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 May 2014
Joseph Childress
And she said…

I luv you,
Where’s the


we truly

Or just yet
To begin?

Well, *** u

It’s convenient
To shorten words
To speed the converse
But love
Should be handled
With delicacy
You’re lack of concern
“I luv u 2”
In return
You’re more mathematical
Than poetical
And I accept our difference
But your indifference
Once I brought it
To your attention
Is well worth
The “*** you” aforementioned
 May 2014
SG Holter
The sun broke through the clouds,
Playling with the gold
Embroyderies on the
Priest's cloak.

The Man of the Hour's favourite
Song playing as we all sat
Watching white flowers on
White oak, reading names on
Ribbons wishing peaceful
Rest and cherishing memories.

Mid-ceremony change in
Weather from skies gray to
Bright blue, as if clouds all
Creating passage for a soul
The size of horizons.

Few silences equal that
Of mourners
Holding hands and roses,
Hankerchiefs and pamphlets.
Whispered regrets and female  
Sniffles barely audible
Over the undeniable
Absence of a

The sun warm through
Suits and dresses, and the golden
Reflection of a textile cross on the
Chapel wall, dancing with
Each movement the
Holy man made.

Silence is the language
Of Death and its matters.
It will not ever
Be silenced.

Water runs however it
Fire can never
Be burned.
 May 2014
Angel torruella
Love. Every time you seem to be up for a promotion demotion sets in. Wasted emotions I call this love in motion. A singular sphere not the shapes it's portrayed to be. Love. you always seem to come full circle just with different vessels to take captive for some time. Love. You never really die as the saying goes you just move along to the next loving soul. Soulless of a man I talk to you love you striped me of your grip and left me wondering if this is it. love.
-Angel Torruella.
 May 2014
Angel torruella
Insecurities crushes the purity of life all we do is fight over civil rights when that was abolished. It makes me feel demolished while you sit there so polished laughing and applauding I die inside but I'll never let you see a coffin I feel **** often with no intentions on letting you know that I'm slowly letting go its winter inside of me 365 and I know you feel the snow the flowers will never grow never bloom you and I have always been doomed I find myself trying to find room in a place I use to call home now feels like a tomb a never ending maze to escape this place I need space to find a  universal way of peace.
 May 2014
Angel torruella
As reality sets in morality changes personality estranges I start to feel caved in trapped in a catastrophe not actually knowing what's to come of it. Never asking for none of it feeling like a ton of bricks this is life's punishment and just when you think your getting from up under it reality sets in again....

Angel torruella
 May 2014
Angel torruella
An imperfect gentleman's gentleness isn't always so gentle. Women walk around with an ideal idealist mental of a man. A man that's ****** but **** good at building a dam over the damnedest dirt road. Some day those roads fall apart and the dammed will depart with no heart until a renaissance  period breaks through with art. So the man paints a picture of the women's heart severed in pieces ripped up like a jigsaw puzzle. He will spend his life stuck in this painting with the patience to put it back together forever with no avail he failed. She's moved on and he's back to being a gentleman pledged by an hour glass.

-angel torruella
 May 2014
Angel torruella
Trying to balance life and make sure my family that balanced me these 27 years is rough trying to give them wisdom just adding my 27 cents in this recessive economy. Just a quarter the age of a great portion of my family I'm gonna have to grieve over soon enough knowing they love me so much they will roll over in there grave as I go through life's uncertain escapades you just can't escape faith the saying soul mate should be plural one person couldn't get me through life's stale mates
 May 2014
Angel torruella
The real you could never be found by ones self it's lost within someone else. Inside is where she keeps it safe from escape. The soul is hers and always will be the only way to find it is to listen to her heart beat. So I lay on her chest night after night listen to a sound that's so profound hoping that you capture it. I need her to discover a lost young man. She knows everything about you so you hold her tight and rub hearts and at that point I know well never be apart.
    -Angel Torruella
 May 2014
SG Holter
It is a declaration of cowardice.
I put my pen down and
Step away slowly
[Defusing the letter bomb].
They don't always turn the
Other sheet, you know.

Sometimes the poem
Writes back.
 May 2014
SG Holter
I am an old dog.
Fleas are as much a part of me
By now
As my tail.

I put my head in human laps,
Warm their feet with my body.

I fetch whatever they crave,
Not demanding so much as a
Bellyrub back.
Sad old eyes always looking up
From Omega
To Alpha.

All I ask is not to be kicked.

I am an old dog.
Bruises are as much a part of me
By now
As my tail.
 May 2014
SG Holter
Night. Dark giant.
Lying down as if to sleep

Eyes huge as Time
Lulled looking at
Stars beyond

Eyes huge as Time to which
Light-years merely lightnights.
Black as blindness
-Empty as newborn hands-
Fog of a cloud in a mist within smoke,
Shaped as the
Opposite of

Opposite of fire, and as
Cold as the darkness
It is.
 May 2014
SG Holter
All my clothes are oil stained.
Paint soiled, diesel fumed.

Eager to get a job done
I forget to care what I'm

At least she allows herself
Quality make-up,

I think; rubbing absent-mindedly

At mascara stains on my
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