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 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
our selves.

we are..
toil worn.

every moment
i try..
truly speaking

people describe it
spiritual freedom.


*deovrat- 23.02.2018 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
i introspective...
i gets more..
and more distract...

my soul is..
in deep pain...
why whole life..
spent in vain...

while try to concentrate..
on the inner voice...
it compel detachment..
from the outer universe...

i wonder..
how it felt...
if one has to lost..
completely in self...

there are so many path..
to reach on destination
means and ways.
to gain through  and prays

many times i try..
but now realize...
indeed it was a waste..
needs lot of practices...

to achieve the consciousness..
one need complete devotion...
inner peace and perfection...


*deovrat - 12.03.2018 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma

never try..
said some one...
to assess your..
beloved one....

you will...
always live....
in pain.....

every thing..
will become...
futile plus....
all efforts.....
will  go in vain......

is going...
to stay....

every one...
will always....
try to betray.....

so better..
try to keep...
yourself calm....
self satisfaction.....
is the only way......


*deovrat - 22.02.2018 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
rose petals..
colorful butterfly...
lemon grass..
rainbow in sky...
mystical music..
of flowing streams...
growing shrubs..
fruits and  trees...

fragrance of wet soil..
blooming flowers...
humming birds..
bite of honey bees...

clump of old age trees..
uproar of wild animals...
ebullience of untamed waterfall..
erosion of river strands...

blushing of squirrel ..
whistling of cold breeze...
dew on lotus leaf ..
rosiness of sunrise...

snow bound peaks..
tweeting birds...
always makes me realize..
that I am alive...

*deovrat - 21.02.2018 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
it was a dream..
   or a reality...
     her fidelity..
      or my passion...

        * i wish to do ..
          what ever...
            she admire....
              but what if she..
                not perceive...
                  my aspiration....

*often i try..
    to look...
      in her eyes....
        peep deeper..
          in search of...

             i shatter..
                   deep in her heart....
                    certainly our soul..
                      now blended...
                        in perfection....

                      ­   *****
                 ­         *
deovrat-15.02.2018   (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
I wish I could express..
    my feelings…
      to confess that..
         how much I love her…

I wish I could convey..
    at least something…
      to make her feel..
        how much I concern her…

I wish I could bring..
   her dreams come true ...
     to improvise her life..
       in-order to secure her…*

I never was desperate..
     to express in words...
        may be she is aware..
           how much I admire her...

I made many plans..
   to be precise and certain…
     but never could..
      qualify to recognize her…

*Whatever I  do..
     my efforts are there…
       unconcerned to perceive..
         the extent I passion her…

deovrat - 10.02.2018 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
whatever you create...
    I like it...
      what ever you do...
        I realize it...
          whatever you whisper....
           I hear it...
              You make me forget every thing..
               I owe it...
                  you made me realize your presence...
                   I feel it....

whatever I do ...
     you like it or not?
        whatever I say...
          you like it or not??
            whatever is my act...
             you like it or not???
                whatever I do to prays you..
                   you like it or not????

you created me...
   you moulded me...
     you filled me with emotions..
       you blessed me with creations..
        but you always kept...
          some invisible veil...
            keeps me apart...
            while feel your hail...
              many efforts in your quest..
               but all in vain...
I feel you..
  I need you...
    I owe you...
     of course a day..
      I dissolve in you..

deovrat - 08.02.2018 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
Once upon a time…
when I was alone…
neither very small..
nor too grown…

Lost in itself…
being alone ..
in the wilderness…

In search of peace….
never tired..
never felt down..
always full of hope…

I never hope …
much change  in life…
a stranger join my path..
she is my wife...

She revolutionize…
lavish me wings..
to fly in the sky..
my aura evolve kings..

She changes my life..
with passage of time..
many ups n down..
the wilderness bloom..

Loneliness gone…
she bought happiness..
home looks like…
the vale of flowers..

Days n year gone..
then the time came..
a time to bless..
my vale of flowers..

With smiling face..
storm in heart..
tears in eyes..
peace of mind…

I bless my vale flower..
to the stranger..
as I have to follow…
social circumstances...

my flower shall bloom...
with some one..
who is now  also a flower...*

I felt again as it was…
once upon a time..
in vale of flowers..
lost in itself, being alone ..

                                                     *deovrat - 05.12.2017    (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
This world certainly changes…

as the time changes…

Some more ..or less changes…

                                    **It is certain too, what is in fate..

                                        But we change…. !!!!

                                        this will never happen infect..

            *deovrat - 20.06.2017 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
she like me..
she hate me..
she loves me..
she distaste me..

i try to make her smile..
she makes me sad..
i wish to be happy..
she makes  me mad...

when she smile..
when she prays…
always makes me..
full of courage..

she is my inspiration..
we live together…
never felt apart ..
from each other..

although carry ….
so much pain..
never makes….
any complain..

all the success ..
all the fault..
deep buried…
in my heart..

one body one soul…
feel forever…
never think to be apart..
reason  whatsoever…*

       *deovrat - 26.06.2015
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
It happens ...
     I never wish such pain..
       but it happen…
          again and again...

                    *Is it a failure ..
                       failure of inner strength...
                         failure of self control...
                            or just ignorance..

I never noticed..
       In the beginning ..
         I feel forced to give thought..
                after so many re-occurrences ..

                        Yes thoughts..
                             thoughts of someone..
                                 someone always...
                                    being with me...

Who always..
     remain deep within..
        beneath the huge dump...
             of of reminiscences...

                            Always glow...
                               lighting in the darkness ..
                                   a ray of hope ..
                                      in the inner consciousness..

now I realize..
     its being always with me
           making me feel…
               makes me alive..

                       Its like breath..
                            make me revive...
                              its like food..
                                 makes me survive…

I feel joy..
    no pain…
      I wish it to happen…
          again and again.....

                      deovrat 20.06.2015 (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
since the inception..
     all make perception..
        happening within..
          but the line is very thin..

                *everyone is in vain..
             searching joy and pain..
       between two ends of ..
life and death…

   passion of deeds..
         obsession of  happening..
              does really…
                   has any meaning..?

                      whatever you do ..
                what ever you earn..
           you have to leave..
  while you are burn..

    energy remain constant..
          feel  energy and enjoy
                 energy cannot be created
                         energy cannot be destroy

                    perform upon wisdom..
                  not to bother
           never dreams…
     deeds of others..

          if birth happen..
                why hurry..
                      death in inevitable..
                              why to worry…

                                  deovrat - 22.04.2015  (c)
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
mind blown up..
heartbeats run faster..
raised eye brows..
volatility in words...
just because of ..
some one...
to whom..
I neither hate...
nor like..

I never praise..
Praise to normal work..
commitment to work..
Praise to the extra-ordinariness..
Knowing the capabilities..

But the fact is..
little praise…
is proud ridden…
I never wish to hurt ..
though facing disliking..
by all means ..
I always wish ..
To remain calm..

but in others perception..
always remain partial..…
in need…
In hardships..
depending upon..
individuals Perception..

it may  lead towards…
positiveness or negativity..
state of mind..
Illusion always misguide..
always remain side by side..
with every one…
you have to make balance..
within the dual minded state..
throughout the life…

                             *deovrat - 21.04.2015
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