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 Apr 2016
Jose Rodriguez
As the alley ends I see a sign
The neon glow of "WhAt It Is"
bright enough to trap an eye
brick walls and weeds on a street
holes in a fence and trash at my feet
alien graffiti I can somehow read
This city it bleeds this city it needs
I get to the doors I open them up
men dressed as shapes just living it up
"where are the nuestions" I say through my teeth
each one of their necks snapped towards me
they smoothly slide across the room
"picking bones is for dogs the beef ends with you"
I left and I felt followed
 Mar 2016
Jose Rodriguez
The creatures of this city dump their trash in to the streets
I walk the ally slowly peeling gunk off of my feet
A six eyed giant asks me "child what do you seek?"
At first I think of running but his eyes take turns to blink
"I seek that which makes my life worth a ****, I think"
"If it's something of that value, nuestions surely grabbed it"
"Don't they understand that it's mine so I should have it?"
"Nothing is yours until you go through hell to earn it"
"It is a part of me and I have done plenty to deserve it"
 Mar 2016
Jose Rodriguez
Vendors plague the city buses
Selling knock off fuzzywuzes
Push my way off at my stop
Harassed by one more cop
Is an ID really worth a ****?
When I just don't know who I am
"Here is a ticket sir enjoy your day"
"Great", I dip in to an allyway
 Feb 2016
Jose Rodriguez
The nuestions planted a forest of fear
I fed the forest fire like a feast for vikings
My path made clear by embers of passion
I entered the streets of tiperytao
 Feb 2016
Jose Rodriguez
Long trips totally call for trail mix
But I'll take those tater tots and trix
Too bad the TV is back in Amcher town
Bagged burritos aren't my thing
But those brownies bring a zing
Chocolate covered Double dipped deep fried sugar glazed gooey ooey cheesy crust cut off with chips on the side and an extra large party family size bucket of bubble packed extra half and half double shot caramel frappucola
And then the main course
 Feb 2016
Jose Rodriguez
Terrorizing twists and turns
Sickness in my stomach stirs
Hands massaging  heads that hurt
The scream of every nuestion burns
Head in hell and hell is low
Hopes are high it goes to show
I know the the things I'll never know
 Feb 2016
Jose Rodriguez
A warm day in Amcher
On the sweet and sunny side of the world
Still people find a way to be sad
The wonderful walls stay warm
Still it seems they slide closer and closer
All is well when I wait with my fuzzywuz
Until the nuestions came and took it
 Feb 2016
Jose Rodriguez
The wonger wolves were wise
No match for my marble maracas
Sure they stood still as a sting snake
Quit stalling I have one question
Can a catacolumn create craterflies?
And as all amazing dreams do
It faded as I jumped into my consciousness

— The End —