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 May 2017
This world is so crazy,
I don't know what to do lately,
When the things I woud like to do and the things that I do are so diffrent,
I can't see any end,
I have so mixed up feelings about everything,
**** I want to change always stays the same,
People only see what they want to see,
Never looking through eyes of me,
Selfishly talking to me,
What they think I should be,
But if I won't listen to them,
Then I will end up alone in every way.
22. December 2016
 May 2017
I would like to sit down and cry,
Drowning in these feelings I can't make up my mind,
Why do I have to go through this when noone else does,
Why did you raise me in this hell,
shouting all the time,
Both of you should've reconsider having a second child,
when you weren't even able to take care of the other one,
You argued every night,
You shouted and attacked each other with knifes,
Hurting each other you shattered our past,
Destroyed everything that could last,
Now when I look back,
I have nothing to smile for,
Nothing I can remember I could hope for,
Everybody else has something,
Some nice memory of their childish dreams,
I have no imagination of how it feels,
To have a normal family,
Without this I will never be able to live happily,
The only redemption I could've,
Would be to create a new family,
Not failing my kids the way they used to fail me.
21. June 2016
 May 2017
I wish my life would've some better cause,
Drinking myself to death,
I don't really mind,
These pretty flowers going blind,
These silly voices lost in the crowd,
People singing 'bout life,
Drinking themselves to death,
We don't mind,
Maybe it's the human nature,
To waste all things we can find,
Trying to recreate them when they are gone,
I hope one day it will be fine,
So I can look back,
Tell my son that I'm proud,
Lay down in the field and close my eyes,
Hold the hands of my wife,
Before we say one last goodbye.
11. June 2016
 May 2017
I see the light,
I see the spark,
I see the passion to ignite,
The hatred towards our enemies,
The desire to see them bleed,
Gasmasks on so we can breath,
Silencing the ones that don't believe,
We've been hurt enough in the past,
You won't take away what's mine,
You can try but won't succeed,
Because life has taught me only one thing,
Not to give up on what you love,
Or rather die than to wander around.
9. June 2016
 May 2017
This headache it kills me,
Voices that will never leave me,
Wishin' I could take some pill,
Just like you did,
No happy end,
You choked on life just like me,
But you chose to forget,
Left what you wanted to keep,
Now standing alone crying,
In the cold rain where I can hide it,
Burried in the ground,
Under the stars where I couldn't find it,
You rest there, sleeping,
With your eyes closed, weeping,
That you didn't get the chance,
To live trough these nightmares to the happy end.
7. June 2016
 May 2017
There are thousands of pieces and memories lost,
From every dead body under it's cross,
For every little tear that did your daughter lost,
You should give her a necklase,
To remind her she's so close,
For every scream we had to hear,
For every night we wanted to dissapear,
If we would get a coin for each,
We would be rich,
And we could save ourselfs from that precious drinking *****.
18. May 2016
 May 2017
Without sleep life is blank,
You see all the people chasing noone,
They rush so they can wait and they wait so they can rush,
It's just a neverending circle of crap,
Who did create this society,
Was it a god?
Was it a human?
How can you throw me in there and expect me to obey,
How can you expect me to not say **** the system,
When I didn't even get a chance to escape from this hell.
18. May 2016
 May 2017
I ****** up again, didn't I?
The thing I fear the most arrives anytime,
Now I lost everything,
no I won't cry,
I will be a man and take the fight,
I'm sorry to everyone that I've ever hurt,
If you haven't met me it would be all good,
I know I will be the one burning in hell,
I'm sorry, I feel a little bit insane,
It's just the way I am,
It won't change anything but I wasn't like this from the start,
It's just the world that tore me apart,
The people,
The sorrow,
Regrets of what I will do tomorrow,
I feel like it would be best,
If I went away,
left everyone to rest,
So don't call the cops when I will lose my last fight,
Catching for the last breath, bleeding with noone aside,
I will be grateful if you will look away,
Remembering me the best way you can.
30. March 2016
 May 2017
It's funny that we know each other so well,
Yet we still have something new to share,
Never though I would end up this way,
You were always there for me,
The one that would always answer me,
Now I think I found the true meaning,
You look so cute when you're sleeping,
That smile you give me when I kiss you on the cheek,
Lay next to you and go back to sleep,
That's something I would never leave,
If I could I would keep you forever,
Your smile, your lips,
it all comes together,
It's just you my princess,
Nothing is more priceless,
Than the feeling I get when you make me forget,
The world we live in,
together we are singing,
Walking trough heaven and hell,
Holding hands,
what a beautiful day.
30. March 2016
 May 2017
Is there a reason behind this all?
Are we all puppets of this one mastermind?
I don't know why but I feel like you can show me the way,
I know right it's pretty ******* insane,
so I will wander around until you will save me,
drowning and kicking I will be,
so don't wait for too long baby,
I seek so much answers lately,
Are you too good for me?
Will you let me live with you happily?
I don't know, you answer me.
28. March 2016
 May 2017
Hey you're my best friend,
I won't give up on you till the end,
you're the smartest girl I've ever known,
so please don't do everything on your own,
there are some bad times and there are some good,
but I know you're gonna make it through,
even if I should get swallowed by the ground,
I will ******* help you reach that high,
because you would do that for me too,
you know that I'm telling the truth.
21. January 2016
 May 2017
I wrote a poem,
and she smiled,
I went away,
then she cryied,
wishing I was just a bit stronger,
I can't feel you next to me any longer,
what happened,
was it my fault,
that you broke my heart,
or did you know,
that it would stop,
you were my bottle & pills,
now I need to get my mind clear,
whishing I could just go back,
never created a place for you in my heart,
the way you're looking at me is not the same,
what happend,
this was supposed to have a happy end,
but it all ends up the same,
sure you're not the one to blame,
now holding the bottle & pills again,
look I think that's my grave,
would you throw some roses at me when I'm there,
so I could rest there with no shame?
guees not,
you never liked me anyway.
20. January 2016
 May 2017
It's always the same thing,
over and over again,
I could use some pills,
then fade away,
feelin' a bit empty,
when you're not the same,
there's just nothing left to say,
so I keep screaming,
looking in the dark,
hallucinating… dreaming…
with no place to hide,
only the strongest will survive,
others will give up on life,
because of this insane society,
then we end up feelin' we're not the ones that we used to be,
or even wanted to be,
now regretting every piece of it,
livin' life we were dictated,
not the one we wanted to live,
so in the end,
everything is lost,
you & me,
it all comes across,
I watch you as I'm slowly getting more and more lost...
18. January 2016
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