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 Oct 2015
Hello Ms.Patty.
How you been?
It's been a while since you've caused me pain.
You don't remember?
Well i do.
Ms.Patty, you remember the insults you'd hit me with everyday?
The flaws you'd poke out of me?
Remember those days or torments and tease?
I know i do.
Ms.Patty, did it ever occur to you that you hurt souls?
Hypercrits don't live to see the other side.
Oh Ms.Patty, you say the meanness things, yet put a smile on your face.
Remember the name calls?
They hurt Ms.Patty.
Ask yourself, why did you do the things you did?
Was it to hurt the innocent or just to please your cold withered heart?.
Ms.Patty, i forgive you, i just don't trust you.
What you did laid a scar on my heart, but it didn't damage my forgiveness.
Keep smiling Ms.Patty, you'll look pretty.
 Oct 2015
You have ripped bellbottoms a shaky smile,
The sandy curls that cascade down your back.

You smoke till your lungs go black,
You sit in the blazing sun meditating till you go tan.

You play the tunes of The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix,
That suede jacket you wear every Tuesday.

You decorate your room with blankets so the colors keep you company,
The daisies you wear in your hair till they go brown.

You let your cigarette dangle from your thin lips,
That gritty sound you make when you form words.

Your eyes are always clouded with memories,
You wear those circular shades to hide from people.

You wipe the tears off of people’s faces,
Smile when theres nothing to smile about.

Your hands are tatted with henna, and you wear the shirt of a tie-dye spider.
All you eat is trail-mix of pistachios and sun-dried apples.

You ride in a Volkswagen with windows down to feel the breeze.
Your peace sign is like “the healer” to all pain.

You take a pull off hookah and a bite of shrooms just to chase away the madness.
You create your own reality.

When the rain falls down you fling your head back and yell to the world,
The face you make when you see animals.
He’s like an eagle, ready to sore through the sky and bring positivity.

Don’t ever tell me you’re not a hippie, because I’ve never seen anyone as unique as you.
 Oct 2015
Here’s to the girls that straighten their hair and hide behind the colored faces.
Here’s to the girls who dress to impress, but never get a look or a glare.
Here’s to the girls that cry at night and smile in the morning.
Here’s to the girls that skip dinner just so their jeans can fit.
Here’s to the girls whose wrist are covered in bracelets to hide the shame.
Here’s to the girls that sit in the corner and never say a word.
Here’s to the girls that rock to music they can relate to.
Here’s to the girls who are never understood.
Here’s to the girls that drug their selves away.
Here’s to the girls that sit on their backs and ask why.
Here’s to the girls who have nobody to wrap their arms around when times are rough.
Here’s to the girls that swear things will be okay.
Here’s to the girls that don’t believe in promises.
Here’s to the girls who tired, but couldn’t be here to read this.
 Oct 2015
I want to be a Disney Kid.
I want to swim the seven seas and fall magically in love,
Never grow up and fight the evil pirates.
I want to grant my wishes and soar on a magic flying carpet,
Marry a beast who lives wealthy and loves me for me.
I want to go into war for the sake of my ill father,
Dance at a ball and lose my glass slipper.
I want to wake up surrounded by miniatures dwarfs,
Be pricked by a spindle and kissed to be awakened.
I want to be a Native American, who falls in love with a man who sees me different,
Grow my hair till it touches the ground.
I want to kiss a frog and fall into a magical world,
Swing on vines while beating my chest, yelling the mighty call.
I want to grow my nose till I can’t tell a lie anymore,
Soar through the sky with my floppy big ears.
I want to fall into a hole to find another crazy dimension,
Be a black spotted dog with 101 puppies.
I want to land with my umbrella to interact with kids,
Eat spaghetti behind the garbage dumpsters with classical music.
I want to be best friends with a beagle,
Be a deer who meets all sorts of animals.
I want to be a pirate fighting on the Caribbean,
Eat honey all day till my tummy gets full.
I want to be the king and rule the jungle kingdom,
Be lost at sea and touch the ****.
I want to be a live toy and go on mischievous adventures,
Be a race car and drive the highways.
I want to be in New York and hang with the big dogs,
Fly in a house full of balloons.
I want to turn into a bear and see life differently,
Have a humpback and be treated so unfair.
I want to be Hercules and become powerful,
Become friends with a bear and boogie all down.
I want to scream to the world the sky is falling,
Become a cow on the range.
I want to be a pampered aristocat.
There are so many things I want to do and see in the eye of the magical fantasy.
I want to be a Disney kid.
 Oct 2015
There's a party around the block,
Where flamingos run and eggs fall from upstairs.
The roof is tumbling and the pool is overfilled with humans and animals,
There's a zebra and ten monkeys running through the house.
****** ******* is rising everywhere,
To the kitchen and the bathroom, to the backyard and the deck.
Balloons are scattered on the floor,
There's food fights in every room.
There's a car crashed into the wall,
People are running around in togas.
The music is blasting through the glass windows,
Everyone is jugging boos and sniffing toxins.
The bonfire is sparking with Barbie doll heads,
The smell of burning rubber spreads throughout the sky.
People are wild with horse masks on their heads,
They're fist pumping and thumping to the repeated beat.
Males and females are racing around **** in the halls,
Paint ***** and BB Guns are being fired on every window.
Glasses of broken bottles are lost in couches and beds,
People are swinging on chandeliers.
The walls start to buckle and shake,
Cops arrive but are being tazered with their own tazers.
The house is being tee-peed,
No one knows why the tub is on fire.
The music starts to get louder every second,
Tables and chairs are being thrown across the rooms.
There are piggy back rides on the front lawn,
Drug addicts are polluting the air with taboo smoke.
People are sliding down the stairway with helmets and pillows,
Many of the people are hung upside down unexpectedly.
Girls get dragged into the bedrooms,
Fights are happening here and there.
Some people are passed out anywhere,
Others are bungee jumping off the roof.
Furniture is left outside,
Lips are locking in the closet.
Fireworks are going off while people are dunking their heads in water,
Twerking is being done almost everywhere.
The house is a total wreck,
And the sun starts to rise over the horizon.

