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 Dec 2020
You’ve left a bitter taste in my mouth,
Your fragrance clung to my breath,
Things with you have gone south,
You’ve taken a toll on my health,

I watch embers chase white paper,
Leave blackened ash in your wake,
At times you have made things seem better,
In time you’ve become something to hate,

I’ll miss the warmth at my fingertips,
Not forget the rush you bring to my head,
Nothing but poison between my lips,
Hard not to want you before going to bed,

I loved you but I can’t live in regret,
Time to snub you out, my sweet cigarette.
(Just got out of an abusive relationship, quit smoking in the process)
 Feb 2020
My soul be free,
One could hope,
The tallest tree,
A shorter rope,

Save the date,
A heart to mend,
A razor blade,
An unsteady hand,

Reaching out,
To those who care,
I carry my pout,
Almost everywhere,

I dream of what I miss the most,
A brother, father, and companion lost.
 Oct 2019
Cold against my skin,
Smooth to the touch,
I seek what's within,
I wonder what I'll catch,

The orbs beneath my brows,
Staring right back at me,
The whys, whens, and hows,
what was it I failed to see?

This is who I truly am,
This thing that's reflected,
This thing I've become, ****,
That of which I'm fixated,

Could my existence be an error?
Answer me, show me, please mirror.
 Oct 2019
Life is like an unpredictable ocean,
We travel through it on many ships,
The waves can flow with violent motion,
Sometimes the water calmly sleeps,

When winds are strong and waves are high,
We seek something to hold onto,
At times we find it too much and we cry,
Sometimes we feel that's all we can do,

Though there are days when the sun rises,
The sky clears and the waves calm,
Those days are the days I feel your kisses,
I know that you will keep me from harm,

On stormy days, when I fear the ocean deep,
I think back to when I climb aboard our relationship.
(Wrote this as I am missing my significant other. Not my best to be honest, but I tried. not feeling very creative today.)
 Oct 2019
We lay in bed all through the night,
Though, my mind will not rest,
I like to think that all is right,
I'm not sure if I've done my best,

You say you're fine, I know otherwise,
I have a feeling I cannot shake,
I know that look, sorrow within eyes,
Whispers while you sleep, keep me awake,

We've been together for a while,
I fear you may be keeping things from me,
Perhaps we've outrun this mile,
You've grown tired of thinking about what we should be,

I see the way you smile with her, I fear this is the end,
You keep me holding on when you say she's just a friend.
 Oct 2019
The eternal fabric of time,
Stained a crimson red,
Woven from silk so fine,
For what the blood was shed,

Who's wrong or right?
It never mattered,
For in both party's sight,
innocence can be crafted,

To hate another man,
Was just a part of the job,
We shoot because we can,
as long as the bodies drop,

A flag and dog tags delivered to the door,
This is just a result of those who go to war.
 Oct 2019
Fold me like you always have,
Run your nails to set the creases,
Shape me to the form you crave,
Bend me into the art of your wishes,

My form forever yours to toy with,
I conform to your will and desire,
Expose my surfaces, above or beneath,
I will always be there for you to admire,

I can be flexible or I can be stiff,
That depends on what you want,
I am here to help fill your rift,
The one who says you can when you can’t,

Craft that which you seek of me,
I am but your art, your origami.

— The End —