star view
Some like sun view
Some like moon view
Some like ocean view
Some like hill view
Some like valley view
Some like woods view
Some like bird view
And all that.
I like your view,
as I can have
all in one.
I love you
to the depth
of your body & soul
Overcast canvas wide within the visible range,
Down the canopy of crowded clouds in rage,
Nature sprayed its petals and pellets of snow,
From the ethereal sky in a cool blend of harmony,
Oh behold!  the scenic splendor of its sway in its way.

As the day opened up and glittered silver ground,
Dauntless daunting flora and fauna lie dry and high,
Long await cool each its day to bounce and blossom.
And the studious heads heading on foot,
Armoured with hefty winter wear to capture
The beauty in their hunt to haul the wealth in books,  
In the city of university towering high on hill ridge.

It rained and drained thoughts in me to vent,
Sans a day out on stroll in flowery rain to venture,
As I peeped safe through the window panes,
The bewitching landscape in adamant restraint.

And then I looked and locked my iris open on ice,
As pals and pets plying and playing at length so nice.
Towing transport wade through the salted roads,
No matter how hard the day to drag in heaps of odds.

Evening lights highlight twilight of the day,
In a bid to bid good night for the lovely day,
And welcome the day next for the recurring show
Of ceaseless breath of life amidst flying flakes.
To love one is great
To win love is greater
I aired  
You blared
I floated
You deflated
I voiced
You snapped
I penned
You pinned down
I smiled
You frowned
I accosted
You accused
I loved
You turned down
I admired
You abhorred

Distressed and depressed,
as now you are,
you seek my love,
when it is too late to honor
My love is since twined
To the one who loved me most

I forgot and forgave
All your indecent excesses
Of the past, yet ready now,
to share my bread, my dear,
But never dream of my bed.
Not to greet the dawn of the day
At care free weekends
Leisure infused lethargy
For him it was up 7 at 10 AM
He was at sixes n’ sevens

Quipped from cuddle of bed
At the warning warrant
Of piled up weekend errands
He sipped tea n’ clicked on screen
To play music of unseen scene
As he surveyed household
To bring home into his fold  
Cutlery rattled prattled
Vessels cranked in sink
Threatening to stink
If not surfed to shine
Used clothes hanging banging
Summoned washing wearing
Carpet in sequence flared up
To mop it up long along
Bathing tub demanded its bath
Well before he had his bath
As he peeped out a while
For refreshing breeze
Waving blades of grass
Accosted to trim their size
Sinking hope of a post lunch nap
Grouse of grocery then unveiled
And kid’s unrest for the day-out outwit
Took a long drive for the joy ride
Week end outing weakened though
Alas!  Weary weekend seemed longer than week
But for you
I would have been
deprived of heaven!
I was the queen in quest of your dreaming teens  
You were in race to trace my grace of beaming beauty
Your shower of love was to catch my fragrant flower
Life was like amusing laser show for a major glow

A fresh breeze of life I felt in your lifelong lease of love
Your fast love at first sight was forthright, I saw it so
Your love was on a broadband channel, I surmised,
On high frequency at matching wave length you promised

Love was in fairy air you craved, cared n’ carried thru’
I molded to your mauls, for I rejoiced your choice  
I was mild and yielding as you stepped up wielding
Rendered and surrendered to your shabby game of love
You left the fruit of your lust in my lap in a decade’s gap.

Embroiled in undue deal, you now embraced
Unhealthy wealth than wealthy health
Lavish lust, peevish love and selfish life
Lo, love is to collate not to collide n’ collapse
I feel sad when our lad says my dad is bad

My love was one popped up from heart
Your love pepped up from crazy corner
The kid is keen to pick up your kiss
Welcome to hold me to your fold, don’t miss

All I need is your towering love
Not your quivering ivory tower.
All I wish you is not to rewind
Your tampered tape on kin akin
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