I don't know about you,
But this party was something new.
 Oct 2015
I shouldn't be swallowing the sweet sizzling pop beverage,
Why am I biting into a sweet glazed donut goodness?
I must not smack and crunch on the chips that ruffle in the bag,
Just couldn’t resist the creamy, sugary, ice cream that was left in the bowl.
I shouldn’t be dipping my food into the hot cheesiness,
I need to stop whipping the cream on everything I eat.
Why do I chew voraciously with meaty greasy devil burgers?
I can’t stop digging my fork into the rich flaky cake.
The days go by and I keep pulling out potato salt thin fries out the container,
Every day I grab a strip or two of thin, crunchy, meaty flavored bacon illness.
I need to reject the bad double cookies that fill my mouth,
Stop reaching for those greasy hard-shell tortilla tacos.
Need to resist the temptation of powder crisp doughy funnel cakes,
Stop licking my lips every time I savor a chewy sweet caramel chocolate bar.
Why can’t I stop grabbing handfuls of tiny fruity demon skittles?
I must back away from the calories, the gluten, the salt, the fat.

I need to stop eating junk.
 Oct 2015
Polka dotted up and down,
Polka dotted from head to toe.
Zigged and Zagged, swirled and twirled,
Every part of the dress is covered with polka dots.
From pink to green, yellow to blue,
The dots are perfectly spotted on every part.
Zipped up from the back, laced up frilly sleeves,
It twirls a parade when spinning around.
It's not right for the winter, not right for the fall,
But it fits just right when summer comes around.
It shows off your legs, it makes a V neck,
It catches your figure every point.
It acts like a parachute and works like a blanket,
It's your armor.
This cotton wear may be all that it is,
But never underestimate what a polka-dotted dress can do for a girl.
 Oct 2015
What i like about summer?
I love the warm sun beating on my skin,
The crisp air blowing through my hair.
I love how tan my skin gets,
How we pull the top down of the car and throw our hands back.
I love the cold drinks with the bendy straws,
The short shorts in all different colors.
I love how the cold water sparkles in the sunlight,
Our toes beneath the warm sand.
I love the long rides on bikes and motorcycles,
The water balloon fights and tag races.
I love eating sweet popsicles and Icrecream,
Eating it up so fast so it won't melt.
I love kicking back in the chair with the people i love,
Giggling and joking every second.
I love the big round sunglasses i wear,
The tank tops of all kind.
I just love summer and the fun it brings along.
This is what i like when i think of summer.
 Oct 2015
I'm so confused.
It's like I want to go left but my mind says go right.
It's hard to erase the memories that stay roaming in your head.
You just want to drop everything and just walk away and stay walking.
But you can't.
Something is holding you down telling you to stay.
You wish you can pause time and have a moment to chose what you want.
But that's impossible.
I can't take the pain that goes on in my heart anymore.
My life is like a bunch of building blocks.
You stack em' up once but they keep on falling.
I want the sorrow to go away.
I deny it but my mind knows I'm lying.
What do I do?
Never in my life I would of thought I'd be in this situation.
But I am.
I don't want to get hurt again.
The repeats are killing me.
What do I want?
I want to stop living this way.
It only makes me sadder and depressed.
I have to take a stand and do something.
I don't want exhibit A.
But it keeps coming back to haunt me and trick me.
I have exhibit B.
But it's so hard to manage it from so far.
I want to get rid of both.
I can't.
There's just so much stress on my hands.
I need to focus on the major things and put these two aside.
They manage to find their way back up here.
I don't have anymore tears to use.
Just pain.
I'm just so confused....
 Oct 2015
Funny how my friend and I are best friends,
How you and your friend are best friends.
Your friend dates my friend,
You date me.
You and your best friend are in the same advisory,
My friend and I are too.
Your best friend breaks up with my best friend.
We do too.
Isn't a coincidence?
How all four of us date,
Then break up.
Hilarious right?...
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