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 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
How to begin? ...
"We are Here!" - we all say this with absolute certainty, and it is without doubt the Truth...

When we begin to speak to one another without any certainty, going to fabricating "truths" with hisstory, lacking any real knowledge or irrefutable facts, imagination run amok, it begins to look like the wrong foot...
       And it sounds like Rabble Raucous Riots
Mumbling Music to all ears, those who hear what all there is to
Around here

Inside four walls and a low ceiling.
Under a short roof, the Chaos bounces quickly back from over our victories, it seems like we've gotten water on the mogwai.

Knowing now we are
Our own storms we make here / our sphere / three demensional
This circle.
What goes 'round, must come 'round.
(What are we to each other?)

Right should always be alright, all the time... There should be no suffering.

When once it was a perfect circle, knowing nothing about pain or Death
That fear made manifest
By nothing but a myopic view
Giving a word it's name,
And with each name - an existence.

So where to begin? Who is asking? Why then should it be?

Should we rather then "believe" like as though we were made
should it not be? How then did this all
come To Be?

We begin then with Here, a healthy mind full of heart filled questions felt
Little flash bulbs of
Star light / sprinkling the blind dark void.

And those questions, that are intimately belonging to us, those questions deserve only the truth.

I expect the same as what I give... And I bow to divinity while
I raise her up to / the sky and universe.
I your fellow *living proof

In these briefest of vast moments shared alongside you.

Let's begin with Life - the fury of God.
And with the Truth, the word of ...

The One And only  - (All for You).

*Life must Live / Ours must prove
 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
Can't remember

the last time I made love,

not the quick unarmored ***

gasping in a Friday night urgency,

tearing off clothes

with tiger-teeth and monkey-hands

no, making love:

like a gentle wash cycle

of lips on shoulder and nape,

simple looks of consenting thirst,

gorgeous shape of muscles

sifting into one another

glued in a slow, deliberate,

delicious dance

no conspiracy

no ulterior motive

but to know each and every niche

the highways of sweat and skin...

Can't recall exactly the date

of that last time

but I remember who

and I know how,

still remember those heavy eyes...

these searching hands between my legs

hot breath on my neck,

****--how that had made me melt:

considerate fingers playing deep blues

on my side, of my ribs,

rapacious thirst of oceans

dissolving into my august body

discovering sensitive spots to linger wet,

his mouth, I remember

pink caucasian  smoothness whispering

more & more my name - such authority on the kiss

As we become Las Vegas

bright lights & heat waves

hunger no longer an ache or crutch

I can't remember precisely

that last time I've been touched,

when my heart & soul felt

so much,

but I still can remember

the last time

with whom I made

This, like that

Oh! and How!

He had me

edit 6/4/2016
 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
Excitedly I say once,
"if love was a substance,
if only more than
some sort of word, more concrete
if only"

rather than heard
in song made wispy or absurd
instead bold in your face apparent

a freakshow, cirque du taste
such theatrics (once) those lips
the film noir of your thrilling face.

Undeniable you
unabashed like a growth
to the left
a mole on your kind skin
red lipstick puckering miss Monroe
eyes that ooze dreamy

How I always noticed you (once)
saying "Ooh look here, this is love"
pointing to that dot
but i know love is more than
a tiny tiny blemish (Marilyn's coy mole)

once a beauty marked me
with what was quick draw and newly raw
touch with much whirling
such were we
openly exposed to

Love : Effulgent

All things of wealth imbue
matters less now
than the absolute truth

golden glow not many know
what all we felt
suns, dawns, and throne

So wretchedly loudly
made so obvious / where we partook
if briefly donning heaven in our looks

hold on
my arms - keep hold
i say to what was once

love now as heavy as you're letting go

caustic as your doubts
as I remember saying
"look here -- once, this was love"
now just a gesture
where stands my shadow

as I regret
not informing you : "should of kept your eyes open
during the fall
should of kept honest is all..."

If only love to you
was of some real substance

beyond misty hours or
something like
the prose of rain to heartache
empty like open doorways of us before


once is now
no more.
 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
She says she wonders what's it is like.

