I say to you,
I grow in your garden
as you grow in mine.
I grant order and chaos,
no move is yet to play out.
I am All,
all in All....
beginning ending,
beginnings endings.
in this non-creation,
between blurred lines.
It is there as Humankind you stand..
Male and Female,
galaxy amid galaxy.
I give you azure for pleasure,
darkness abides in good measure
beyond this world waits great treasure.
The service I ask of you is short lived and simple..
Love, love yourself, love one another, .. just love.
I am not away on business
as some would suggest,
I have not forsaken
any of my Creation.
I am always moving in,
always moving out..
forever turning on,
forever turning off.
It starts and it ends and it starts again to end again,
Impotence amid Omnipotence, a Mystery never to be solved,
always to live and to die moment by moment.
I am beyond your Imagination,
you dwell in my imagination..
in my image you have your Being.
You will never stand alone,
you are always a part of this dance
in the endless stream of much more.
I carry you
gentley through
soft currents
as well as rocky rapids.
My words to you
do not dwell in a book,
They are alive and bring life.
You were born to create this day,
this Day, the only thing new
under the sun..
Your freedom of will leaves you
to create evil as well as good,
your choice yet not your choice
being forged out of my choice.
There is no light at the end of the tunnel,
you are the Light passing through the tunnel.
You have forgotten who you are,
who you were, who you will be.
Fret not... I come to remind you of the abundance
that is at your fingertips. To help you to turn away
from the notion of scarcity. All you need, you have..
All you will ever need you already have.. you will it to be
At times not knowingly. I am here to move you towards clarity.
You can end the fight bleeding and on the ground
or just not get in the ring... your choice yet again.
Free will is just that..
it is not without consequence.
Ignorance of Universal law is no excuse,
the domino being pushed they tumble into a future which is here
along side the past, only the moment... infinite.