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 Feb 2018
Mystery Girl
I don't think you tried hard enough
Celebrating lonely nights
You could have had another
Random 2 hour conversation
If you had just picked up the phone
All you had to do was call
Talk to me
But you didn't
And all this is
Is back and forth
I don't believe your feelings
And I don't know my own
The world can watch all they want
You could shout from the mountains
And I still don't think I'd believe you
You'll probably always be another ****** bag
A little more than a little
And the fall in love part
I don't think happened
Don't know if it ever will
But good luck changing
Trying to be a man
A woman would be proud to love
You're probably going to need it
But so what if I'm stubborn
It makes me less likely to get hurt again
And all this back and forth
Ought to tell you
That you don't be me that well
So you can't tell me
You know what I feel
 Feb 2018
Mystery Girl
I called you because you didn't
Though you said you would
I was waiting
Happy as can be
Excited to talk to you again
Mad because you forgot
You forgot and didn't call
Had a drink instead
That hurt more than
Anything had in a whIle
I realized how ridiculous I was
To be your valentine
To let you in my heart in any way
Not that it matters anymore
Doesn't matter I thought
It could have been good for us
To have someone else
That I didn't care about
How messed up you were
It never mattered to me
All that mattered
Was the potential I saw in you
But it doesn't matter now
 Feb 2018
Mystery Girl
You're right
Apologies are too late
What makes you think
You can just cone back like this
I remember it alright
If I had it
It'd be smoldering ashes
I don't play around
You messed up
You lied
You don't love me
You don't treat someone you love
The way you treated me
I wish I had never found your poems
Never started reading
But not always
Just when I'm angry
And it's been a while
I almost forgot
Remembered you for a second
Tried to tell you I trended
Hot dog I trended
And I remembered
Being so excited to tell you
I was so ridiculous
You were just that guy
Who wrote me love poems
A long time ago
I used to want to say
**Hey. I miss you
 Feb 2018
Mystery Girl
A shot of Jack
Hint of death
Pinch of wrist cutting
Sprinkle of suicidal thoughts
Dash of anger too
You call it
The cocktail of chaos
Doesn't sound too good for you
But you say it's perfect for you
Even if you die in the end
But every life is valuable
You're alive for a reason
You say your reason died
A long time ago
But I believe you
Can do amazing things
Create beautiful art
With the words you speak
 Feb 2018
Mystery Girl
We are hope for others
To carry on
Taking their burdens
And making them our own
Holding their pain
So they don't feel it
Sharing the weight
Allowing them to be free
But buried beneath the weight
We struggle to stay alive
Always being beaten down
Cracking under the sheer pressure
We don't know how long
This will last
Our instincts tell us to fight
While our mentality says surrender
Grasp our hands
Let us be your hope
Bring us your burdens
We'll whisper to you
You're not alone
This was written as a collaboration with a very talented poet named Robert Guerrero. It turned out really well. Good job to us.

— The End —