She says she looks at the stars when she thinks about it,

And then I remember

                 I know this is a dream,

                  I know I am else where sleeping

I let it carry me ...

Trying to pay attention

here where it is mostly ghostly

wisps of emotions - wildly feeling,

the ocean within me now

It's connected to everything somehow...

                   and I can sense that all of this is a lesson

how lucky / how loved / I must be

for this gift -- given a peek

through the curtains... The shroud between...


Suddenly there is only blackness

                 The flash of loss and thunderous pain

As I find myself

Inside myself, in the blackness of nowhere

Yet / Of my own mind

                      (But there is no retaliation or karmic return

                       Of my earthly instead...)

I am shown what it must feel like

                        I can feel Time beginning to speed forward

                       And at that same instance - slowing down /backward

Splitting into :

            I am that moment in that moment

Stretching,  my very being, my existence

Slowing backward into the dark-before

Rushing forward feeling life / light / thinning

Years of mine of no consequence

Until I'm split in two

Snap! Clap!

A whistle...

             Now, I wake up

I did not get to see what else was beyond

but now I know

There is nothing (at all)

To fear

Of Death...

It is only a matter of time

Until we're split into...

*(Light and dust and supernovae- nebulae)
 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria

I heard it from Pookie

Who's real tight with Sookie

You know 'cuz

They're twins 'n all

And they're both from the neighborhood

When it all went down, guess they seen it too

Eyewitnesses times four

You know 'cuz

They two got a pair of blinkers

You know --peepers! Oculus instruments

You know ... These! (Wink wink hint hint)

Brown eyed, blue bright

Or "whatever you say Iris!"

She was the one with the twirly hair

And the swirly speech

Rollin' up on all of her

You know ... Gelatinous gelatina ****


Don't mess with this!

"Uh huh"

"Nah ah, oh no she didn't ..."

Throwing ghetto out her mouth

Talkin about. yo mama


(Pretty Hot & Tempting)

For a rotisserie or deep fried in Crisco...

And you know

If the chicken heads are plucky and loud

Clucking chis-miss rumors


How she did done killed her molester

"Down that poor dirt road"

"I can still hear the gospel sang,

the surrounding churches'

Southern love to be loud, wafting

With the breeze through the long grass

Walking, closer to home, a hush...

Back when we folk were shiny skinned

With sweat of Summers' Lovin

Or late night lullaby in' ...

Baby's lil babe

She said he couldn't fall to sleep

Until this Final one"

When it all went Smack!

Talking for no reason now

(Just wanna be heard)

Throwing shade in the hot shadows

Her hollering voice

Reciting not laws but what's right for sho'.

A weeping willow

A peacock

A desperate clarinet cry

Look here now ! Don't miss out !

And that was when Pookie & Sooky

Took home mama Mook,

Who's complaining like Chubacca

Furry as the Wookie

Drunk as the fish in Tequila Seas...

But whatever battle she took to words

In the shadow of

Bars brawls and loss of conscience,

Everyone here / neighbors hear

The hoods we're in

She said the clouds! in the sky

"They was the lot of them

throwing most heinous shade!"

And whatever

You took from that there blathering

Wagging tongues

Talking smack. (That's on you)...

In the dim domain of drank and diggitty

They carry the haunch away

Three shadow figures

one is itchin' at her arm...


Throwing Shade.
 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
A poet has to feel something.

If nothing else

With All things / passionately penned /

Since Many

          have claimed "it's All good"

The things that a poet

Tells / in tapestry / the heart's voice

Like the undulating

Ocean's majesty

The emotions / drips /

scribbled /


On Ethernet / digitized participles /

Note pad paper

Down to inadequate words

It is Written!

On a whim of joyous / pain

Whip it out ...

