The words that hang in the air
Waiting to be said
Waiting to be uttered my lips
I type the three words
Every day
Every week
They hang there on the screen
That line pestering me
Mocking me as it beats there on my ****** phone's screen
Like my heart as it accelerates
As I stare at those black words
On the white screen
You sit there
Like a lazy old drag
On a winter's day
Your smoky silence whisking in the air
Polluting this heart
Soiling my skin
You sit there
You three words
Screaming at me
Pestering me
Muttering my pretence
Hearing every doubt in my heart
You, you three words
You chastise me
Your tantalising flames from that cigarette's blaze
My keyboard knows the words I wish to say
To you, but will I ever muster the courage to say:
'I miss you'