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 Jul 2018
I hope that I could be again,
The one guy that you love,
I hope that I can breathe again,
Next to your heart beating soft,
I hope that I can see again,
The little sparks in your eyes,
I hope that one day I will see you,
Whole dressed in white.
 Mar 2018
I’m sitting on a bench,
Holding a gun pointed to my head,
What would I leave here,
If i left now,
Would you miss me like you never do,
Would you kiss me like you never do,
Would you hold me as you always do,
Would I cry on your shoulder like the usual,
I mean it doesn’t matter,
My head, my mind it will shutter,
Until it finally cracks,
Leaving my scars to burst and me to bleed out.
 Aug 2017
I feel like I'm dying,
Like I'm being torn apart,
This feeling's the last thing that I remember,
My wounded heart,
I wish I could tell you,
Tell you how I love,
I wish you could see through these cursed eyes of mine,
I wish I was normal,
Not ****** up,
I wish I was better,
That I was enough,
But all you can see are the broken pieces of the past,
All of them shattered in my eyes,
You think they are golden,
But I know that they are the eyes of a mad man,
That I once was.
1. August 2017
 Jul 2017
I love you I think you knew,
When I look at you,
When I see the little sparks in your eyes,
I just want you to be forever mine,
It's just so hard to say it,
I worry you won't get it,
That I will scare you away,
Even tho I just want you to stay,
It's so hard to describe it,
When I look at you I think I found it,
The innocent smile you make,
The perfect blush you get,
I just can't stop falling in love with you,
I hope you see it the way I do,
After all you're my darling,
And I will love you till drowning,
I will push you to the dreams you have,
I will make you forget,
Everytime you've been hurt,
Because you gave me a reason to live,
And that's the truth.
3. July 2017
 Jun 2017
Today I've hit the rock bottom,
It all crashed down on my shoulders,
But in all the misery I felt,
I couldn't stop thinking about you,
I felt the urge to jump,
But you grabbed me so hard,
You wouldn't let me go,
So please can you stay?
Even when you're not here,
I can feel you hugging me,
I can see you watching over me,
I love you,
I think you should know,
If I died today, I wouldn't have the chance to let you know,
So I will survive another day,
Until you will hold me again,
Take all the pain away,
With your hands on me,
With your smile for me,
I want you forever with me.
3. June 2017
 May 2017
Am I adicted?
Could I be different?
I have seen so much **** through these eyes of mine,
So much pain I can never explain,
It's just too much to handle,
I'm suprised I'm still here,
Drinkin' and kickin',
Wish I was different,
Wish I knew how it feels,
To be a normal person in these years,
Guess I will never know,
How happiness tastes in this show,
Life is so overrated,
I feel like there's not much to be excited,
There's too much sorrow,
When you know,
All the things which are wrong,
I must've done something terrible,
In my previous life,
Because I don't know how did I deserve to live this life seeing the world through these cursed eyes.
27. May 2017
 May 2017
When the times are dark,
And you can't decide what's right,
Always remember that you will be forever in my heart,
That I will support you no matter the cost,
That I will be at your side even when the world will crash down,
That you're my little golden treasure,
That I won't let down.
25. May 2017
 May 2017
A simple smile can make you feel great,
A simple goodbye can make you feel so empty and dead,
Will you stand by me when these lights begin to fade?
Or will you run like the rest who left me in this pain?
I really can't tell,
The world is cruel,
You live only in memories,
When they die you die with them,
Noone will remember you were even here,
I don't believe that we will live again,
I think we are chasing the ghosts of ourselves,
The persons we would like to be,
The life we would like to live,
But all we do is dream,
Then we wake up,
And there is no-thing.
24. May 2017
 May 2017
I could use somebody who would hold me,
When I'm scared to be lonely,
Somebody who would call me,
When I'm thinking why should I be,
Someone who would give me the same love I give away,
I gave so much I don't have any left,
But still I don't live with regret,
I gave it to the people that needed it the most,
But now I could use somebody who would keep me this close.
24. May 2017
 May 2017
It always hurts just a little bit,
When they let me down again,
I'm not suprised nor will I pretend,
That I didn't see it coming,
My heart stumbles again and again,
I feel so numb from all this pain,
There were times when I would smile,
Because I was happy with my life,
Those times are long gone,
I have no faith in that I will make it through this night,
I've became such a pesimist,
That I can't see the world as it is.
24. May 2017
 May 2017
I could use a friend who would catch a bullet for me,
I could use a parent that wouldn't abandon me,
I could use all these things while I'm digging this grave,
They say they would **** me for the words I say,
But there's no way,
That I'm still alive after all this pain,
All these sorrows,
No bright tommorrows,
Would you miss me when I'm gone?
Would you cry for me with those beautiful eyes?
Would you tell me that you loved me all this time,
After I can't hear a thing?
After I die?
30. April 2017
 May 2017
And if I die it should not matter,
The words I wrote will speak for me after,
My voice is gone,
My skin torn apart,
Yet still I smile,
I can't breathe, there's no air,
Only selfish beasts,
Come to feast again,
So tear me apart,
Beat me till I can't feel the beat of my heart,
But all I see is her smile,
She's the angel of death,
And she came for me tonight.
20. April 2017
 May 2017
She's special to me,
She's all that I seek,
I don't know how to deal with it,
How to know if she sees me,
I want to let her know,
But I'm scared, what if I'm wrong
I hope that time deals with it all,
That I will get a sign,
That she's the one,
And that maybe she will accept me,
As who am I,
That she will see some future in the eyes of mine,
As I see in hers,
The eyes are so dark,
So full of life,
Hiding the truth that I have to find out,
I love her smile,
I love when she's around,
I guess I really love her,
I can't think of better life,
Than to be with her,
And her beautiful smile,
Until I'm gone.
1. April 2017
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