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It's like you threw a curve in me
Never understood how love songs could make me blush as if they were written for me personally
Thank you for making me feel like I'm the prettiest girl in the world
Until I met you
Smirking at my screen
No matter what I have on he thinks I'm beautiful
Reminding me of all the times you just ignored my glasses, bonnet, cornrows, and even how you met me with swollen eyelids and no voice
Make me scream I'm all yours
Holding back because I don't know how to feel
Alone in a room, but all these notes are warming me like
the last snowflake on the first day of spring

Sounds of Love
The hard part about
letting go of a busy man
is that
they're distracted when you begin
distancing yourself
and when they feel distance
they procrastinate on addressing it
So it takes a while before
they notice
you're completely gone
The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Ironic that I never really understood what this meant
Until today
The day the Caged Bird was set free
and sent to the Heavenly Gates

I can't be serious right now
I was trying to love a busy man
Domesticating myself to teach
A busy man how to love a woman like
Because I thought this could be it

I don't have much time to dedicate
But he didn't want me to leave
So I thought he'd start making the time
And he did for a while
But when he stopped it was because
I be busy
I couldn't wrap my head quite around it because
School was over
Work hadn't begun
I just be chilling with friends
Another category I have to compete with
Guess I wasn't quite a friend
Even if I was 78.8 miles away
It wasn't enough for him to make time
to miss me

But when he asked me to see him
I was ready instantly
Even though we'd been shaky the past week
I remembered what it was about him that made me want to jump up Instantly

But even my instant preparation for affection despite my rage
Wasn't enough
So I sat
Waiting for hours
Just for an address
Ready to pounce in my car if he would just tell me where
Three hours

Just to be told his friends didn't want to share him with
So I told him to just stay put
Even though I didn't mean it
But he didn't fight for
I made the choice easy

I don't have much time to dedicate*
But he does
Just to everything but
A quote by the late Miss Maya Angelou that I never understood until today.
The stars say that when an Aries and Sagittarius meet it's likely to feel like love at first sight.

We met.
Oh no, I'm not in love. There's just something different in this chemistry that makes me feel like I've known him before. It's easy.
He asked to read a poem.

All I heard was
"Show me the real you"

So personal we make these writings
If only people read them with as much love as we write them
Because for us these aren't merely love letters or confessions
These are us opening ourselves up and letting everything fall out
hoping maybe they could pick the pieces up and hand them to us again
rearrange them to fit exactly as they desire

"Show me the real you"
I cringe
Does he really want to see where I came from?
Who I loved last?
Where we all went wrong?
It's all so simple
until the past returns
and Even though we write just to conquer our pasts
We never want to look back and be those moments again

The real me.
The real me is in this moment.
I don't want him to be just another poem on the page
I don't want him to think he's just another
love letter
I don't want him to think I'm this crazy hopeless romantic that
misconstrues *** with love
abandonment with togetherness
caresses for self-esteem

I want to show him that I love fiercely
But I don't want him to know that I've been broken.

What do I show him...
Just a hypothetical situation. Whenever we enter freshly new relationships with people we know nothing about, we have a chance to recreate ourselves into the person we want them to see us as. But as writers, we leave a paper trail, and yes its easy to reject them from our art. But thats rejecting them from us. I speak so highly of my passion for writing, I anticipate the day he asks to read a piece. Then I think, my favorite pieces are the ones about my love for others, good or bad. Thus, showing him the real me.

I have to learn how to love a busy man
Not a man that is busy loving others
But a man that is busy loving himself
Loves himself enough to
Leave me to focus on his assignments
Returning when they're complete
Loves himself enough to choose
His education over a few texts and facetimes
Promising it'll pay off in the end

Whether or not I'm around to benefit
I have to learn to love a man that is busy
being productive for the future
Sacrificing his social life
But always fitting me in
To remind me that when
Isn't occupying his mind
I creep back in

It has its perks though
You don't have to worry
about him straying unless its
with a math problem
him caressing anything other than
something he's built with his own hands

So when he disappears for hours
I sigh
Then remember and daydream
of him
headphones in
face in a book
reading about dynamics

As I sit in bed
headphones in,
about Rosaura

See she was separated from her love too
I forgot how it feels to not be in the dark all the time
I grew used to it
Thinking maybe I had longer to go
Before the light came out again

Then he came with his light skin
Reminding me that I'm worthy of a great morning
every morning

It's exciting because he's so new
Yet, it's like I've known him in my past life
like i've felt it before
yet it still feels new

Meeting all my standards
Proving good things come to those who wait

I miss him.
But I don't mind waiting for mine.
It's not your fault that the stars told you to be vulnerable. You went from not loving enough, to smothering. Mistaking constant showering of attention as vulnerability. Hanging in the waiting for him to return it, only to realize he loved you more when you held back. You were more interesting. So you tried to soak up those showers and were unsuccessful because by then the stars said it was love at first sight, that you would feel enchanted to this person whom you barely know but you've already put so much of yourself into it that you'll believe it. You want to believe it. It's not your fault you just want to be loved. Why not listen to the stars above? They're closer to god, and god is love. You just assumed they knew.
Call me crazy, setting myself up for a
But, I told him about you today
Better safe than sorry
Because I don't want him to interfere
He always was the extreme type
The guy that forever remains in the dark
Until that night when he texts you while your boyfriend is holding your phone
Or face times you at 3am and keeps calling because you normally answer
He even calls sometimes when you ignore just because its obvious your not sleeping
So yes
I warned him

"You have a boyfriend?"
"No, but I met someone"

Far fetched but
I've felt more for him these past 3 weeks
then i've felt for this man i've known for years
Because he has promise,
It's not purposeless

Not a way of making him jealous
But proving that someone out there
knows i'm worth something besides
sometime loving
You can love with eyes open
Not fearing the possibility that
is laughing at what they call stupidity
but you know it as love

No one to throw dirt on his name
Kicking it in your face
Because they don't know enough to try to interfere
Oh don't dare interfere

People are nosey
Ooooh and when they know of someones past
they run
with it

See but this time around I don't have to keep my eyes closed
to avoid seeing something that may trigger doubt
that may break this before it starts

eyes just as open as my mind
eyes just as open as my heart
And each one reminds me of you.
I think you had me at hello.
In times of great boredom or great stress
I take a break from my surroundings and find you
My happy place
Always counting down how many more days (27) have to pass
Before I can cuddle with you and PJ.
Counting how many days have passed since I was able to hold you last (23).
Ten days short of two months separating us
although we're only separated by 78.8 miles.
So I daydream
Always recreating what our reunion will be like
They can't take me from my happy place
It's what's getting me through
Helping me wait for you.
It's worth it when we're saying good-bye on FaceTime and we both hold up half a heart. It's worth it when I find ease by looking at all the screenshots I have, especially the one of him and PJ. It's worth it because I'm slowly falling for his mind and spirit waiting til I can have his body for the first time. So I just day dream just to remember what I'm waiting for.
A playlist of all the songs that remind me of you.
In constant rotation as the days pass.
They put us into context.
Music to your ears whenever I seem too far
Whenever you need a reminder

Press play
just for you.
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