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 Dec 2013
Christian Danner
So alluring
To much beauty
These are the things that I see

Second guessing
Wishful thinking
Guarded heart
Pieces missing
If only reflections could speak

Blue tides
Gold rays
Soft sands
Better days
I'd lay forever on your beach

Like cracked vases
Twisted locks
Tarnished cases
Sudden stops
Your imperfections make you perfect to me
 Dec 2013
Christian Danner
If the moon is drawn to the earth
Than what's it really worth
Since the ocean is the world's source of life

The waves kiss the shore
Leave and return for more
While the moon grows angry at the tide

She whispers out hello
Follows in shadows
Dizzy from the whole turn about

He will never know
The earth is so shallow
He would be so much worse off without
 Dec 2013
Christian Danner
It's sunny when my eyes are open
Yet it storms while I'm sleeping
Their smoke blends into the air daily
It puts me in a haze and dazes me for days on end
This hazed daze must effect them, sadly, maybe that's their intent
But don't subject me to this evil world you've created
Though these nightmares may have, manipulated your every dream
Inception can be dangerous so don't plaster me the creature you hate
Rather realize I'm sacrificing life
For these images you paint
Yes I'm the wind
I keep the breeze going when things
get too hot
These man made substitutes will break
And be discarded like sheet rock
So dont close your windows and hide yourself from your own fog
if you move on, you move on.

No matter how hard.

And that's life
And you keep fighting
I'll fight for my dreams and my visions
For a world with out your smog and misconception
Where these wrong words thought of rightly
And injust actions performed justly
Are no more
Where my solidarity is only recognized  through my laughter
And my pain is only recognized by my flesh
Where I can hold hands with my sons and daughters
And I can look my father in the eyes,
And he'll knows I past his tests
 Dec 2013
Christian Danner
When did society make its change
Around the time the good gave up the reins  
Before the egotistical corrupted its veins
And the storm even had a chance to break
That was our downfall
Ease and lax living became the dream for many
But lax living is simply  contradictory 
Life has no ease, only moments of liberation
Moments that if you contemplated them
You can grow
But no one likes change if it's not planned
Growth they can't contain 
It's like an earthquake that does more than shakes
It rumbles, it breaks
Not to destroy but to make way for growth
Stability is an illusion that dates back to the old
It's not true 
The best way to control change is to adapt
Catch the wave and ride it through
Waves aren't stable 
You have to be willing to drown in the process
If your not you'll be left swimming in the ocean
And you will drown in the process
Again this is where we went wrong
We don't catch the wave
We doggy paddle in shark infested waters while the rich and prosperous ride strong 
If you want change then you must catch the wave and ride on
You must observe your surroundings while readying for the storm
Then embrace it
You cannot fear change, you cannot hate it 
You must let it mold you into a person wiser than you were yesterday
And then aim to do it progressively
Do not let yourself get blinded by the golden glare of life and living 
Rather learn from the bad, wallow in the better, and live a life worth living
 Dec 2013
Christian Danner
He asked me for my forgiveness, and I told him he has it. When I was 12 he asked me for my friendship, and I told him it was his. I didn't understand at that time that I was a maverick, nor did I understand that a parent should be more than just friends with their kids. It was another copout. Another way for him to escape the mistakes that his ***** compelled him to make. Thoughts from his smaller head became a disease, murdering the instincts of his larger. One that destroyed his mind and made fair to dawn unto him the status of brain dead. In my childish state I accepted this, not knowing I would have to mature on my own, neglecting the advice of my mother because it came in an aggressive tone, neither understanding that it was my new friends fault that the women I loved and my sole protector was tarnished, dented, and mocked. Used as a semi-sentimental locket, only to be pulled out and loved when he didn't feel love himself. Now I'm 20 years old and he's still in my life. You would think I would have made him take the immediate stage right when he told me he was having another child. No, it was not with my mother. He had lost his locket years prior allowing me to stumble upon it and realize it was never his in the first place. Rather it was mine to protect and polish. This new child was still family though, the blood that races through me and the features of my father that I wish weren't to be were also to be in him. I needed to act. In the years to come I realized it may not have all been my fathers fault. He knew not his father and was forced to live life stumbling around as a lost soul in the misty haze of confusion. Sort of like me but neglected to a further degree. So I took the responsibility to help father this fatherless father in hopes that one day he may become the father I knew he could be. So my brother could have a father instead of a friend and my friend could have a family instead photographs of faces he'd once seen, that only reminded him of the resentment and angst that he'd caused in the souls of those wandering with him in the misty haze of confusion.

— The End —