Something has to be emoted

Everything is  a la carte

So write


In the poetry of / someone /

Not no one's or none-yer / business

A somebody

Who has to feel / this / that

You are


*(better than nothing)
 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
Landscapes of sound,

Sometimes static   chaos conflicts

Galaxies colliding    

With striking colors beyond human eloquence

Yet to evolve  the emotions we flounder

Within (Without)    Love's

Auspicious spaces  

Sound bleeds and whirls

(Particles pixels portraits)

Beams and waves explodes and implodes

Emotions are similar

And if only these mannequin eyes

Could behold

The ocean of the cosmos

The wide might of infinity

Vast and never void

We would witness the unspoken words

The loud actions of benevolence

Rise above it

The emotions they avoid and drown in

The music is as miraculous as

Love feels....

                     Like wet landscapes of colorful

 Dec 2016
Butch Decatoria
Now that we are lungs of our own,
no longer governed by each other
or good-humored light,
angled to make us beautiful;
I leave, tightly grappled within,
as if still in genuflect
still spinning
inside our billowing confessions,
two bodies conquered by cool
curious, cunning damnation...

A friend,
in her venues of Valentines,
a countess of stones thrown
proffers me the hangman's colloquial
"You still feel him...?"
nodding, I recall
the contours & colors of love's collision
"You just keep feeling it,
however much you wish it stop.
Feel it--feel it all,
there's no prompt drug
to make it go away..."

She coddles my sloth of shoulders
with ginger wisdom of grandmothers.
Nodding, I give in
to the germinating futility...

I still remember him
blowing out the candles
at our small table
with our unfinished meal;
how we thatched anger-strangled hearts
with saffron sauces of exasperation...
each etching kiss
close to a divine cure,
each curve of our crude pose
for the appetite-impaired...

Each saline scurrying tear,
each lonely-wilderness of day,
I force a sort of Nut-*******'s strength
not to feel
that barrel-hollow loss
that gallery of Use-To-Be's

and my friend,
in her Carmen wisdom,
is surgeon savant
stitches me up,
I am less in swarms of his tangibility;
I breathe less of his fetch
I am slowly becoming
just a single prefix,

my own word and crutch
no matter how often I recall
the music of his touch
or all the colors  

we felt so much...
 Nov 2016
Butch Decatoria
Is Nothing a place ?

The person

No where's to hide


A Light

Because now nothing is


A Never's Been.

There is no fear

What the nightmares seen

Because Everything is

It just is

A profundity of brighter dreams

Light shines absolutely

Love is more

Some things are better than

Never's Been


 Nov 2016
Butch Decatoria
A Revelation unto me

Speaking feeling into words

Within me saying

Without doubt or fear


"At your mortal sunset
       Your immortal star rises"

"In demensions of spirit and light
       Rules all the realm"

"A-new dawn is also there,
       In the dark opposite-sides"

"Two are One and the same
       Two eyes One cosmic mind"

"The birth of your love,
       A Light come to Life!"

--Spirit of All that is You...
 Nov 2016
Butch Decatoria
In all dreams
there is a bright fondness of things
from our memories,
and those whom we love

Light to light and in kind
the dreaming heart will follow

spirit full and souls
with all that once was and will be
whom we are now with later

Every life as One
cosmic dreaming tree,
stars sparkling
with in deep infinite's
of sleep

not death no breath
but just like revisiting

a house or an embrace
of first loves / a home

All the times / together
a quiet place called

where & when & whom
we all get to know
"cheers to recollections"

To the masterpiece
of every brushstroke

that is where all
                             our dreams must go...
 Nov 2016
Butch Decatoria
Days have ventured by
but nevertheless captious
opinionated as a castrated casuist
numb but brain-ready over-drive
constant thickened thoughts
for the next fix...

Whatever city you befriend
whatever your home,
boulevard far or closer Strip
or Suburbia ever-green
she is easy to find
anyone looking
a dirge in their eyes...

As much as one
would like to disappear
with sniffing silence that comes
when the nose itches white wishes
or lungs
burn to breathe

Days will drag on
insect insidiously
all the while, she waits
to enliven Saturday night conversations
becomes geode-gibberish
from a tunnel of a dollar bill
a straw
she knows / she stands in
whatever city you befriend
whatever your home
she speaks your dry tongue
a language that weeps

She is very forgiving:
the space between numb
& living.
Written in 2008
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