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 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
and fame
of individuals
doesn’t matter
simply matters
understanding of
self responsibilities
clarity of actions
to deliver

©deovrat 21.09.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma

no autocratic leadership
can survive for a longer time.
in a democratic setup every citizen
is having equal rights and responsibilities.
autocratic behaviour of individuals is
not acceptable, whether he is
elected or selected or a
common civilian.
©deovrat 17.09.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma

you both are 
mature enough 

you understand
  social obligations 
you possess
wonderful bonding of
love and happiness 

you both are
on the same level 
of admiration 
and emotions 
since so many lives

each one of you 
may happily take their life 
into each other’s hands easily
you have blessing 
to just live happily 

it is said that 
love is synonym of giving
giving happiness and joy 
to your beloved one
to whom never disheartened

even if you are 
thousands of miles 
apart from each other
but it’s understood that the distances
makes bonds  much stronger

you can sense your beloved one 
live always with you
deep within your heart & soul 
always together in feelings & thoughts
always visible through your eyes

so ensure to close your eyes 
otherwise if someone suddenly peep in
can easily understand 
that you both survives
only for each other’s life


@deovrat 12.09.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
a small
drop of
and egoism

may lead
within a jiffy split second
into perishable circumstance
to a delicate tree
of beautiful
healthy relationship

which was
grown up in the past years
by nurturing with
the nectar-like
water of mutual belief
love and affection

©deovrat 04.08.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma

no where
you will find
such pain as when
your beloved one
ignore you and
become unconcern
infect it is
much more
deep and intense
than a huge fire burn

in love
is just like
the blooming thorn
in fact whenever
our feeling hurts
by our dear one
the fearfulness

@ deovarat- 18.05.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma

I don’t know
how to be bold
often I don’t know
how to hold

to hold my emotions
to hold my uncontrolled notions
or how to hold
my devotion

only what I know
how to love someone
embedded within my soul
who is always with me

understand me
hold me
and always told me
true meaning of love

@ deovarat- 13.05.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
moon is shining
in her full bloom
she was sitting
in her dark room

with the virtual presence
of her beloved one
starring through the window
without any utterance

dark shadows trying
to make her doom
she trying to glow her soul
with the full moon

milky moonlight
shines in the darkness
making alive
their thirst to liveliness

the last moment
of life and death
with passion of togetherness
till their last breath

@ deovarat- 19.03.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma

it is alike high tides
in the ocean
caravan of emotion
like whirling rotation
no one listen
to self conversation

all at once
tears rushing
out reconditeness
with stale conviction
complete silence
in the ambiance

heart encompass
in perpetual fragrance
of someone
who left behind
grief pain
lasting remembrance
@deovarat 28.02.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
desire to elevate
desire to celebrate
it may be at work
or in the habitat

beyond the confession
every on having compassion
to show himself wise
to other advise and dictate

every effort only for
the mortal skeleton
but nothing to make
their soul pure salvate

indeed its strange
infact looks like revenge
running for such deeds
those are purely  deflate misstate

we still having some time
to find corect the ragtime
actuating and cause of mistakes
to come out from this illusion state

©deovrat 17.01.2019
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
all living
created by the
divine nature
only Human being
is distinct and unique
they blessed
everything from
supreme divinity

feels so much
and plunge
upto the neck
in the ocean
of bogey greediness
name and fame
wealth and esteem
ambition and avidity

©deovrat 27.11.2018
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
the poetry
by two hearts
your heart my heart
and everyone's heart
one soul two hearts
phrases written here
is  the conversation
of our hearts
do you agree?
to love
and to be loved
is a real happines

©deovrat 08.11.2018
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
in the
lake of eyes
tears comes in tides
each and every
moment seems
like drowning
my soul
nearby boat
nor the
clue of cost
with the closeness
of beloved ones
few moments
of caressness
gives billions
of dreams
trillions of hopes

©deovrat 29.10.2018
 Sep 2019
Deovrat Sharma
you make
my emotions
you make my days
you make me happy
you make my life shine
i feel on the
seventh heaven
when you call me
remember me
in your heart ❤

and melodious
so intense feelings
of a sweet warmness
spreads in the whole
body especially
around heart ❤
and soul

you know
when ever you
are with me
it is like another
life span on some
beautiful galaxy
far beyond the sky
i wish to live few moments
on that galaxy with you
ohh no not few moments
but to spend several lives

©deovrat 12.10.2018
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