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 Dec 2012
Emanuel Martinez
By the time we die
You're gonna be tired,  asleep, and satisfied
My love will have made you sick
Because it was too intense

No stratosphere will keep us safe
I will become insane
As my feelings spiral out of control

You will have no option my dear
But to maintain an everlasting fever
Because my love,
Will warm you like the hottest arab sun

And every mistake I've scarred your heart with
My eternal dedication will erase
Every day of my life as I pronounce your perfection
This perception  will never change

Like a controversial revolutionary anthem,
The beat of my heart will pledge allegiance to you

And you'll have no where to escape
As the loud boom of my love drowns out our past
You will have no choice but to die with this love

You're gonna be tired,  asleep, and satisfied
Because my love will have made you sick
As it becomes volatile and intense
September 15, 2012
 Dec 2012
Emanuel Martinez
Hey there! There's no time to worry
Sure I shoulda kissed you
Coulda held you, shoulda shown you
How right I was for you
How shy was I, how loud were you  
All the trouble it coulda caused us
To lock our lips together
No, no problem, just endless possibilities

Couldn't gift my kisses, to your lips
Our bodies having trouble
Staying close, hip to hip
Without your lips cooing in my ear

My lips quivering, sensing
You inching toward me
Fell off balance, off center
Giggling till you backed away    
Guess it wasnt meant to be  
Because having had given
First kiss away, it wasn't you
Still it filled a good part of me

And after this kiss, we're both sill alright
Still friends, sill fond, still moving on,
But living on
December 14, 2012
 Dec 2012
Emanuel Martinez
In our life, time won't matter
Ooh don't you worry baby
I'll be right here waiting for you

In our future, I see we'll be together
Ooh don't you fret baby
Right now, we might be too young to settle

In our world, there will be no trouble
Ooh don't you get scared baby
You'll be alright till I come safe you

In our thoughts, there will be no words of sorrow
Ooh don't you think too hard baby
My lips will one day capture you

In our hearts, appropriations will be on loan
Ooh don't be too quick to sell out baby
When I come around, you'll be mine forever

Ooh don't you worry about me baby
Stop thinking about me, until the time is right
I'll always be here for you

Until that day, to have loved you
Is what I'll be proud of, Is what I hope for
Even if I don't know who you are

Till that moment when I know you are
I'll be ready; happy knowing you exist
December 11, 2012
 Dec 2011
Jane A Luxfield
He's gone traveling today,
Off to adventure far away.
I labor time as I pine
As he passes pine and vine
That I've never, no not once
Chanced a glance, a look askance.

This evening I will justify
My own choice to poetify
On his absence from his seat
And the emptiness he leaves complete.
For it is near the holiday
And I would rather he choose to stay.

When he returns, I'll make a meal!
With bread and pudding, the whole deal
He will laugh at the floured mess
Of me, my smile, and my best dress.
But, he'll be glad to know to I care
And would always rather have him here.
 Feb 2011
Priya Patel
I love the feel  of you in the morning
The softness of your hands, roughness of your feet
the way your legs feel wrapped around mine
I love the way you turn to face me
Even in your sleep
I love when you open your eyes
And see me gazing at you
And you gaze back at me
Smiling, you touch my face and whisper
Good morning sweetheart …
 Feb 2011
Priya Patel
Close your eyes
and picture this..
you and me
and our first kiss
Open your lids
so you can see
how your lips
feel to me
So soft and gentle
and spicy too
Can I have
a taste of you?
Just a nibble,
maybe a bite
Come here,
let me hold you tight
Close your eyes
and picture this
you and me
and our first kiss
 Feb 2011
Priya Patel
You are scared, me too
Your eyes are shaded
With the color of passion
Tiny hues of anticipation

Come here, hold my hand
You are shaking, me too
I want to touch you
burning with anticipation

Do not be scared, I am here
My arms will protect you
We will douse this fire
And there will be no more

Anticipation ...
 Jan 2011
My love I love you no matter the reasson,
My love I love you an you alone whom I love the most,
How do I love thee I know not how or why I love thee,
I know not how love is played or how it works,
I know not the reasson,
I love thee for whom you are not what thou art,
I love thee for the person you are to me an no one else.
I love thee for thou hast captured my heart to be yours,
Thou hast captured my love that falls like rain over you,
Calm my beating heart for you art fare and lovely to look at.
Calm my racing mind looking to find words to call how lovely thou are,
My mind has been bound, my heart locked up,
Yet you have found away past all of that and in doing so have found me there.
thinking happy

— The End —