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 May 2014
Andrew Durst
I watched my father kneel down on one knee over his parent's graves today.
      The stillness of the air
     was far greater than the few little
words that could have been spoken.
After a moment, he rose with a sigh,
wiping away several tears before
they could even leave his eyelashes.
     It was the first time I ever realized,
that one day,
  I too would be kneeling
over my parents,
devastated and speechless,
      leaving generations behind me
      with nothing more than
                   a faint
Been a while since I've cried, it was strange to me.
 May 2014
I have vivid dreams
of the moment when we meet again
it just seems
like a distant future then

But when I find you once more
I swear it'll be perfect
Not like ever before.
It'll be like we never even met
I'll be right for you and you right for me

It seems like far away,
but I swear I'll find you someday

— The End —