you both are
mature enough
you understand
social obligations
you possess
wonderful bonding of
love and happiness
you both are
on the same level
of admiration
and emotions
since so many lives
each one of you
may happily take their life
into each other’s hands easily
you have blessing
to just live happily
it is said that
love is synonym of giving
giving happiness and joy
to your beloved one
to whom never disheartened
even if you are
thousands of miles
apart from each other
but it’s understood that the distances
makes bonds much stronger
you can sense your beloved one
live always with you
deep within your heart & soul
always together in feelings & thoughts
always visible through your eyes
so ensure to close your eyes
otherwise if someone suddenly peep in
can easily understand
that you both survives
only for each other’s life
@deovrat 12.09.2019