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 Feb 2023
Mohd Arshad
I have a fresh rose in my pockets,
But I still smell you, my darling!
 Jan 2023
Francie Lynch
I wish she were on my mind,
But she's not. She's in it,
And has full possession.

I've lost my mind;
I'm beside myself;
I'm next to an idiot!

She has my mind in her hands,
And I have time on mine.

She takes all mine. My time.
But I don't mind spending time,
And gladly giving all of mine,
If she would only mind me.
Mine me.

(There is treasure to be had)
 Jan 2023
Amanda Shelton
Throttled through time on the
tip of a whip I am hurdled
into existence.

In a flash of lightning and
sound that vibrated the strings
of reality I became an echo.

In darkness I am the breath of
light that brings you to life.

In light I am the void that
devours all thing’s.

I am also a seed ready to be
hydrated and fed so I can become
a blooming beauty.

The idea of me is purpose.

To be!

©️ 2023 By Amanda Shelton
 Jan 2023
Carlo C Gomez
I know your glow
it moves on tracks
of never-ending light

illumine, my dear glimmer

an ornament of love
spiraling along
flightpaths to each other

one maybe a failure in flickers

yet another a successful sparkle
drifted down gently as snow
about the tactile lanterns
of your hands and face

My life, she said, is so akin
To a twisted, knotted piece of yarn
Tied around an unknown object
Hanging from a broken limb
Blown by whirling, dusty wind
That never ever makes a sound.
I'm on a roll !!  Here's  #5 for today. Hey - f the "bad Gateway" is finally open, I'm comin' through full steam ahead.
She stands before the bathroom mirror
Creating several different faces
Tryng to find the one that doesn’t
Make her look so tired and old.

Some of them make her look ill
A couple more look silly.
The one she finally settles on:
A wan and disappointed smile -

Accepted as least ugly of the bunch
It’s not the face she’d hoped to wear
In this the Autumn of her life.
She expected some small trace
Of former beauty to remain.

She tried to make a little sparkle
To liven up her somber eyes
And find the muscle in her cheek
That lifts her lips into a grin.

A sorry rictus of despair
Was all that effort brought her
So she gave up and threw the switch
And slipped away in darkness
I remember seeing my mother standing in front of the mirror trying different ways of smiling and holding her face.;She wasn't happy about growing older. Hey...neither am I.
 Oct 2022
Customs. Blind beliefs and fears.
Pride and rage. False idols.
Beating drums. Grand parades.
Sisyphus and Midas.

Ideologies abound
Left and right, north and south
Day to day the sun will rise
Moonlight shines through passing clouds
Rain and rainbows pause, delay
'What' and 'Why' are cast about

'Why' and 'When' and 'Where'
- I know not - nor do you
Who prevails today, and then,
Tomorrow, what falls through

If souls live on, past reaper's call
Or must abide by Earthly bounds
One answer, only, may be known
- 'How' you go about it counts!
 Oct 2022
Francie Lynch
So many things happened
So many years ago.
You hitch-hiked to have tea with Mammy;
But not me.

You scaled the Mount to succeed;
Without me.

We slid the Fiat into a Rambler,
Before your big night.
The front got bent out of shape,
But we still went,
Drinking whiskey from the bottle.
Nothing stopped us. We couldn't bother.

We stayed at Sean's,
Or various friends,
At Inns, or canvas tents;
All were means to our ends.

It was fifty years ago...
Half a century of years;
Decades of joyous laughter,
With many unanswered tears.
 Aug 2022
All of us Americans ─

a tilted cowboy hat in a black & white photo
quoif, scarf, pins and a sprung natural look
flowered, dresses below the knees, short sleeve shirts
old clothes, flashy new and coal dust overalls
rouge color on pale cheeks below sad clay gaze
beards, no beards, eyebrows that come and go
smiles, leers, frowns, cheers, questioning mouths
kissed & kiss-less lips, painted, puckered, pouting
first picture, last, in-between, life and love
lonely portraits, family gatherings, couples cling
eyes peer at future viewers, wells into a soul
wallpaper thin stares, opaque glints at eternities
bursting happy faces radiating morning's first light
left right, left right profiles, marching off a stool
chair, log, fence, tree, minutes after mile markers
in a long chain of humanity migrating into frames
captured moments of agony and ecstasy flagged
absent red, white, blue in our film noir, still life, body

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